
时间:2025-01-31 14:12:19编辑:奇事君


impulse的意思:n. 冲动;心血来潮;神经冲动;[物]冲量;[电]脉冲。vt. 推动。详细释义:n.(名词):冲动、刺激、推动力, 推进力、一时的念头,心血来潮, 感情冲动,冲动的念头[电]脉冲、冲力、[生理]神经冲动、搏动、倾向、[物]冲量、[医]冲动、鼓舞、一时高兴,兴奋v.(动词):收起、冲动、搏动、推进,推动。例句:1.He bought the house on an impulse.他凭一时冲动买下了这所房子。2.We were seized by a sudden impulse to run.我们身不由己突然想跑。3.On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia.我一时心血来潮,拿起话筒就给在澳大利亚的妹妹打了个电话。4.He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.他突然心血来潮,想站起来歌唱。5.He grasped her hand on an impulse.他情不自禁地握紧她的手。6.I had an impulse to go shopping.我当时有种购物的冲动。作名词使用时的用法:impulse用作名词,意思是”冲动,突然的想法“,后面常接动词不定式作其定语,但不可接动名词。impulse作”一时的想法,突然的想法“时是可数名词,可接动词不定式作表语。


冲动,一时的念头[C][U] My uncle bought the house on an impulse. 我叔叔一时冲动买下了那房子。 I used to act out of blind impulse when I was young. 我年轻时常凭盲目的冲动行事。 2. 推动力;刺激[C] The signing of the agreements will give an impulse to trade between the two countries. 这些协议的签订会促进两国间的贸易。3. 【生理】神经冲动;【电】脉冲[C] 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 impulse 1. 脉冲;冲量 香港建造业常用英文词汇(八) - 其他行业... impulse 脉冲;冲量 2. 灵感,动机,刺激 商务英语论文《英语单词构词法研究》 - 毕... impulse 灵感,动机,刺激 3. 冲动,搏动,脉冲 英语托福雅思PETS职称英语 - 行业英语... impulse 冲动,搏动,脉冲


impulsion。impulse的意思:n. 冲动;心血来潮;神经冲动;[物]冲量;[电]脉冲。vt. 推动。详细释义:n. (名词):冲动、刺激、推动力, 推进力、一时的念头,心血来潮, 感情冲动,冲动的念头[电]脉冲、冲力、[生理]神经冲动、搏动、倾向、[物]冲量、[医]冲动、鼓舞、一时高兴,兴奋v. (动词):收起、冲动、搏动、推进,推动。例句:1.He bought the house on an impulse.他凭一时冲动买下了这所房子。2.We were seized by a sudden impulse to run.我们身不由己突然想跑。3.On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia.我一时心血来潮,拿起话筒就给在澳大利亚的妹妹打了个电话。4.He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.他突然心血来潮,想站起来歌唱。5.He grasped her hand on an impulse.他情不自禁地握紧她的手。6.I had an impulse to go shopping.我当时有种购物的冲动。作名词使用时的用法:impulse用作名词,意思是”冲动,突然的想法“,后面常接动词不定式作其定语,但不可接动名词。impulse作”一时的想法,突然的想法“时是可数名词,可接动词不定式作表语。


  俗话说,冲动是魔鬼。因为往往人在冲动的时候都会做错一些事情,所以我们不管遇到什么事情,都要静下心来,冷静思考。下面是我为你整理的冲动的英文翻译,希望大家喜欢!   冲动的英文翻译   impulse;   impulsion;   get excited;   be impetuous actuation   impulse常见用法   n. 冲动;心血来潮;神经冲动;[物]冲量;[电]脉冲   vt. 推动   用作名词 (n.)   He bought the house on an impulse.   他凭一时冲动买下了这所房子。   We were seized by a sudden impulse to run.   我们身不由己突然想跑。   On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia.   我一时心血来潮,拿起话筒就给在澳大利亚的妹妹打了个电话。   He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.   他突然心血来潮,想站起来歌唱。   He grasped her hand on an impulse.   他情不自禁地握紧她的手。   I had an impulse to go shopping.   我当时有种购物的冲动。   impulsion的例句   1. Lack of food and water provided much of the impulsion for their speed.   缺少食物和水促使他们加快了速度。   2. Under the impulsion of its screw the " Resolute'sailed down the Thames.   决心号在暗轮的推动下向泰 晤 士河驶去.   3. I love the regretless youth but not the childish impulsion.   我爱无悔的青春,却不喜欢幼稚的冲动.   4. Don't lose your conscience because of the temporary impulsion.   请勿因一时的冲动,而丧失自己的良知.   5. I felt the impulsion to ask her to stay.   我心里有股冲动,很想请她留下来.   6. Seeking after spirit is the impulsion of development of art.   对精神性的追求是艺术发展的原动力和支撑点.   7. Oven lid with air impulsion could make material - loading and guide - roller cleaning convenient.   气顶式烘箱开顶,方便穿料和清洗 导辊.   8. Then I had an impulsion to jump off the mountain.   那一刻,我有了想跳下去的冲动.   9. Today, i have a impulsion.   今天, 我有一股冲动.   10. Stop! Impulsion is devil.

