
时间:2025-01-16 13:58:14编辑:奇事君


  相信很多人都知道沉默是金, 雄辩是银这句俗语,这告诉我们有的时候沉默也能带来好处。下面是我为你整理的沉默是金的英文,希望大家喜欢!   沉默是金的英文   Silence is gold   Silence is gold造句   1. Silence is golden, but speech is silver.   沉默是金, 雄辩是银.   2. 92 Speech is silver, silence is gold.   92雄辩是银, 沉默是金.   3. They say that speech is silver but silence is golden.   人们说语言是银,沉默是金(能保持沉默比说话更好).   4. Silence is gold. The only gold thing that women dislike is silence.   沉默是金, 女性不喜欢的唯一金制品就是沉默.   5. Speech is silver, But silence is gold. -- T . Carlyle.   雄辩是银, 沉默是金. -- 卡莱尔.   6. In this symposium , better is it to on 1 y sit in si 1 ence.   此刻, 沉默是金.   7. To talk is silver but to be silent is gold.   讲话是银,沉默是金.   8. It is said that speech is silver while silence is gold.   人们说言语是银,沉默是金.   9. Speech is silver, silence is golden, and humor is diamond.   雄辩是银, 沉默是金, 幽默是钻石.   10. If silence is golden, why do people hate It'so much?   如果沉默是金, 为什么人们对它如此痛恨?   silence的常见用法   n.沉默,无言,无表示,无声,沉静,肃静,寂静,缄默; 无音信,失去联系,忘却,湮没,无表示,无音讯; [乐]停止;   vt.使安静; 使沉默; 压制;   1. His offensive remarks were followed by an embarrassed silence.   在他那无礼的讲话后,紧跟着便是一阵令人难堪的沉默。   2. Let's observe a minute's silence in memory of the dead.   让我们为死者静默一分钟。   3. From the silence of the company after he had made that remark, he realized that he had dropped a brick. 机器发音   他作了那番议论以后,一看大家一声不吭,他明白自己失言了。   4. Now and then a bird's song broke in upon the silence of the wood.   鸟鸣声不时打破林中的寂静。   5. There was silence for a few moments, then someone came out with a most useful suggestion.   沉默了一会儿,于是有人提出了一项极有用的建议。   6. A profound silence prevailed over all.   深沉的静默笼罩着一切。   7. She frowned him into silence.   她皱眉使他沉默。   8. After two years' silence he suddenly got in touch with us again.   在长达两年杳无音信之后,他突然又跟我们取得了联系。   9. There were long unexplained silences between her letters.   她不时会有一段未予解释的久无书信的时期。   10. Be careful, your silence could be interpreted as an admission of guilt.


沉默是金 Silence is gold
In fact, a sign of a good relationship is being comfortable in silence.
事实上 和谐的标志之一就是沉默是金。
I need such a man as you—a man who is loyal and can hold his tongue.
Well Finn, some people say that the best noise is no noise at all – or silence is golden.
Actually Rob, when you say 'silence is golden' it actually means it's often better to say nothing at all than say something stupid –
You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase " silent as the grave."
You may have heard the proverb " silence is golden." This means silence is of great value -- it is sometimes better to say nothing than to speak.
你或许还听过“沉默是金”(silence is golden)。意思是沉默具有很大的价值,有时候不说比说要好。

