
时间:2025-02-01 10:08:32编辑:奇事君


这题我会!procedure是一个医学术语,指的是身体内部的某种自然过程或事件,例如医学手术的步骤或程序的流程。而process则更侧重于描述一个持续的、逐步进行的流程或程序,例如生产、制造或思考的过程。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~接下来让我们看下“procedure”和“process”的其他区别: 范围和规模: procedure通常指一个特定的、有限的步骤或流程,例如医院中的某个手术或实验室中的某个实验。 process则更具有普遍性,可以描述更大规模、更长期的进程或过程,例如社会变革、经济发展或气候变化等。 例句:The doctor went through the standard procedure of administering anesthesia before starting the surgery.(医生在开始手术前按照标准程序实施麻醉。)The factory has a continuous improvement process in place to optimize production efficiency and quality.(工厂建立了持续改进的程序,以优化生产效率和产品质量。)2. 方法和手段: procedure通常涉及到具体的操作、工具、设备或方法,以实现特定的目标。 process则更侧重于描述一种方法、策略或机制,以实现一系列的行动或事件。 例句:The doctor followed a precise surgical procedure to ensure the patient's safety during the operation.(医生遵循精确的手术步骤,以确保病人在手术期间的安全。)The factory uses automated processes to reduce errors and improve production efficiency.(工厂采用自动化的程序来减少错误和提高生产效率。)3. 时间和时间: procedure通常指一个短暂的、一次性的步骤或流程,例如看医生、填写表格等。 process则通常是一个较长时间的、逐步进行的流程或程序,例如季节变化、植物生长等。 例句:The doctor quickly performed the surgical procedure on the patient.(医生迅速地对病人进行了手术。)The plant grows through a gradual process of photosynthesis and nutrient absorption.(植物通过光合作用和养分吸收的渐进过程生长。)4. 控制和灵活性: procedure通常是一个预定的、标准化的步骤或流程,强调按照规定的程序执行。 process则通常具有一定的灵活性,可以在执行过程中根据需要进行调整和改进。 例句:The company has a standardized procedure for processing orders, which ensures efficiency and consistency.(公司有一个标准化的订单处理程序,以确保效率和一致性。)The manufacturing process involves various stages, including raw material selection, production planning and quality control.(制造过程包括多个阶段,如原材料选择、生产计划和质量控总之,procedure和process在含义、范围和规模以及方法和手段方面存在差异。在具体应用中,需要根据所需表达的含义和所涉及的范围和规模选择适当的词汇来传达清晰的信息。


  introduce的时态变化形式也是英语里面的考察点,而introduce的过去式和过去分词的变化形式是一样的。下面是我为你整理的introduce的过去式和过去分词相关资料,希望大家喜欢!   introduce的过去式和过去分词   过去式: introduced   过去分词: introduced   adj.[医]引种的,引进的;   v.提出( introduce的过去式和过去分词 ); 介绍; 引进; 作为…的开头   introduced造句   1. He introduced radio to the school to increase the children's awareness.   他在学校开通广播,以提高孩子们的警觉性。   2. In 1971, the 1p and 2p decimal coins were introduced in Britain.   英国于1971年开始使用十进制的1便士和2便士硬币。   3. The British government introduced a watered-down version of the proposals.   英国政府针对这些提议提出了另一较缓和的版本。   4. She showed me round and introduced me to everybody.   她领着我四处看了看,将我介绍给每个人。   5. Someone introduced us and I sat next to him.   有人给我们作了介绍,我挨着他坐下了。   6. The National Collegiate Athletic Association introduced drug testing in the mid-1980s.   美国大学体育联合会在20世纪80年代中期开始实行药物检测。   7. The Government has introduced a number of other money-saving moves.   政府已经采取了其他一些省钱的举措。   8. The system we introduced in 1980 has been a great improvement.   我们1980年引进的系统有了很大改进。   9. A speed limit of 30 mph was introduced in built-up areas.   在建筑密集区域,车速限制为每小时30英里。   10. At the next stop the man got off too and introduced himself.   那个男人在下一站也下了车并作了自我介绍。   introduce的常见句型   用作动词   用作及物动词   S+~+ n./pron.   Permit me to introduce myself.   请允许我自我介绍。   Let me introduce him. This is Mr. Turner, our American friend.   让我介绍一下,这是我们的美国朋友特纳先生。   It's my great pleasure to introduce tonight's speaker,Professor Lewis.   我很荣幸地介绍今晚的主讲人,刘易斯教授。   用作宾补动词   S+~+ n./pron. +as n.   He introduced Mary as his daughter.   他介绍说玛丽是他女儿。   Kaplan introduced him as the government officer.   加普兰介绍他是政府官员。


produced英[prə'dju:st] 美[prə'djust] 。例句1.In addition our company can produce according to different user requirements specification hardboard.另外我公司可根据户要求生产不同规格硬质纤维板。2.The Gibbs free energy and critical reduction temperature of vacuum silicothermic reduction producing metallic strontium were calculated and analyzed by thermodynamics.摘 要: 方法计算并分析真空硅法炼锶的反应自由能和临界还原温度。3.The results indicated that the polyhydrate binding material can produce higher binding strength under lower dosage compared with the ordinary cement, so it is applied to cement total gold tailings.结果表明,高单浆料与泥相比具有量少、试块早期强度高的特点,适于矿全尾胶结。4.Some physico-chemistry properties of ultrafine zinc dust produced by the process of melting vapourizing shock-cooling of metallic zinc are measured.属锌加熔化、蒸发、骤冷工艺制备超细锌粉,对产品的部分理化性能进行了测试。5.British printer and typographer. He produced a notable edition of Virgil in 1757 and designed the typeface that bears his name.英国的印刷和排字工人,他在1757年制作了一本著名的维吉尔诗集,并设计了版面,上面还有他的名字。6.The man used magic to produce six rabbits from his hat.这人魔法从他的帽子里变出六只兔子。7.This factory produces essences.这家工厂生产香精。8.This situation produces recognizable stress symptoms.这种情况产生一些容易认出的紧张症状。


produce读音:英 [prəˈdjuːs , ˈprɒdjuːs] 美 [prəˈduːs , ˈprɑːduːs] 。解释:vt.生产;制造;生长;出产;繁育;(运用技巧)制作,造出;引起;出示;栽培;制作,拍摄(电影、戏剧等)。n.产品;(尤指)农产品。双语例句:1、They had licensed the firm to produce the drug. 他们批准了那家公司生产这种药物。2、The factory is not tooled up to produce this type of engine. 这家工厂还没有装置生产这类发动机的设备。3、The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes. 系统产生的能量足以给几千户人家供暖。4、The region produces over 50% of the country's wheat. 这个地区出产全国50%以上的小麦。5、She produced a TV series about adopted children. 她拍了一部描写收养儿童的电视系列片。

