
时间:2025-01-01 16:33:29编辑:奇事君


一、英语范文:EGG DROP SOUPINGREDIENTS:4 cups chicken broth or stock、2 eggs, lightly beates、1 -2 green onions, minced、1/4 teaspoon white pepper、Salt to taste、A few drops of sesame oil (optional).PREPARATION:In a wok or saucepan, bring the 4 cups of chicken broth to a boil. Add the white pepper and salt, and the sesame oil if using. Cook for about another minute.Very slowly pour in the eggs in a steady stream.To make shreds, stir the egg rapidly in a clockwise direction for one minute. To make thin streams or ribbons, gently stir the eggs in a clockwise direction until they form.Garnish with green onion and serve.二、翻译:蛋花汤原料:鸡汤四杯,蛋两只轻轻敲破,大葱剁碎,四分之一茶匙白胡椒,盐少许,麻油(选加)。配制:将鸡汤四杯入汤锅或炒锅(加水)煮沸,加白胡椒与盐及麻油煮一分钟,缓缓将蛋汁不间断倒入,搅碎并顺时针快速搅拌一分钟,使之成细条带状,顺时针轻搅直至蛋花成型。添加葱花即可上桌。扩展资料注意事项:1、设计菜谱的时候,应有要熏陶地传递这种感知,并让消费者注意到菜谱的设计切合品牌调性。2、设计菜谱应该注意让菜谱切合品牌调性以及保证菜品结构清晰。同时,餐厅经营者还得以施用明暗对立统一、多色彩结成、食物与插画组合等艺术抓住主顾的对菜品的吸引力。3、餐厅经营者可以针对将同一版面的菜品打乱重新梳理才好,要有很强烈的主线才好,这样的菜谱可以很大几率增强消费者点餐数量的多与少。


一、英语范文:EGG DROP SOUPINGREDIENTS:蛋花汤4 cups chicken broth or stock、2 eggs, lightly beates、1 -2 green onions, minced、1/4 teaspoon white pepper、Salt to taste、A few drops of sesame oil (optional).原料:鸡汤四杯,蛋两只轻轻敲破,大葱剁碎,四分之一茶匙白胡椒,盐少许,麻油(选加)。PREPARATION:In a wok or saucepan, bring the 4 cups of chicken broth to a boil. Add the white pepper and salt, and the sesame oil if using. Cook for about another minute.Very slowly pour in the eggs in a steady stream.配制:将鸡汤四杯入汤锅或炒锅(加水)煮沸,加白胡椒与盐及麻油煮一分钟,缓缓将蛋汁不间断倒入。To make shreds, stir the egg rapidly in a clockwise direction for one minute. To make thin streams or ribbons, gently stir the eggs in a clockwise direction until they form.Garnish with green onion and serve.搅碎并顺时针快速搅拌一分钟,使之成细条带状,顺时针轻搅直至蛋花成型。添加葱花即可上桌。设计菜谱的注意事项:1、设计菜谱的时候,应有要熏陶地传递这种感知,并让消费者注意到菜谱的设计切合品牌调性。2、设计菜谱应该注意让菜谱切合品牌调性以及保证菜品结构清晰。同时,餐厅经营者还得以施用明暗对立统一、多色彩结成、食物与插画组合等艺术抓住主顾的对菜品的吸引力。3、餐厅经营者可以针对将同一版面的菜品打乱重新梳理才好,要有很强烈的主线才好,这样的菜谱可以很大几率增强消费者点餐数量的多与少。

