
时间:2025-01-30 03:59:14编辑:奇事君


quality,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“质量,[统计] 品质;特性;才能”,作形容词时意为“优质的;高品质的;棒极了”。短语搭配:Quality麦当劳品质high quality高质量 ; 优质的 ; 质量高Software Quality[计]软件质量 ; 软体品质 ; 软件品质 ; 软件特性superior quality优等的质量 ; 质量上乘 ; 优等品 ; 质地考究average quality[工经]平均质量 ; 平均品质 ; 标准品质 ; 中等质量Quality circle质量控制圈 ; 质量圈 ; 品管圈 ; 品质圈quality engineering品质工程 ;[科技]质量工程 ; 质量工程人员 ; 品质工程人员quality paper高级报纸 ; 严肃报纸 ; 好纸 ; 高等报纸双语例句:I assure you of its quality.我向你保证它的品质。Not a high quality sound AT ALL, but I have fun with it.没有一个高品质的声音在所有,但我已与它的乐趣。Quality over quantity should be your goal.您的目标应该是质量胜过数量。When costs are cut product quality suffers.降低成本,产品质量就会受到 影响。Other services vary dramatically in quality.其它服务在质量上差异很大。In all our products the accent is on quality.我们的全部产品都是强调质量。In our company, quality is high on the agenda.我们公司高度重视质量。I was disappointed by the quality of the wine.这酒的质量令我失望。


quality的意思:n. 质量,品质;优质,上乘;素质,品德;特征,特质;(语音)音质,音色;(供有品位者阅读的)高质量报纸(=quality newspaper);(占星)黄道宫运动三大特征之一adj. 优质的,高质量的;(报纸)内容严肃的,高级的;棒极了短语high quality [科技] 高品质 ; 优质的 ; 质量高quality control [经管] 质量控制 ; 质量管理 ; 品质管制quality management [经管] 质量管理 ; 优质管理Quality Assurance [经管] 质量保证 ; 品质保证 ; 质量控制同根词词根: qualityadv.qualitatively 定性地;从品质上讲This wine is of doubtful quality. 这酒的质量有问题。


quality的读音是:英['kw?l?ti]。quality的读音是:英['kw?l?ti]。quality的意思是n.品质;才能;特质;adj.高品质的;棒极了。quality【近义词】aspect。一、详尽释义点此查看quality的详细内容n.(名词)品质,特性,性质质量才能【逻】质地位,身份高位优质,优点大报,高级报刊实质品种品位美质本领adj.(形容词)上流社会的优质的,优良的,优秀的,高级的(报纸内容)严肃的高质量的,高品质的棒极了的高雅的专业报刊杂志的v.(动词)以…质量,带…质量二、词典解释1.质量;品质Thequality of something is how good or bad it is.e.g. Everyone can greatly improve thequality of life...每个人都可以大大改善生活质量。e.g. Other services vary dramatically inquality.其他服务在质量上差别很大。2.优质;高级Something ofquality is of a high standard.e.g. ...a college ofquality...优秀的学院e.g. In our work,quality is paramount.我们的工作追求品质至上。3.优秀品质;品德Someone'squalities are the good characteristics that they have which are part of their nature.e.g. Sometimes you wonder where your kids get their good qualities...有时你会想,孩子们身上的优秀品质是从何而来呢?e.g. He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities...他想引进具有领导素质的成熟人才。4.特征;性质;特性You can describe a particular characteristic of a person or thing as aquality .quality的反义词e.g. ...a childlikequality.孩子般的天真特质e.g. ...the pretentiousquality of the poetry...这首诗浮夸造作的特点5.内容严肃的报纸Thequality papers or thequality press are the more serious newspapers which give detailed accounts of world events, as well as reports on business, culture, and society.e.g. Even thequality papers agreed that it was a triumph.即使是内容严肃的报纸也认为这是一次胜利。三、网络解释1. 性质:他说自恋不是由本能或力比多投注的"标的"(target)来界定,而是由本能或力比多所带能量的"本性"(nature)或"性质"(quality)来界定(1971,p.26). 自我夸耀(self-aggrandizement)和理想化是自恋性力比多的特征. 到了1977年,四、例句He examined the quality of the furniture carefully.他仔细检查家俱的品质。Her most essential quality is kindness.她最主要的品质是善良。He shows quality of leadership.他显示出领导才能。What are the qualities that mark a great leader ?伟大领袖的特质是什么?Even the best quality rubber will perish with age.就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。"What was the film like?""Quality!"“这部电影怎么样?”“棒极了!”五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The quality is the same, but the qualities are different.质量一样,但性能不同。It's cheap, but on the other hand the quality is poor.它是便宜,但另一方面质量差。The quality of this suit is not quite consonant with its price.这套衣服的质量与价钱不太相符。Size matters less than quality.大小不如质量重要。The car is inferior in quality.这辆轿车质量差。The deduction in price should not be detrimental to the quality.减了价格,但绝不能有损于质量。This painting is of remarkable quality.这幅画是上乘之作。This cloth is of medium quality.这布是中等质地的。We never use second quality ingredients.我们绝不使用次等配料。Poor quality goods won't sell easily.质量差的货不容易卖出。In a long run, it is an economy to buy good quality goods, even though they cost more.购买质量好的货物,虽然价格较贵,但是到头来是经济的。But we still have a long way to go because few areas of the country are free of water quality problems.然而我们还有很长的路要走,因为国内几乎没有几个地区不存在水质问题。I am sixty-and-five, and I have knocked about in the world and tasted the quality of life.我六十有五,在世界各地漫游过,饱经人间的坎坷。She had many good qualities despite her apparent rudeness.她粗鲁是粗鲁,但还有许多优秀品质。He has many good qualities, but his best quality is his kindness.他有许多良好的品质,而最好的品质是为人善良。One quality of this kind of timber is that it can be sawn easily.这种木料的一个特点是容易锯开。His voice had a rich melodic quality.他的音色浑厚而优美。They have stockpiled qualities of weapons.他们储备了各种各样的武器。By degrees the quality gave up going, and the fair, of course, became disreputable.上流人渐渐不去那儿了,当然集市就变得破旧不堪了。六、经典引文They will make very nice tire-women to some lady of quality.sssss A. T. Ellis出自:ssssF. Marryat七、词语用法n.(名词)quality的基本意思是“质量”,指产品、商品或工作的优劣程度,也可用于人,指品质。可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。quality用于指“商品”时,表示商品“质量”,通常用单数形式quality; 表示“商品的性能”时一般用复数形式qualities。quality用于指“人”,表示“才能”“本领”时通常用单数形式quality; 表示“品质”时多用复数形式qualities; 表示暂时具有的地位、身份或作用时常用于短语in (the) quality of中。of quality修饰产品或商品时指“优质的”,修饰人时指“素质好的”,此时quality前无须再加good等词。quality也可作“属性,特征”“特点,特色”“品种”解,是可数名词。the quality可作“上流社会,上等人”解,有鄙视的意味。quality有时可置于另一名词前作定语,意为“优良的”“优质的”,主要用于美式英语。quality既可做名词也可作形容词。作形容词时,可解释为“优良的”,如quality goods,常用于美式英语中;paper of good quality,good quality paper以及a good quality of paper均是意思相近的短语。而句子That paper is (of) good quality.中of可省略。quality的相关近义词aspect、character、class、condition、feature、nature、status、talentquality的相关临近词qualm、qualitative、qualityes、quality aim、quality car、quality set、quality map、Quality BOM、quality pig、quality gap、quality cue、quality Joe点此查看更多关于quality的详细信息

