
时间:2025-02-03 12:46:13编辑:奇事君


英 [læmp]     美 [læmp]  lamp  n. 灯;台灯;油灯;光源。The lamp was set on my desk for me to study at night.台灯放在我的书桌上,好让我晚上可以学习。lamp的固定搭配:1、standard lamp 落地灯2、tiny lamp 体积小的灯3、wasting lamp 费油的灯4、weak lamp 暗淡的灯5、bicycle lamp 自行车灯5、counter lamp 计数器信号灯


lamp的读音是:英[l?mp]。lamp的读音是:英[l?mp]。lamp的词语用法是n.(名词)lamp的意思是“灯”,指照明或做其他用途的发光的器具,是可数名词。lamp【近义词】beacon。一、详尽释义点此查看lamp的详细内容n.(名词)灯,油灯,酒精灯,发热灯,灯泡,电灯泡,灯火照射器,射线照射器电子管,灯管明灯天体基于Linux,Apache,MySQL和PHP的开放资源网络开发平台照明器灯头灯座,灯台思想的指导 ,智慧的源泉,精神力量的来源v.(动词)照,照亮发亮看,看到打量某人或某物二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]灯 an apparatus, especially a movable one, for giving light, using oil, gas, or electricity三、词典解释1.灯Alamp is a light that works by using electricity or by burning oil or gas.e.g. She switched on the bedsidelamp...她打开床头灯。e.g. In the evenings we eat by the light of an oillamp.晚上我们便在一盏油灯下吃饭。2.(尤指治疗或美容用的)发热灯,照射灯Alamp is an electrical device which produces a special type of light or heat, used especially in medical or beauty treatment.e.g. ...a sunlamp.太阳灯e.g. ...the use of infra-red lamps.红外线灯的使用四、例句The lamp hung over the table.那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。The lamp was set on my desk for me to study at night.台灯放在我的书桌上,好让我晚上可以学习。In our village, electric light has taken the place of oil lamp.在我们村庄,电灯已经取代了油灯。The flower was clearly outlined in the light of the lamp.花朵在阳光下清晰地显现出轮廓。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)He positioned the lamp in the middle of the table.他把灯放在桌子中央。He quenched the lamp and then went out.他熄了灯,然后出了门。Raise the overturned lamp.扶起倒了的灯。This lamp was successfully produced after repeated studies and experiments.这种灯是经过反复研究和试验制成的。The lamp lit up the room.灯把房间照亮了。He overturned the lamp.他把灯打翻了。Looking through the mist,I could make out the figure of a woman standing under the street lamp.透过薄雾,我能看到路灯下站着一个女人的身影。The lamp illuminated the room.灯照亮了房间。The lamp gives very little light.灯光很暗。Having fed kerosene into the lamp, he lit it up.他给灯灌上煤油后,点着了灯。The two brothers went fifty-fifty on a replacement for the broken lamp.这两个兄弟平摊了更换破旧灯的费用。He dimmed the wall lamp in the room.他把房间壁灯拨暗。Will this lamp light up if I connect the battery?如果我接上电池,这灯会不会亮?He blew the oil lamp out.他把油灯吹灭了。People used to burn an oil lamp to get light.从前人们点油灯照明。Half the oil in the lamp had been burnt away .灯里的油已燃了一半。A large lamp lighted the room.一盏大灯照亮了房间。The blame of the accident attached to the boy who put out the street lamps.事故的责任在熄灭路灯的那个男孩身上。The garden was illuminated by hundreds of small lamps.数百个小灯泡照亮了花园。A lot of electric lamps illuminated the stage.许多盏灯照着舞台。The magistrates are allowed to burn house down while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps.只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~blow out a lamp吹灭灯hand on the lamp把知识的火把传给后代,推动文化的进步hang a lamp挂一盏灯light a lamp点灯move the lamp把灯移动一下need a lamp需要一盏灯pass on the lamp把知识的火把传给后代,推动文化的进步put out a lamp熄灯shade a lamp把灯遮起来turn down a lamp旋小灯光turn off a lamp关灯turn on a lamp开灯turn up a lamp旋大灯光形容词+~better lamp好一点的灯electric lamp电灯standard lamp落地灯tiny lamp体积小的灯wasting lamp费油的灯weak lamp暗淡的灯名词+~bicycle lamp自行车灯counter lamp计数器信号灯desk lamp台灯floor lamp〈美〉落地灯oil lamp(煤)油灯reading lamp供阅读用的台灯safety lamp安全灯street lamp街灯student lamp〈美〉(可以调节亮度的)书写台灯sun lamp(紫外线)太阳灯table lamp台灯wall lamp壁灯~+介词lamp for reading阅读时照明用的灯lamps of Heaven发亮的天体(包括日月星辰等)七、词语用法n.(名词)lamp的意思是“灯”,指照明或做其他用途的发光的器具,是可数名词。lamp的相关近义词beacon、flare、floodlight、torchlamp的相关临近词lampoon、laminate、lamps、Lampa、Lampl、Lampi、Lampe、Lampo、Lampel、Lampar、Lampis、Lampka点此查看更多关于lamp的详细信息


lamp的意思是灯、灯泡、电子管等。lamp的释义:1、n.灯;理疗用灯;照射仪;灵感的源泉。2、v.照明;照亮;灯下捕猎;击;打;发光。lamp的短语搭配:1、a lamp:电灯泡。2、are lamp:备用灯泡。3、blast lamp,blow lamp:喷灯,气炬。4、desk lamp;table lamp:桌灯。5、fish lamp;fishing lamp:双鱼灯。6、switch lamp fog lamp:雾灯开关灯。7、desk lamp;table lamp;reading lamp:台灯。8、a kerosene lamp:一盏煤油灯。9、accumulating lamp:聚光灯。10、accumulator lamp:蓄电池灯。11、acetylene lamp:电石气灯,矿灯。12、acknowledgement lamp:确认指示灯。13、admiral lamp:将官灯。14、advertising lamp:广告灯。15、age of lamp:灯塔纪。lamp的例句:1、She tore it open and carried it to the lamp.她拆开来拿到灯旁去看。2、The lamp shed soft light on the desk.台灯柔和的光线照射在桌面上。3、The lamp post has a slight tip to the west.灯杆稍微有点向西歪。4、The two bull's-eye lamps are also provided.还备有两个圆窗小灯。5、Many of the lamps were already extinguished.许多路灯已经熄灭。6、Ina reaches up and turn on the bed lamp.艾娜一伸手扭亮了床灯。7、Nancy looked at her hand on the lamp chimney.南希看看自己摸着灯罩的手。8、Arc lamps require a current-limiting ballast.弧光灯需要一个限流镇流器。9、On the table was set a hurricane lamp.桌子上放着一盏防风灯。10、The lamp was disposed on a table nearby.灯安放在附近的桌上。


作名词时意思是“灯;照射器”,作及物动词时意思是“照亮”,作不及物动词时意思是“发亮”短语搭配:fluorescent lamp 荧光灯;日光灯;萤光灯;荧光灯管。lamp holder 灯架;灯头;管帽。floor lamp 落地灯;坠地灯;座地灯;地灯。双语例句:1、The lamp is full of gaseous nitrogen.灯里充满了气体氮。2、The lamp needs a 100-watt bulb.那盏灯需要100瓦的灯泡。3、He ran against a lamp post in the dark.在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。4、The lamp hung over the table.那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。

