
时间:2023-08-15 05:22:42编辑:奇事君


从2个中文译本来看,王佐良的译文在语言风格上颇与原文契合,与莎士比亚同时代的培根使用的英语具有半文半白的特征,王译以同样半文半白的汉语来翻译,徐徐品评之际兰西斯•培根(Francis Bacon)是英国17世纪著名思想家、政治家和经验主义哲学家,他那简短精悍的小品文与义理精深的哲学著作一样闻名于世,《论美》(Of Beauty)是其代表作之一,它语言简洁、内涵深刻、充满哲理。
Judging from the two Chinese translations in the translation, language style, zuoliang fit with the original quite on the contemporary with Shakespeare used English has BanWenBanBai Bacon, in the same WangYi characteristics Of BanWenBanBai Chinese to translation, slowly the sith somtinmes Francis Bacon (Syria, Bacon) is a famous British 17th century thinker, politicians and empiric philosophers, his brief the profound philosophical essays are with the philosophical works is famous for the same on Beauty, Beauty "(Of) is one Of his masterpiece, it in simple language, deep intension, full Of philosophy.

From the original ideological content and style and see

“雅、庄重并使译文具有正式文体的韵味。而曹明伦先生更多采用现代词汇,如“假如”,“而且”,“仍然”等,与王佐良Of Beauty”是英国著名哲学家、文学家培根的说理散文。
"Elegant, grave and to make the translation has formal style lasting appeal. And Mr. CaoMingLun adopts modern vocabulary, such as more" if "and" but ", "still" etc, and Beauty "Of British zuoliang famous philosophers, astronomers bacon reasons things out the prose.

This paper education, learning kind of belonging to this text, therefore words of formal, rigorous is.

This article on the bacon, dapper beauty of concise language expression by vivid the comprehension of beauty.

其语言属于早期现代英语, 其措辞和句法与当代英语有所不同,如:文言词err的使用,动词第三人称加th: hath,maketh。
Its language belongs to the early modern English, its words and syntax and contemporary English vary, such as the use of words: wen err, "third person" hath, add th: maketh.

These vocabulary and syntax features a quaint gives the original colors.

从题材上看, 原文属于教育、学习一类的论述型语篇。
Look from subject education, learning, the original belongs to this kind of discourse.

This kind of theme discourse appropriate USES grave, formal language.

在句法方面, 原文运用了许多比喻和对偶的句式,如 A。。。。
In the syntax, the original metaphor and use A lot of sentence, such as A dual...

These vocabulary and syntax characteristic reflects the original officially, grave and elegant style characteristics.

Two comparison of the translation and style

1 文体内容的对等性
1 style content equivalent of the sex

Since the theory of formal beauty belongs to the sexual prose, Mr. Wang zuoliang satire of literal translation main chose to make the translation methods, because literal translation more faithful to the original version, can manifest the original grave rigorous language style.

Mr. CaoMingLun is more USES is free translation, make the version straightaway.

Meanwhile Mr. Wang zuoliang by Chinese translation of writings inclassical style again.

In the process of translation, there are many words, such as ", is ", "also", "cover" and "then" etc, the classical Chinese vocabulary refining, compared the term Mr Slightly procrastination ignored the original grave formal language style.

Through the comparison of the translated translation can be seen Mr. Wang zuoliang, speech patterns dapper JianZhi deep, make the original content and form accurately reproduce, have really realized according to the original, cut the elegance of tone as if, like, style of.

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2. 语言措辞方面
2. The language of rhetoric

Wang zuoliang without extra superfluous words, reflect the original language style concise.

Instead, Mr CaoMingLun terms in concise, more procrastination in stark contrast degree than Mr. Wang zuoliang translations of inferior.

3. The comparison rhetoric

原文:And therefore they prove accomplished,but riot of great spirit;
Text: And you created to riot. Pretty, survival of related;

and study rather behavior,than virtue.
And jack's behavior, than of.

Wang zuoliang translation: so handsome have just without ambition. Newly without heavy DE.

CaoMingLun translation: so much of the democratic world body without spiritual nobility perfect bloom, notice more without notice its virtue.

In the process of translation in Mr. Wang zuoliang adopted dual rhetoric gimmick, make sentence symmetric and neatly, the ideographic concise, rich rhythm, and easy to read. Rhyming two-syllable memory.

But Mr CaoMingLun embodied not out these translation side


Finally, through the contrast with Mr CaoMingLun translation.

From four aspects of Mr. Wang zuoliang roughly analysed the translation of the theory of some characteristics of beauty.

Mr. Wang zuoliang translations of wording refining, sentence is consistent, making choices.fluent description. Reproduced the original language style and special


Translation in form and content with the characteristics of the original, can be called both appearance. The excellent work.

Wang zuoliang translation is the evidence of translation theory, namely "the translation as far as possible, when necessary, literal translation; any good translation is always the combination of the translation and literal translation";

"Everything according to the original, composed of such as, depth, the tone of the genre, such as"



Abstract: The energy use of mankinds will enter a new era. Fuel cells are considered as the first choice of an effective electric-power generating technology for the 21st Century. Within the next 30 years, fuel cells will become decentralized power station, with scales between kilowatts and megawatts, to mainly provide electricity to houses, office buildings, hospitals, commercial districts, and neighborhoods; and to develop into large scale power stations as the center of power generating to replace the current thermal power stations, and to develop into centralized fuel cell and steam turbine technology to form a combined recyclic power-generating technology. There has never been another technology received such favorable consideration in the world. Fule cells are said to be the fourth form of electric power after thermal, hydro, and nuclear powers - it's a star of hope for electric power in the Twenty-frist Century! This paper mainly describes the concepts, features, and categories of fuel cells, introduces the working mechanism of fuel cells, and analyzes the research and the most recent developmental trends of fuel cell technology in China and other developed countries.

Keywords: Clean energy, fuel cell, power-generating facility, applications, development.







Pay reagent luminosity follows the investigation and discussion abstract determining ammonia nitrogen influencing factor: The ammonia nitrogen there exists Yu Shui Zhong in form with free ammonia or ammonium salt. The method determining the ammonia nitrogen has generally pay than color law , the gas appearance molecule absorb law , electrode law etc. Mrs.Pay reagent handle characteristics such as simple and convenient , keen than color law has. The main body of a book is accepted bringing forward use reagent luminosity follows common problem and solution determining the ammonia nitrogen.


Keywords: Pay reagent luminosity law; Ammonia nitrogen; Influencing factor



1. Power Switch
Function is on / off controller working power source.
2. Amplitude modulator
Is used to control the waveform duty cycle to regulate its function is within a certain range to change the vibration amplitude plating on the plating speed from micro-adjustment feature.
3. Velocity regulator
Waveform is used to control the frequency of adjustment, the main function is to adjust speed plating.
4. Insurance Block
10A - Output DC insurance seat, when the overcurrent protection for the components used.
5. 6 terminals
Input for the power supply, while the output control signals to the vibration plate machine.
6. Wiring diagram of the external terminals 6 Figure (D).

五. Instructions
1. Ensure that the vibration plate machine power input line is correct, the normal power supply, reliable, vibration plate fixed to the scaffold;
2. For the first time use, should be amplitude and velocity regulator scale are transferred 0.
3. POWER pull the power switch to the ON state.
4. With adjustable speed and amplitude adjustment potentiometer, so that plating velocity in the setting / best condition for continuous vibration plate.
Note: in the regulation of speed and amplitude adjustment potentiometer, the first edge of the potentiometer a small black body, (called "lock potentiometer settings" button), counter-clockwise to set the drawing state, before they can be carried out on the potentiometer setting and regulation. Adjust to normal, we should "lock potentiometer settings" button in a clockwise direction pulling the lock to ensure that it does not out technical errors, otherwise set the parameters of the drift due to the quality of products would be adversely influence, and in severe damage to the machine so that vibration plate.
5. Shutdown / or stop the vibration plate when the POWER dial directly to the power switch to the OFF position, cut off the power supply controller can be.

六. Fault Detection
1. No vibration, and the power switch POWER indicator light does not shine.
Approach: Are there any power supply; DC fuse is blown.
2. No vibration, but the power switch POWER indicator light.
3. Approach: 1) Check the scale of the amplitude modulator is greater than 4.
2) Check the e-board, components, and whether there is loose wiring, broken.
3) Check the output control signal cable is open circuit.
Other matters: Please refer to the narrative part of mechanical vibration plate machine

7. Notes
1. The controller is strictly prohibited without customs of electricity allocated among the various contact socket;
2. Potentiometer is prohibited under the late unlocking adjustment potentiometer;
3. Abnormal failure can not be excluded, it shall promptly notify the professional staff carry out maintenance operations.

Figure D 6 terminal wiring diagram
五. Instructions
1. Ensure that the vibration plate machine power input line is correct, the normal power supply, reliable, vibration plate fixed to the scaffold;
2. For the first time use, should be amplitude and velocity regulator scale are transferred 0.
3. POWER pull the power switch to the ON state.
4. With adjustable speed and amplitude adjustment potentiometer, so that plating velocity in the setting / best condition for continuous vibration plate.
Note: in the regulation of speed and amplitude adjustment potentiometer, the first edge of the potentiometer a small black body, (called "lock potentiometer settings" button), counter-clockwise to set the drawing state, before they can be carried out on the potentiometer setting and regulation. Adjust to normal, we should "lock potentiometer settings" button in a clockwise direction pulling the lock to ensure that it does not out technical errors, otherwise set the parameters of the drift due to the quality of products would be adversely influence, and in severe damage to the machine so that vibration plate.
5. Shutdown / or stop the vibration plate when the POWER dial directly to the power switch to the OFF position, cut off the power supply controller can be.

六. Fault Detection
1. No vibration, and the power switch POWER indicator light does not shine.
Approach: Are there any power supply; DC fuse is blown.
2. No vibration, but the power switch POWER indicator light.
3. Approach: 1) Check the scale of the amplitude modulator is greater than 4.
2) Check the e-board, components, and whether there is loose wiring, broken.
3) Check the output control signal cable is open circuit.
Other matters: Please refer to the narrative part of mechanical vibration plate machine

7. Notes
1. The controller is strictly prohibited without customs of electricity allocated among the various contact socket;
2. Potentiometer is prohibited under the late unlocking adjustment potentiometer;
3. Abnormal failure can not be excluded, it shall promptly notify the professional staff carry out maintenance operations.


如果按照正常的翻译,这段话应该翻译为:西瓜菠萝皮草莓我不知道楼主你翻译这段话有什么用,不过如果你翻译的话建议你下载一个翻译软件比较好,比如我一直在用的手机翻译软件 语音翻译器,这样就不用了害怕翻译问题了。拓展资料翻译器的使用步骤2:打开后选择的语音翻译模式,当然你如果喜欢使用文本翻译模式,也可以根据自己的爱好进行选择。3:选择语种,源语种可以选择中文,目标语种我们选择英语。选择英语的好处在于它的适用范围广,即使对方不是英国人也会懂几句英语。4:进行翻译,点击中文按钮,开始说话,录音完成后点击完成按钮,开始进入翻译页面5:翻译结果会以文字和语音两种形式出现,如果你喜欢语音播放,你可以点击文本框中的喇叭,进行重复播放。6:中英互译,点击左边的英文按钮,可以进行英语对中文的自由翻译。7:文本框编辑,点击文本框会出现多种编辑方式,比如收藏、复制、粘贴、上传、全屏展示等等,你可以自由选择。8:收藏夹,点击收藏夹,你可以在左上角的设置按钮中找到收藏夹按钮,在里面对自己收藏的文本进行各种编辑。


"您知道多么聪明有些动物是, “他说。“我发现了雄鸡在捉住的窃贼上是好。我们借用客栈所有者的雄鸡”。
Mike在桌上采取了一个大黑罐并且把它放颠倒。然后他投入了雄鸡在它之下。“在我关闭光之后, “他说, “您必须逐个过来和接触罐的底部与您的右手的。 当窃贼如此,雄鸡将打鸣”。
The其他不知道他们是否应该相信他。 他们逐个去通过在黑暗的桌,未曾做噪声的雄鸡。
"我害怕它是浪费时间, “弗雷德说光什么时候翻回了。
"我不是肯定的它是, “麦克说。然后他要求大家显示他的右手。他看每只手反之,然后采取了弗雷德的手并且说, “弗雷德,给金钱回到杰克”。
"您一定犯了错误。 雄鸡未曾打鸣! 我未窃取金钱, “弗雷德说。
Mike告诉弗雷德看所有其他手。“他们是全部染黑除了你的。 能您解释您为什么不敢接触罐,弗雷德?”













