
时间:2025-02-08 04:29:19编辑:奇事君


  炫耀,从语境而言,你是否能够用英语表达出正确的来呢?下面就由我为大家带来炫耀英语短语表达,希望大家能有所收获。   炫耀英语短语   炫耀 show off   炫耀 show up   炫耀 show off one's talent   炫耀 prick up oneself   炫耀 cut a wide swath   炫耀 trot out   炫耀 cut it fat   炫耀 flash it away   炫耀力量flaunt one's strength   炫耀自己 play the peacock ;   自我炫耀 self-display   求偶炫耀 Courtship Display ; courtship display   为了炫耀 for show   炫耀它 Flaunt It   敢炫耀 Dare show off   炫耀英语单词   peacock   parade   panache   splurge   swank   sport   spore   flamboyance   display   flaunt   炫耀英语短句   flaunt one's riches;   炫耀财富   flaunt one's strength;   炫耀力量   parade one's learning;   炫耀学问   I do not like to make a show of myself before strangers.   我不喜欢在陌生人面前炫耀自己。   炫耀英语例句   1. They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.   他们爱炫耀,几乎对每种情况都添油加醋。   2. Those who suffer from narcissi *** bee self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.   被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。   3. He boasts of dodging military service by feigning illness.   他炫耀自己通过装病来逃避服兵役。   4. He got up to strut his stuff on the dance-floor.   他起身到舞池里炫耀自己的舞技。   5. Jack showed off his latest squeeze at the weekend.   周末杰克炫耀了一番自己新交的女朋友。   6. Other women seemed content and even exhibited their bellies with pride.   其他女人似乎很满足,甚至还骄傲地炫耀她们的肚腩。   7. They drove around in Rolls-Royces, openly flaunting their wealth.   他们开着劳斯莱斯到处转悠,公开炫耀他们的财富。   8. We remember our mother's stern instructions not to boast.   我们谨记母亲不许我们在人前炫耀的严厉教诲。   9. There was a touch of triumphali *** about the occasion.   这一活动有一点炫耀胜利的意味。   10. He was a typical showman with a brashness bordering on arrogance.   他是一个典型的好炫耀者,有一种近乎傲慢的自负。   11. There is little to show for the two years of hard slog.   两年的埋头苦干却没有获得什么值得炫耀的结果。   12. They have no weaponry to speak of.   他们没有什么武器值得炫耀。   13. All right, there'sno need to show off.   好了,没必要炫耀。   14. There was no swank in Martin.   马丁从不炫耀自己。   15. Naomi was showing off her engagement ring.   娜奥米正在炫耀她的订婚戒指。   炫耀双语例句   我突然停住,唯恐他会认为我是在炫耀。   I stopped suddenly in case he should think that I was showing off.   她炫耀自己的新衣服。   She flaunts her new clothes.   她撅嘴炫耀她的新口红。   She pouted to show off her new lipstick.   他不是一个爱炫耀自己成就的人。   He is not one to parade his achievements.   那名棒球选手向他的朋友炫耀他的奖杯。   The player of baseball is parading his cup to his friend.   这次演习为的是炫耀武力。   The exercise was intended as a show of force.   他是在炫耀他对他妻子的影响力。   He was making a parade of the influence he possessed over his wife.   那时候拥有缝纫机简直是可以炫耀的资本。   Owning a sewing machine was a ostentatious display.   而且他喜欢外出炫耀他的新衣服。   And he liked to go out to show off his new clothes. 看过炫耀英语短语表达的人还:


炫耀用英语表示:show off 拓展:炫耀,是指为了吸引别人的注意并展示自己的成就、财富或者能力而进行的一种行为。虽然炫耀在某种程度上可以满足个人的虚荣心,但是过度的炫耀却容易引发他人的反感和厌烦。因此,在展现自己的成就时,我们需要适度控制,不要让自己的言行过于张扬。首先,炫耀的最大风险就在于引起他人的反感。如果我们过度强调自己的成功和成就,不断刻意去展示自己的能力和财富,可能会引起别人的嫉妒和恶意,这样反而会对自己产生不利影响。因此,在炫耀自己的时候,我们应该有节制,不要过于自我吹嘘和炫耀。其次,即便是有很好的成就和财富,也需要谦虚和理智。一味的炫耀只会让人家觉得你不可亲,与此形成的反差,更反衬出自己的愚钝与无知。我们应该学会尊重他人,不要过于夸耀自己,要保持谦逊、平和的态度,才能获得他人的尊重与信任。最后,则是要学会分享,而非炫耀。当我们在分享自己的想法、经验或者成就时,可以从自己积极的角度出发,把重点放在共同利益上,让别人能够从中得到启发和收益。当我们分享成功经验,采取开放、真诚的交流方式,不仅能够让别人更加认可自己,而且能够与他人携手前行。


reveal英 [rɪˈviːl] 美 [rɪˈviːl] v.揭示;显示;透露;显出;露出;展示。The report revealed a great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency.报道大量揭示了官僚体制的无能。The full enormity of the crime has not yet been revealed.这一罪行的严重性还没有充分揭示出来。He reveals his true character to very few people.他没有向什么人显露过他的真实性格。The report was a device used to hide rather than reveal problems.这份报告不是揭露问题而是为掩盖问题而耍的花招。


展示的英文:exhibition。读音:英[ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn]、美[ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn]。释义:n. 展览,显示;展览会;展览品。变形:复数exhibitions。exhibition造句。1、An unknown painter is holding an exhibition in the city.一个不知名的画家正在这个城市举办画展。2、What the young man had done before turned out to be an exhibition of hypocrisy.这位年轻人之前的做法被证明是虚伪的表现。3、The champion of this skill exhibition contest will be announced tonight.本次技能展示大赛的冠军将于今晚揭晓。

