
时间:2025-02-01 17:33:33编辑:奇事君


driver的意思:n.驱动程序;司机;驾驶员;驾车者driver的发音:美 [ˈdraɪvər] 英 [ˈdraɪvə(r)]例句:1.The front-desk personnel asks the guest for a driver's license and form of payment.前台服务员请顾客出示驾照并询问其付款方式。2.He said that the scientists would be proceeding cautiously, just a driver would with the first production model of a new car.他说,科学家应该谨慎前行,就像司机在试验一款新型号汽车。3.If I don't, the "system" insists on using a VESA driver and a window manager that don't work - yes I've filed a bug.如果我不这样做,“系统”坚持使用VESA驱动和一个不能正常工作的窗口管理器——是的,我已经提出了一个错误。


意思是开车。drive作名词时意思为驱车旅行、驾车路程,传动装置,驱动器,作动词时意思为开车、(机动车)被驾驶。过去式:drove、过去分词:driven、现在分词:driving、第三人称单数:drives、复数:drives。例句:1、My drive was taken by someone else.我的私人车道被别人占了。2、Driving after drinking is illegal.酒后驾车是犯法行为。3、The excessive burden of life is driving me crazy.过重的生活负担快要把我逼疯了。4、She drives a red sports car.她开一辆红色跑车5、His wife stays home to drive the children to school in the carpool.他太太留在家里拼车送孩子们上学。


driver的意思是:n. 驾驶员;驱动程序;起子;传动器。n. (Driver)人名;(德)德里弗;(英)德赖弗。短语搭配:device driver 驱动程序 ; [计] 设备驱动程序 ; 设备驱动 ; 驱动程式。Bus Driver 巴士驾驶员 ; 公车司机 ; [计] 总线驱动器 ; 公共汽车司机。词语用法:n.(名词)1、driver是可数名词,基本意思是“驾驶员”“司机”“赶车者”“马车夫”,引申还可表示“驱赶人或动物的人”。2、“见习汽车司机”,英式英语用a learner driver,美式英语用a student driver。3、driver还可指高尔夫球的“球棒”。


意思n.驱动程序;司机;驾驶员;驾车者读音请点击输入图片描述例句He said that the scientists would be proceeding cautiously, just a driver would with the first production model of a new car.他说,科学家应该谨慎前行,就像司机在试验一款新型号汽车。What would happen to the license of a driver who was involved in an accident and did not stop to help persons who were inured?如果一个人在交通事故发生后未能停下来帮助受伤的人,他的驾照会怎样?其他表达方式请点击输入图片描述

