
时间:2025-02-02 12:43:11编辑:奇事君


port,作名词时意思是“港口,口岸;(计算机的)端口;左舷;舱门”,作及物动词时意思是“持(枪);左转舵”,作不及物动词时意思是“转向左舷”。短语搭配:PORT ELIZABETH伊丽莎白港 ; 伊莉莎白港 ; 伊莉沙白港 ; 伊利莎白港Port Moody满地宝 ; 穆迪港 ; 慕迪港Port Wine波特酒 ;[食品]葡萄酒 ; 波酒 ; 钵酒 双语例句:1、The port of this player.这个玩家使用的端口。2、Every day, we sail nearer to one port or another.每一天,我们都朝着一个或另一个海港航行。3、You may choose either one as port of shipment. It makes no difference to us.你可以选择其中一个做为运输港口,对于我们来说没有区别。4、The former fishing village has now become an important port.过去的渔村现已成为重要港口。


porter的意思是门房。双语例句:1、The night porter examined the papers carefully and opened the door.夜班门卫仔细地检查了证件以后把门打开了。2、The hotel porter trotted over and got the rich man's luggage.酒店的行李员飞快地小跑过来为这个富人拿行李。3、In this case,the porter will be responsible for recording the incident.在这种情况下,卧铺车厢列车员会负责记录事情经过。4、The porter opened the door for me and then called a taxi.门厅服务员为我开了门并帮我叫了一辆出租车。5、Mr.Porter was subjected to a degrading strip search.波特先生受到了有辱人格的脱衣搜身。6、Our taxi pulled up at Old Delhi station and a porter sprinted to the door.我们的出租车停在老德里车站,一个搬运工疾步跑向车门。7、The porter expects a gratuity.那个搬运工想要小费。


porter: [ˈpɔːtə(r)] n.搬运工人;门房;门卫;(尤指火车站、机场或旅馆)行李员,搬运工;(医院里护送病人的)护工;列车服务员复数: porters例句:1.In the same time, the life of porter presented different characteristics due to different economic conditions in different period. 同时,搬运工人的社会生活也受到了不同时期社会经济状况的影响,并呈现出不同的特点。2.She was worrying about how to carry her baggage when a porter came. 她正愁着怎么拿行李,恰巧来了个搬运工人。3.She tipped the porter a dollar. 她给了行李工一元的小费。4.A porter relieved her of the three large cases. 一个行李搬运工替她扛了3个大包。5.He never went to Father Porter for confession again. 他再也没有向波特神甫作过告解。


port: [pɔːt] n.港口城市;港市;口岸;港口;避风港;波尔图葡萄酒(葡萄牙产);一杯波尔图葡萄酒;(船、飞机等的)左舷;(输出或输入)端口vt.移植(软件)复数: ports例句:1.Jinhui, a creamcoloured Pomeranian, was buried alive and left for dead in 2018 in the South Korean port city of Busan. 2018年,一只名叫金辉(音译)的奶油色博美犬在韩国港口城市釜山被活埋,差点死掉。2.Crimea's selfdefense forces stormed the Ukrainian navy base in the Black Sea port of Sevastopol Wednesday. 周三,克里米亚民兵突袭了位于黑海港口城市塞瓦斯托波尔的乌克兰海军基地。3.We left port and headed for the open sea. 我们离开港口,向外海驶去。4.They reached port at last. 他们终于抵达港口。5.Rockets and shells continued to hit the battered port. 火箭和炮弹继续袭击已遭受重创的港口。6.We stopped for the night in Port Augusta. 我们中途在奥古斯塔港停留过夜。

