
时间:2025-01-31 07:09:16编辑:奇事君


says的英式读音: [sez]、美式读音: [sez]。网络释义says说(第三人称单数); 说(第三人称单数形式);Knife Says老刀乌白讲;Lila Says丽拉所言; 天使好说性;Teacher Says教师说; 老师说;Mary Says流泪手心; 玛丽说;双语例句1、Jackie tells me about Hanna's newest band, and says that it absolutely rules.杰基告诉我汉纳最新乐队的情况,还说这支乐队绝对是最好的。2、He says he has the team strip, although I've never seen him wear it.他说他有球衣,但是我却从未见他穿过。3、He says his departure is nothing to do with the resignation calls.他说他的离开和辞职要求无关。4、A single image says more than any amount of blather and jive.一个图像要比无数废话和空话所表达的要多。5、He says he is left of centre, but don't you believe it.他说他的立场观点中间偏左,别信他。6、I take anything he says with a large pinch of salt.我对他所说的一切都要打个折扣。7、It does what it says it does, with no design gimmickry.它能起到所说的作用,没有什么耍花招的意图。8、There must be rich and poor, Dives says, smacking his claret.肯定要有贫富之分的,富人品着他的波尔多红葡萄酒说道。9、She says I showed her up in front of her friends.她说我在她朋友面前羞辱她。


says的读音是[sez]。表达意思:说(第三人称单数)。词性:通常在句中作动词,修饰主语或宾语。固定搭配:say to oneself 心里想;how to say 怎么说;nothing to say 无话可说;say for oneself 为自己找借口,为自己辩护。例句1、The report says there is widespread and routine torture of political prisoners in the country.报告称在那个国家存在着普遍的、惯常的虐待政治犯的现象。2、You can get married at sixteen, and yet you haven't got a say in the running of the country.你可以在16岁结婚,然而对国家的管理你还没有发言权。


says的意思是:说,讲(say的第三人称单数) 。发音:英音[sez],美音[sez]。1、What Charles says makes sense to me.我觉得Charles说的很有道理。2、Everyone says he is a terrible person.大家都说他不是个好人。3、The weather forecast says there might be light showers today.天气预报说今天可能会下小雨。4、The other driver says the accident was my fault, but it was definitely hers.那个司机说出车祸都是我的错,但肯定是她的错。5、The new management team says there will be no staff changes in the immediate future.新的管理团队说近期不会有人员变动。6、Mary says that her pasta salad is a favorite at the annual potluck dinner.Mary说她的意面色拉在年度百乐餐会上最受欢迎。7、The weather forecast says it is going to snow tomorrow.天气预报说明天会下雪。


says用英语怎么说介绍如下:英/sez/。美/sez/。v.说;讲;告诉;念;朗诵;背诵;表达,表述(见解)。say的第三人称单数。With your permission, I'd like to say a few words. 如蒙允许,我想讲几句话。Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say. 你的讲话声调和你要讲的内容同样重要。What a horrible thing to say! 讲这话太不近人情啦!She finished what she had to say with a gesture of despair. 她用绝望的姿势结束了她不得不讲的话。'You're not supposed to say that,' she said primly. “你不该讲那样的话。”她一本正经地说。

