
时间:2025-02-04 08:17:45编辑:奇事君


北京是中国的首都用英语这样说:Beijing is the capital of China.重点词汇:1、北京 Beijing ; Peking ; sales reps2、首都 capital ; metropolitan例句:北京是中国的首都,它是一座非常美丽的城市。Which is the capital of china, is a very beautiful city. 短语:capital construction 基本建设capital city 首都provincial capital 省会registered capital 注册资本;登记资本额capital fund 资本基金private capital 私人资本capital flow 资本流动;资金流量


北京的英文写作Beijing。北京(Beijing),简称“京”,古称燕京、北平,是中华人民共和国的首都、直辖市、国家中心城市、超大城市,国务院批复确定的中国政治中心、文化中心、国际交往中心、科技创新中心。截至2020年,全市下辖16个区,总面积16410.54平方千米。据第七次人口普查数据,截至2020年11月1日零时,北京市常住人口为21893095人。地势地貌:北京市山区面积10200平方千米,约占总面积的62%,平原区面积为6200平方千米,约占总面积的38%。北京的地形西北高,东南低。北京市平均海拔43.5米。北京平原的海拔高度在20~60米,山地一般海拔1000~1500米。北京西部为西山属太行山脉;北部和东北部为军都山属燕山山脉。最高的山峰为京西门头沟区的东灵山,海拔2303米。最低的地面为通州区东南边界。以上内容参考 百度百科—北京


北京:Beijing; Peking,地名一般按音译,城市的英文都是我们中文的拼音; 除首字母大写其他小写,中间没有空格.但少数民族地名(如呼和浩特)一般有自己固定的英文单词。 扩展资料   北京是中国的政治和文化中心。   Beijing is the political and cultural centre of China.   经协商,新一轮的预备会谈将在北京举行。   It was agreed that another round of preliminary talks would be held in Peking   北京最热闹的.商业区是王府井大街一带。   The busiest shopping district in Beijing is around Wangfujing Street.   我们对北京的居住条件作了一次调查。   We carried out a survey of the living conditions in Beijing.   美国客人昨天下午抵达北京。   The American visitors arrived in Beijing yesterday afternoon.


北京英文介绍如下:As the capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing is located in northern China, close to Tianjin Municipality and partially surrounded by Hebei Province. 作为中华人民共和国首都,北京位于中国北方,靠近天津市,部分被河北省包围。The city covers an area of more than 16,410 square kilometers (6336 square miles) and has a population of 14.93 million people.该市面积超过16410平方公里(6336平方英里),人口1493万。Beijing is a city with four distinct seasons. Its best is late spring and autumn. 北京是一个四季分明的城市,它最好的季节是晚春和晚秋。But autumn is taken as the golden tourist season of the year since there is sometimes in the spring of recent years, a yellow wind. We suggest tourists visit Beijing during the months of May, September, and October when people can enjoy bright sunshine and blue skies. 但秋天被视为一年中的黄金旅游季节,因为近年来春天有时会刮黄风。我们建议游客在5月、9月和10月访问北京,那时人们可以享受明亮的阳光和蔚蓝的天空。五月份有大量的国际级演出。An abundance of international class performances are presented in May. If you like winter, you will have other chances to appreciate another landscape of Beijing. After skiing in Beihai and viewing the snowy sights on West Hill, enjoying the steaming hotpot is the best choice, which is really the fun of tour in Beijing. 如果你喜欢冬天,你将有其他机会欣赏北京的另一道风景。在北海滑雪后,在西山观赏雪景后,享用热气腾腾的火锅是最佳选择,这真是北京之旅的乐趣所在。Please keep warm and remember to bring your down garments and sweaters when you visit Beijing in the winter.冬天来北京时,请保暖,记得带上羽绒服和毛衣。How can one city boast so many phenomenal places? Beijing's long and illustrious history started some 500,000 years ago. 一个城市怎么能拥有这么多惊人的地方?北京悠久而辉煌的历史始于50万年前。It is here that the ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, Peking men, lived in caves. 现代智人的祖先北京人就是在这里居住的。Records show that Beijing has been an inhabited city for more than three thousand years and has endured invasions by warlords and foreign powers, devastating fires, the rise and fall of powerful imperial dynasties and has emerged each time as a strong and vibrant city. 记录显示,北京作为一座有人居住的城市已有三千多年的历史,经历了军阀和外国列强的入侵、毁灭性的大火、强大帝国王朝的兴衰,每次都成为一座强大而充满活力的城市。For more than 800 years, Beijing was a capital city - from the Yuan Dynasty (1271 - 1368) to the Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing (1644 - 1911) dynasties. 从元朝(1271-1368)到明朝(1368-1644)和清朝(1644-1911),北京作为首都已有800多年的历史。Thirty-four emperors have lived and ruled the nation in Beijing and it has been an important trading city from its earliest days.三十四位皇帝曾在北京生活和统治过这个国家,从最早的时候起,北京就是一个重要的贸易城市。

