汤圆 英文

时间:2025-02-12 17:12:20编辑:奇事君


Tangyuan, also known as "Tangtuan" and "Fuyuanzi", is one of the representative traditional snacks of the Han nationality. At the same time, it is also the most characteristic food of the Lantern Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, which also expresses the yearning and expectation of the ancient people for a happy life.Tangyuan was first called "Fuyuanzi" and later "Tangyuan", also known as Yuanxiao. "Tangyuan" is made of sesame, bean paste, walnut, nut and jujube paste. It is wrapped in a round shape with glutinous rice powder. It can be both meat and vegetable with different flavors. Soup can be boiled, fried, steamed food, reunion happy meaning.汤圆,别称“汤团”“浮元子”,是汉族传统小吃的代表之一。同时,也是中国的传统节日元宵节所最具有特色的食物,也表达了古代人民对幸福生活的一种向往和期盼。汤圆最早叫“浮元子”后称“汤圆”,又称元宵;“汤圆”以芝麻、豆沙、核桃仁、果仁、枣泥等为馅料,用糯米粉包成圆形,可荤可素,风味各异。可汤煮、油炸、蒸食,有团圆美满之意。汤圆由来据传,汤圆起源于宋朝。当时的明州(现浙江省宁波市)所兴起的一种新奇食品,即用黑芝麻、猪板油做馅、加入少许白糖,外面用糯米粉搓成圆形,煮熟后,吃起来香甜软糯,回味无穷。同时,汤圆象征合家团圆美满,吃汤圆也意味着在新的一年里合家幸福、团团圆圆,所以是正月十五元宵节必备美食。


汤圆英文Tangyuan。介绍:1、中国北方称之为元宵,南方称之为汤圆。In northern China, they are called yuanxiao while in southern part they're named tangyuan. 2、汤圆,别称“汤团”“浮元子”,是汉族传统小吃的代表之一。Tangyuan, also known as "tangtuan" and "fuyuanzi", is one of the representatives of traditional snacks of the Han nationality.3、汤圆是中国的传统节日元宵节所最具有特色的食物。Tangyuan is the most characteristic food of the Chinese Traditional Festival Lantern Festival.4、汤圆表达了古代人民对幸福生活的一种向往和期盼。Tangyuan expresses the ancient people's yearning and expectation for a happy life.5、汤圆起源于宋朝。Tangyuan originated in the Song Dynasty.

