
时间:2025-02-08 22:09:16编辑:奇事君

Groove Coverage的简介

Groove Coverage,中文译为舞动精灵王族,是德国新晋乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。自2006年一首在网络上颇为受欢迎的英文舞曲God Is A Girl红遍全国各地。该舞曲幕后团体、来自德国的二人电子舞曲组合成为了继黑眼豆豆后,又一支在华拥有巨大影响力的舞曲组合。
乐队从成立至今,共三易主唱。 首席主唱(女): 据Youtube人称,乐队成立之初主唱是 “Mell”.,1981年4月8号出生. 后来MELL怀孕(2000年---2001年),暂时退出乐队. 第二位主唱(女):神秘女歌手,据网友称是个模特,不知道什么原因很快离开了乐队.她只演唱 了Moonlight Shadow 的MTV版和LIVE版就离开了乐队.官网和网络上查不到任何有关她的消息. 第三位主唱(女):神秘女歌手离开后,乐队又找到了18岁的Verena代替,1984年5月14日出生于纽博格. 2004年之后,Mell休产假归来复出,继续做乐队组合主唱至今. Verena离开,去向不明了. DJ及创作:DJ Novus。原名Markus Schaffarzyk。1976年11月7日出生. Mell Mell和DJ NOVUS神秘女歌手神秘女歌手Verena

groove coverage 英文介绍

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

Groove Coverage is a German Euro-trance band. The Groove Coverage project consists of Axel Konrad, DJ Novus, Mell (lead singer), and Verena (former stage performer, occasional singer). The band has had hits around the world, especially in Germany, and have had radio play in North America, especially with the song Poison. They have produced popular remixes of several songs, including "Love is an Angel" by Sylver, "Come With Me" by Special D, and "Ass Up!" by Baracuda.

So far, there have been three official albums in Germany, Covergirl (2002), 7 Years and 50 Days (2004) and 21st Century (2006), and a Best Of album (2005). There was also a special Canadian SPG Music release entitled Groove Coverage, which includes their greatest hits in Canada. In the USA, they have an album called Groove Coverage: Greatest Hits.

Several of the band's songs have have been cover versions, and those were the songs that boosted their popularity. Examples include "Moonlight Shadow", originally by Mike Oldfield, and their cover of Alice Cooper's "Poison".

The third album, named 21st Century was released on July the 7th, 2006. Three singles were released before the album itself, namely "Holy Virgin", an English cover-version of the song "Fata Mana", originally performed by the Austrian Group Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung in 1986, "On The Radio", a cover of "Mann im Mond" by Die Prinzen, and "21st Century Digital Girl" based on the song "21st Century (Digital Boy)" by Bad Religion. Before the release of the first single, another Groove Coverage-track named "On the Radio" was leaked to inter file sharing platforms in several different versions. This song sounds nothing like the single itself; apparently this was an attempt to hinder file sharing of the actual single by "poisoning" the neorks with a different song of the same name. Fittingly, the decoy track appears on the album under the title of "Let it Be".


国内普遍认可的“舞动精灵乐团”是根据Groove Coverage的曲风特征而命名的,而实际上在英文里,“groove”的解释是“ 沟;槽;(车)辙;(唱片)纹(道)”,而“coverage”的意思是“覆盖”,如果直译过来,“Groove Coverage”应该是“唱片凹槽覆盖者”,即“唱片终结者”。 —— 从中不难看出G.C将他们希望在音乐上超越和覆盖以前优秀唱片的锐气和雄心寄予在了乐队命名上。God Is A Girl、She、Far Away From Home已被GC粉丝称为本乐队的三大经典神曲。


Groove Coverage 舞动精灵乐团是德国2001年创立的乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。God Is A Girl(上帝是女孩)就是Groove Coverage的经典作品之一。另外,在中国颇为受欢迎的歌曲还有:Far Away From Home,Moonlight Shadow ,She,On The Radio等。2010年休整期过后代表作品有:Innocent、Angeline、Riot On the Dancefloor 等。

