
时间:2025-01-30 10:35:29编辑:奇事君


identity意思是身份。1、n.身份;本体;同一性;一致;恒等运算;恒等;单位元素;幺元;特征;能证明持有者身份的。2、复数:identities.3、网络释义:身份;同一性;身份认同;认同;恒等式;致命ID。4、短语搭配:national identity.国家身份;国民身份;国民同一性。identity card.身份证。identity theft.身份盗窃;身份盗用。identity crisis.同一性危机;认同危机。identity politics.身份认同政治。identity matrix.单位矩阵。old identity.老居民;当地名人。identity parade.嫌犯集体示众。cultural identity.文化身份;文化特性;文化特征。gender identity.性别认同;性别身份;性别同一性。personal identity.个人身份;个人认同。identity papers.身份文件;身份证。new identity.新身份。social identity.社会身份;社会认同。true identity.真实身份。corporate identity.企业形象;企业标识。visual identity.视觉识别;视觉形象;视觉艺术身份。sense of identity.身份感;认同意识;身份认同感。brand identity.品牌标识;品牌识别;品牌认同。real identity.真实身份。双语例句:1、As for the identity of the mystery lady, I'm afraid it's strictly MYOB.至于那位神秘女士的身份,恐怕那根本不关你的事。2、The initiative created an identity between the City and the governing elite.这一倡议使伦敦城与执政精英之间达成了一致。3、Some people have been tricked by villains with false identity cards.有些人被持假身份证的犯罪分子欺骗过。4、A man's body with an identity disc around the neck.一具脖子上挂着身份圆牌的男子尸体。5、He wanted to develop a more distinctive Scottish Tory identity.他想具有更为突出的苏格兰保守党人特征。


identity的意思:身份;本身;本体;特征;特有的感觉(或信仰);同一性;相同;一致;本体;个性,特性;恒等运算,恒等式。读音:[aɪˈdentəti]词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:identity operator恒等运算符 ; 数 恒等算子 ; 单位算子 ; 恒等逼近算子。例句1、Do you have any proof of identity?你有身份证明吗?2、The ruling party was facing an identity crisis.执政党当时正面临着自身认同的危机。3、The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份。


If you want to ask the gernal meaning of Identities in Eng. I have cheak it for you 1. 身分;本身;本体[C][U] His driver's license revealed his identity. 他的驾驶执照证明了他的身分。 2. 同一人;同一物[U] The experts established the identity of the bronze bell with one described in an old document. 专家们确定这口青铜钟就是一份古文献中所描述的那口。 3. 同一(性);相同(处)
一致(处)[U][C] The identity of the fingerprints on the gun proved that he was the killer. 留在枪上的指纹证实他就是杀人者。 Identity of interests is the bond that unites them. 利害的一致是把他们联合起来的纽带。 4. 个性
特性[C][U] preserve the distinct identities of an old town 保留古镇的特有风貌 If it is in mathematics
then it have the serval : 1.identity can refer to an equality that remains true regardless of the values of any variables that appear within it
to distinguish it from an equality which is true under more particular conditions. The symbol ≡ is sometimes used to indicate a mathematical identity (or a congruence relation). 2.In algebra
an identity or identity element of a set S with a binary operation is an element e which bined with any element s of S produces s.
参考: yahoo dictioney and
The identy of a person is about "who I am" in the society the person is living in. There are many different ects of a personal identity. A person can have different identity at the same time. - individual identity - social identity - political identity
参考: 自己... I.H.正在学identity
Identities?? Identities = your 身分

your identity will change because of history & place

Identity can be explain in different parts

such as: Math


Social science and psychology


puter science


and Television
music and literature

参考: myself~

