
时间:2024-12-24 08:48:20编辑:奇事君


Tickle。造句:1. She gave the child a little tickle.她轻轻地胳肢孩子。2. The bigger girls used to chase me and tickle me.比我高大的女孩过去总是追赶着胳肢我。3. This might tickle, but it feels divine.这可能会使人发痒,但感觉很奇妙。4. I am so sensitive to touch that a tickle hurts me.我对触觉太敏感了,以至于“胳肢”都能伤害到我。5. The final question for anybody interested in laughter is, "Why can't we tickle ourselves?"对笑感兴趣的同学,最后一个问题是:“为什么我们不能胳肢自己?”6. See if any of these tickle your fancy.看看这些是否有你喜欢的。7. Every evening I tickle his neck with my sharp knife; he is so frightened at it!每天晚上我都用锋利的刀子给它的脖子挠痒;他很怕这样!8. We will discuss when we have a lecture on laughter a bit of the tickle sciences.我们会在讲到关于笑的课程时,再来讨论挠痒痒的科学。


挠的英文——scratch、flinch、yield翻译例句:1. 他挠着头显出一副深思的样子。He scratched his head and looked thoughtful.2. 信使弯身挠膝盖上被带子擦痛的地方。The messenger bent and scratched at his knee where the strapping chafed.3. 约翰打个哈欠,挠挠下巴。John yawned and scratched his chin.4. 她挠了挠胳膊上虫咬的包。She scratched at the insect bites on her arm.5. 那位老人撩起他的开襟毛衣挠了挠身子侧面。The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side.6. 他们甚至把鼻子贴在地上,挠着头。They even put their noses to the ground and scratched their heads.7. 大象有时会用树枝挠背。An elephant will sometimes use a stick to scratch its back.

