
时间:2024-11-20 08:10:08编辑:奇事君


《蒲出去2-皇者之阶》由壹线娱乐旗下DJ女团 PINK DJs主演,并邀请了众多跨界本土名人加盟,包括本土DJ界的风云人物:DJ LuckyMan、DJ Ben以及香港歌手MCJKC等。除此之外,《喜爱夜蒲》《鸭王》女主角何佩瑜 Jeana也友情助阵,令该片生色不少。这部饱受争议的微电影尺度颇大,激情戏、绑架戏、宫斗戏应有尽有,被网友称为是“广州版《喜爱夜蒲》。


天才少女JENNY(李雅丽饰)在落魄的前DJ四王之一的JOE(刘京永饰)的教导下,赢得DJ冠军后,开始了职业DJ生涯。在JOE的引荐下JENNY加入了性感女DJ女团PINK DJS,用自己的实力打破了PINK DJS只能靠性感和人数的传统,大受老板赏识。但同时,树大招风,JENNY的表现吸引了花花公子DJ ALEX注意,在PINK DJS成员的挑拨下,JENNY与ALEX结怨。后来JENNY在好友CC的帮助下利用不雅视频反击了ALEX。但这个举动,也触怒了ALEX的幕后靠山----黑道大佬。JENNY在躲避追捕的时候,巧遇贵人Jeana(何佩瑜饰)出手相助,及后在老板的帮助下暂时离开避风头。三个月后,喜喜CLUB老板ERIC赏识JENNY的为人与才华,邀请JENNY复出。为了让JENNY挣人气,ERIC举办了一个大型CLUB SHOW,让JENNY直接挑战四王之一的司隆。经过一番激烈角逐后,JENNY惜败,但已经深深撼动四王的王者地位。JENNY经过此事后,明确了以打败四王及其幕后首领的人生目标。但DJ界并不是想象中简单,四王首领其实正是Jeana,她看到JENNY的决心后,约见了久未碰面JENNY的恩师JOE,并摊牌拆穿JOE的真实面目.....


Innocence - Avril LavigneWaking up I see that everything is okThe first time in my lifeand now it's so greatSlowing down I look aroundand I am so amazedI think about the little thingsthat make life greatI wouldn't change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliantI hope that it will stayThis moment is perfectplease don't go awayI need you nowAnd I'll hold on to itdon't you let it pass you byI found a place so safenot a single tearThe first time in my lifeand now it's so clearFeel calm I belongI'm so happy hereIt's so strongand now I let myself be sincereI wouldn't change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliantI hope that it will stayThis moment is perfectplease don't go awayI need you nowAnd I'll hold on to itdon't you let it pass you byIt's the state of bliss you thinkyou're dreamingIt's the happiness insidethat you're feelingIt's so beautifulit makes you wanna cryIt's the state of bliss you thinkyou're dreamingIt's the happiness insidethat you're feelingIt's so beautifulit makes you wanna cryIt's so beautifulit makes you want to cryThis innocence is brilliantit makes you want to cryThis innocence is brilliantplease don't go away'Cause I need you nowAnd I'll hold on to itdon't you let it pass you byThis innocence is brilliantI hope that it will stayThis moment is perfectplease don't go awayI need you nowAnd I'll hold on to itdon't you let it pass you by

