
时间:2025-01-15 23:20:51编辑:奇事君


Seller: Can I help you ,sir?
Buyer:yes, how much is it?
Buyer:Have you any discount?
Seller:Yes, if you purchse 200 pcs or more, we can give you 5% discount.
Buyer:Oh, let me see, can you give more discount for me? I will purchase 400 pcs this TV set.
Seller:Ok, we can give 8% discount
Buyer:But I think 10% discount is reasonable.
Seller:Ok, we consider you are my first customer, I agree with you.
Buyer:OK, let's talk about contract and delivery.
Seller:Yeath, pls follow me go there , we can talk in my office. This way ,please!



英文讨价还价情景对话如下:A: This suit only costs 60 Yuan? Are you kidding? A:这件衣服只要60元?你在开玩笑吗?B: I drove a hard bargain with the vendor before I got the price down. B:我好好地跟小贩讨价还价了一番呢。A: Can you give me a better deal? It's too expensive. A:能给个低价吗?这个价钱太高了。 B: All right. How about 50 Yuan? B:好吧,50元怎么样?A: Could you give me a discount? The price is beyond my budget. A:能给我打折吗?这个价格超出我的预算了。 B: Sorry, the price is not negotiable. B:不好意思,这价格不能商量。


  社交礼仪是指人们在 人际交往 过程中所具备的基本素质,交际能力等。社交在当今社会人际交往中发挥的作用愈显重要。那么你知道社交礼仪用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   社交礼仪的英语说法1:   social etiquette   社交礼仪的英语说法2:   social graces   社交礼仪的相关 短语 :   不谙社交礼仪. unversed in social etiquette   美国社交礼仪 American social intercourse etiquette   商业与社交礼仪 Business and Social Etiquettes   公共关系与社交礼仪 Public Relation and Social Etiquette   学会社交学会礼仪 Learn to Communilatce   社交礼仪的英语例句:   1. She didn't fit in and she had few social graces.   她不适合这种场合,对社交礼仪所知甚少。   2. Their sense of social propriety is eroded.   他们的社交礼仪意识淡薄。   3. He wasted no time with social niceties.   他没有在社交礼仪细节上浪费时间。   4. How to improve your manners!   如何掌握社交礼仪!   5. Good mandarin, and good social poise and grace.   良好的普通话和社交礼仪.   6. Others see us as overly materialistic, somewhat uncouth and lacking in social graces.   也有一些人觉得我们太过注重物质生活, 粗鲁和缺乏社交礼仪.   7. Hoover wanted men who could handle a teacup as well as a Tommy - gun.   胡佛需要既会使用自动步枪又懂社交礼仪的人.   8. They seek out credentials of past performance rather than evaluating a business colleague through social courtesies.   他们注重过去的工作成绩记录,而不是通过社交礼仪去评估一个同行.   9. Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace.   放过一个人不重要的错误,对其不加评论是很好的社交礼仪.   10. I have joined the dancing mass organization which cultivated the social intercourse and etiquette.   在校期间参加了 交谊舞 社团等,丰富课外时间同时增强了自身社交礼仪的培养.   11. Many are the social amenities practised in China.   中国人有许多社交上的礼仪.   12. But there are many other reasons to eat food: pleasure, social community, identity, and ritual.   但是吃饭还有很多其他原因: 为了快乐 、 社交 、 身份及礼仪.   13. Remember your table manners: companies want employees with social as well as job skills.   记住你的餐桌礼仪: 公司希望员工除了工作技能之外还有社交技能.


社交英语礼仪   最常用的社交英语礼仪有哪些呢?以下内容是我整理的社交英语礼仪,希望可以帮到大家!   一、实例演示:如何在社交场合把英语说得更礼貌   ×表示不礼貌的说法,√表示礼貌的表达方式。   1、在酒吧点酒   ×:I want to have a glass of the Pinot Noir.(我想要一杯黑皮诺)   √:Could I have a glass of the Pinot Noir, please?   2、在酒吧或咖啡店兼职   ×:See you.(再见)   √:Bye bye.(店员用 see you 太强势,最好用低调的 Bye bye)   此外,客人说 Thank you,不必回答 You are welcome,这样太过正式,直接回答Cheers或 No worries 即可。   3、别人邀请你去酒会,你有事不得不拒绝   ×:Sorry, I can’t. I have another appointment.(抱歉我不能去,我有别的安排)   √:That is a good idea! I would like to join in but I have another appointment today.   4、请人帮忙   ×:Please give me the glass of beer.(请把那杯啤酒递给我)   √:Could you pass me the glass of beer, please?(能把那杯啤酒递给我吗?)   5、有人挡路   ×:Move out of the way.(让开)   √:Excuse me./Could I get by, please?(借过)   6、有人打电话来找人   ×:Wait.(等等)   √:Could you hold, please?(你能稍等一下吗?)   7、有人做你不喜欢的事   ×:Stop it!(停下吧)   √:Would you mind not doing……(你介不介意不要……)   8、有人找你,但你很忙,别说走开,最好用Could等情态动词开头的疑问句   ×:Go away.(走开)   √:Could you give me five minutes, please?(能给我5分钟吗?)   二、社交英语的礼貌技巧   从以上的例子,可以总结出一些如何在社交场合把英语说得更礼貌的技巧:多使用 can、could、may、might、would 等情态动词,多说 Please(放在句尾)、Excese me、Pardon me、Thank you 等礼貌用语,多用 If 表假设,征求他人意见。   三、如何听懂英国人的“弦外之音”   说了这么多,不妨来看看英国人是怎样说话的。英国人说话有时也很客气绕弯,下面就来教教大家如何听懂英国人的“弦外之音”,省得以后闹笑话。(×表示我们以为的意思,√表示英国人真正的意思)   1、英国人说“I hear what you say.”   ×:他接受了我的观点。   √:我不同意,也不想再做进一步讨论。   2、英国人说“That's not bad.”   ×:太差了。   √:太好了。   3、英国人说“That is a very brave proposal.”   ×:他觉得我很有胆识。   √:你疯了吧。   4、英国人说“Quite good.”   ×:很不错。   √:有点小失望。   5、英国人说“Oh, incidentally / by the way...”   ×:接下来的.话不是很重要。   √:我们讨论的根本目的是……   6、英国人说“I was a bit disappointed that...”   ×:不要紧,他只是有点小失望。   √:我对此很恼火。   7、英国人说“Very interesting.”   ×:令人印象深刻。   √:那明显是瞎掰。   8、英国人说“I'll bear it in mind.”   ×:他可能会去做吧。   √:我已经不记得了。   9、英国人说“I'm sure it's my fault.”   ×:为什么他会觉得是他的错?   √:其实是你的错。   10、英国人说“You must come for dinner.”   ×:我马上会收到邀请。   √:这不是邀请,只是礼貌。   11、英国人说“I almost agree.”   ×:他基本上是同意的。   √:我一点也不同意。   12、英国人说“Could we consider some other options?”   ×:他还没下决定。   √:我真心不喜欢你出的主意。


  每一天都是新的一天,在和同事用英语对话时,也会是新的心情。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   :悉尼   Todd: OK, Ann, you spent quite a bit of time in Australia recently so why don't you talk about that?   好的,安,你最近在澳大利亚居住了很长时间,为什么不谈谈在澳大利亚的生活呢?   Ann: I really liked living in Australia. I was an international student and I studied education at the University of Sydney. And living in Sydney was fantastic,because I could go to the beach anytime I wanted and there was a great nightlife in Sydney. There are lots of great clubs. And people were very, very friendly and easy-going and I met a lot of international people in living Sydney.   我真的很喜欢住在悉尼。我是一名国际留学生,我在悉尼大学学习教育专业。住在悉尼真的是太棒了,因为只要我想,我能随时去海滩。悉尼的夜生活也是丰富多彩的。那里有许多很棒的酒吧。那里的人也非常友好,我在悉尼居住的时间里认识了许多国际留学生。   Todd: Mm-mm. How long were you there?   嗯,你在那里住了多久?   Ann: I was there for almost a year.   我在那里住了不到一年。   Todd: Oh, OK.   哦,好的。   Ann: And I travelled a little bit in Australia. I went up the east coast. Up to Frasier Island, which is a world heritage site. And I saw dingoes running along the beach and sharks in the water. We climbed cliffs and went through a rarest and went camping and then we went up to the Whitsundays, which is a bit further north. And the further north you go in Australia, the hotter it gets. So we were able to go swimming in the ocean and I went diving for the first time but it was a little bit risky cause I didn't have a diving license, so I went on an introductory dive and I saw a giant clam that had a really purple spongy inside that I was able to touch and then the clam closed up really quickly.   我在澳大利亚旅游去了一些地方。我去了东海岸。登上了世界自然遗产弗雷泽岛。我在海滩上看到了澳洲野狗,我在海里看到了鲨鱼。我和朋友登上了悬崖,穿越了热带雨林,我们一起露营,还去了再往北一点的圣灵群岛。越往澳大利亚北部走就感觉越热。因此我们在海里游泳,我还在那里第一次潜水,但这有点儿冒险,我没有潜水执照,因此我只是做了入门级的潜水,潜水时我看到了一个巨型的蛤,它里面是紫色的海绵体,我用手触碰了一下,蛤迅速地就合上了。   Todd: So, did you, did you lose your finger?   你的手指夹到了吗?   Ann: Almost.   差点儿。   Todd: Almost. Ah, you're lucky. Um, it's funny, you go in the water and you worry about sharks, but not clams.   差点儿。哦,你真幸运。真有趣,你下水会害怕鲨鱼,但是没有担心过蛤。   Ann: Exactly.   是的。   Todd: Will you be going back to Australia soon?   我会马上回澳大利亚去吗?   Ann: I'd like to go and live there for at least another year. Probably I'll go back to Sydney or maybe I'll go down to Melbourne because it's a really interesting cultural city. They have lot of museums and parks.   我想去澳大利亚住至少一年的时间。也许我会回悉尼,也许我会去墨尔本,因为那里的文化很有趣。那里有许多博物馆和公园。   Todd: OK. You gotta choose real quick, only one city, Montreal or Sydney, which do you choose?   好的,那你得快点儿选择了,你只能去一座城市,蒙特利尔或是悉尼,你选择那座城市?   Ann: Sydney, without a doubt.   悉尼,毫无疑问。   Todd: OK. All right. Thanks a lot.   好的,十分感谢。   Ann: You're wele.   不客气。   :减肥   Todd: OK, Devon, I've been putting on a few pounds and you're quite a lean fit guy.   好的,戴文。我最近长了几斤,而你看上去苗条又健康。   Devon: Well, thank you.   谢谢。   Todd: What do you remend? What can I do to lose weight?   你的建议是什么?我怎样才能减肥呢?   Devon: Well, I exercise a lot. I go running at least three times a week. But more than that I enjoy playing sports and so different sports use different muscles and all of it helps to lose that weight that you might have gained.   我经常运动。我一周至少跑步三次。除了这点我还喜欢其他运动,不同的运动会锻炼不同的肌肉,这些运动都会帮助你减掉多余的重量。   Todd: Yeah, well, actually, one of the problems is that I actually exercise a lot.   好的,问题是,实际上我经常运动。   Devon: Do ya?   真的吗?   Todd: Yeah, so maybe it's my diet.   是的,也许是我的食谱有问题。   Devon: It could be and so in that case you might want to eat something perhaps more nutritious or maybe even less of what you do eat. Maybe, I eat three meals a day and I try not to snack in between. No potato chips. No popcorn. No candy bars.   有可能,如果是这样,你应该吃些高蛋白的食物,并减少食物摄取的总量。我每天吃三顿饭,并且努力在餐食间拒绝零食。不吃薯条,爆米花,也不吃糖果。   Todd: That's pretty tough!   这很难做到!   Devon: It is tough but......Well, I must admit that I cheat every once in awhile but...   确实很难,但我必须承认我也许骗得了一时,但……   Todd: Ok, I'll give it a try....but actually, you see my problem is that I like junk food. So I have to choose: either I eat less or I eat a better diet. What do you think is more important?   好的,我会努力尝试的……但实际上,我的问题是我喜欢垃圾食品。所以我必须选择:是吃少点儿,还是吃得更好点儿。你认为哪条更重要?   Devon: I think that if you are exercizing then you should just eat what you want and eat less.   我认为如果你最近在运动,那么最好吃想吃的食物,但是要减少量。   Todd: Eat less. OK. This is going to be tough!   少吃点儿。好的,这会很有难度!   Devon: Well, I have no dought that you will do the best that you can.   我毫不怀疑你会做到最好。   Todd: Alright! Thanks a lot Devon.   好的,谢谢你,戴文。   :回家   Todd: Hello, Gabrielle!   你好,加布里埃尔!   Gabrielle: Hello!   你好   Todd: How are you doing today?   你今天好吗?   Gabrielle: Good thanks.   很好,谢谢。   Todd: Now, Grabrielle, I hear that you are going back home to New Zealand.   加布里埃尔,我听说你要回纽西兰的家去。   Gabrielle: That's right. I'm going home for summer.   是的。我要回家过夏天。   Todd: OK. What are your plans?   你是怎么计划的?   Gabrielle: Probably a week relaxing, going camping, and then I'm going back to work.   也许先休息一周,去露营,接着我会回去工作。   Todd: Oh, OK. Where do you work?   好的,你在哪工作?   Gabrielle: I teach as an English teacher in Christchurch, in New Zealand.   我在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇市教英语。   Todd: Oh, OK. And that's where you're from, naturally.   哦,好的。你来自那里。   Gabrielle: That's right.   是的。   Todd: Were you born there?   你在那里出生吗?   Gabrielle: I was, yeah!   是的,我是!   Todd: Well, you are going to have this short little break, or vacation, are you gonna go to the beach...the mountains?   在这短暂的休息,或者说是假期中,你打算去海滩,或者山区吗?   Gabrielle: Probably..probably to the beach and camping for about a week with friends, yeah!   也许,我会和朋友一起去海滩露营一周。   Todd: Actually, how warm is it in the summer?   夏天那里到底有多热?   Gabrielle: Probably a maximum of about 30 degrees. A nice dry heat! Very fortable.   也许最高达到了30度。干爽,很热!很舒服!   Todd: So when you go to the beach is the water warm enough to swim in?   那么你去海滩的时候水温很适合游泳?   Gabrielle: No, no, no! We swim but it is not warm. Yeah! It's pretty chilly actually.   不,不!我们会去游泳,但水并不热。海水其实很冷。   Todd: OK. Any other plans when you go home?   好的,回家后还有什么其他计划吗?   Gabrielle: Yeah, I'm looking forward to catching up with friends and family and animals.   我很期待见到我的朋友,家人,和宠物。   Todd: Animals!   宠物!   Gabrielle: Well, I miss my pets.   是的,我想念我的宠物。   Todd: OK, well, what pets do you have?   那么,你养了什么宠物?   Gabrielle: Well, I have a cat and a dog and a sheep called Sydney and two gold fish.   我养了一只猫,一只狗,一只叫做Sydney的羊,还有两只金鱼。   Todd: Wow!   哇!   Gabrielle: Yeah! And I really miss them.   是的,我真的很想念它们。   Todd: I'm sure they're really excited to see you. Alright, thanks a lot.   我肯定它们见到你一定很兴奋。好的,十分谢谢。   Gabrielle: Cheers!   不客气!   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。


  英语口语水平的提高,需要平常进行业余情景对话的练习。下面是我给大家整理的英语情景对话大全,供大家参阅!   英语情景对话大全篇1:介绍和开场白   1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.   B; I'm very glad to meet you.   C: It's a pleasure to meet you.   B: How do you like Texas so far?   C: It's really different from what I expected.   B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.   2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois. B: How do you do?   C: Hello.   B: What's your impression of the United States?   C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here.   B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon!   3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.   B: Hi.   C: Nice to meet you.   B: What do you think of Dallas?   C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.   B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess.   4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown.   B: Pleased to meet you.   C: How do you do?   B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here.   C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much.   B: It always takes time to get used to a new place.   英语情景对话大全篇2:节假日的问候   1. A: Merry Christmas!   B: The same to you!   A: Are you doing anyting special?   B: We're having some friends over. What are you doing?   A: Oh, I'm just going to take it easy.   2. A: Happy New Year!   B: Thank you! Same to you.   A: Have you got any plans?   B: I've been invited over to la friend's. And you?   A: My reemmate's having a party.   3. A: Have a nice Thanksgiving!   B: Same to you!   A: Are you going anywhere?   B: I thought about going to my sister's. How about you?   A: Oh, I'll probably just stay at home.   4. A: Have a nice weekend!   B: Thanks. You too!   A: Do you have any plans?   B: Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? A: Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.   英语情景对话大全篇3:告别   1.A: I've come to say goodbye.   B: When are you off?   A: I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon.   B: Well, goodbye. See you soon.   A: Please don't forget to say goodbye to the rest of the family for me.   2.A: I'd like to say goodbye to everyone.   B: What time are you going?   A: My plane leaves at 7:25.   B; Well, goodbye and have a good trip!   A: Goodbye. Remember to look me up if you're ever in Washington.   3.A; I'm calling to say goodbye.   B: When do you leave?   A: I'm catching the 11:00 train.   B: Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch.   A: Goodbye. Thanks again for everything.   4.A: I just dropped in to say goodbye.   B: What time are you leaving?   A: I'm going to try to leave by 10:00.   B: Take care and give my best to your parents.   A: Goodbye. Hope to see you again next year.   英语情景对话大全篇4:老友重逢   1. A: I haven't seen you for ages. You haven't been sich, have you?   B: No, I've been in California for the past month.   A: How nice. Where were you exactly?   B: San Diego. I got back yesterday.   2. A: It's nice to see you again. Have you chaged jobs?   B: No, I've been visiting relatives.   A: That's nice. Where?   B: I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco.   3. A: You haven't been around much lately, have you?   B: No, I've been away on vacation.   A: Oh? Where were you?   B: Palm Springs. I've got a cousin there.   4. A: Well, hello, stranger! Have you moved or something?   B: No, I went to California for a few weeks.   A: Oh, really? Where did you go?   B: Los Angeles. I stayed with my brother.

