
时间:2024-12-08 00:41:32编辑:奇事君


《读书笔记系列》文礼 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:Hamlet is a classical representative work of Shakespear.This book told us a story about a Danish prince who named Hamlet. As Hamlet heard the grievous news of his father’s death, he hurried home, for attending his father\'s funeral. Enables him to accept, he not catches up with father\'s funeral, actually witnessed his mother and his uncle--whom was suspected of the murderer of his father’s death--Claudius\' wedding ceremony. At this time, Hamlet could do nothing but found the evidence for Claudius’ murder of his father. One night, Hamlet saw his father’s ghost and the old king told him all the plots were done by Claudius and wanted Hamlet to revenge for him. Then, Hamlet found an excuse to fight with Claudius, and prepared for killing him in the fight. Claudius put a poison in Hamlet’s tea and wanted to kill him, but the tea was drunk by Hamlet’s mother. At this time, Hamlet finally was decided to killed Claudius for the old king’s death, but himself was also died at the combat with Claudius.Hamlet is a man with contradictory. During the time, he had many chances to kill Claudius, but he hesitated, and lost the best time for killing . It was his hesitancy which kil……


《苍天在上》(陆天明)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1W9R92XHh4pSQo8XNxUZ-vw提取码:1234 书名:苍天在上作者:陆天明豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:文化艺术出版社出版年份:2001-09页数:418内容简介:但她错了。黄江北没故意在冷落她,更不是要在她面前摆什么市长的“谱”。黄江北这人最瞧不上的就是那种心里身上本没谱、却偏偏要摆谱的家伙。越没谱的人,才会越想着摆谱。一个从里到外都洋溢着大将风度,又手握实权的人,还需要在自己的名片上印上那么些不三不四、不大不小的官称吗?还老怕别人不把他当个玩意儿,整天地跟人计较这个态度那个立场吗?一个真正掌握了支配自己和他人时间的人,是连手表也不用戴的。你信不?您瞧上帝作者简介:陆天明,现为国家一级编剧。中国作家协会会员。中国作协全国委员会会员。作品曾多次获各种国家奖项。作为有特殊贡献的中青年专家,享受国务院特殊津贴。


修罗圣王 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:第五十九章 三女刁蛮“怎么回事?霍林涛的女儿怎么也参加了比斗会?”林庸不解的问。“据我所知,霍娇的母亲出身于望殿城,所以前一阵子霍娇陪母亲去了望殿城,但是她参赛不知是怎么回事。”林文知赶忙回答。“我想她定是听到了这个比斗会,私自参赛的,要不怎么还带着面巾?就是怕被人识穿。”林文礼判断说。“我看也差不多。以她的个性,碰到这么好玩的事情,怎么回不参加?原来在圣神城时还没事找事呢。”林文达也开口说。“这个小妮子,怎么还不长进?我原本是打算让你们其中的一个娶她的,可看她到现在还是一幅疯丫头的样子,娶进来也不能安稳。”林庸又说。这回林庸的话可把在场的三个王子吓得半死。娶那个母老虎?那还不要了自己的命?虽然知道这是一桩政治婚姻,目的是为了拉拢霍林涛,可他们三个还是不愿意娶。虽然霍林涛是“四神将”之一,做他的女婿就等于在军方有了四分之一的靠山,本来是件求之不得的事,可想到霍娇,相比之下还是她的威……

