我爱777 电影

时间:2024-09-09 12:10:30编辑:奇事君


《我爱777》里的插曲 put your head on my shoulde Put your head on my shoulder 歌手:Paul Anka Put your head on my shoulder Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me oh so tight Show me that you love me too Put your lips next to mine, dear Won't you kiss me once, baby Just a kiss goodnight mMy be you and I will fall in love People say that love's a game A game you just can't win If there's a way I'll find it somebody And then this fool with rush in Put your head on my shoulder Whisper in my ear, baby Words I want to hear Tell me, tell me that you love me too. Put your head on my shoulder Whisper in my ear, baby Words I want to hear, baby Put your head on my shoulder 把头靠在我肩上 保罗安卡 把头靠在我肩上 将我拥入怀里,宝贝 紧紧的抱着我 让我知道你也爱我 把唇嘟到我的嘴唇旁边 何不吻我一次看看,宝贝 只要一个道晚安的吻 也许我俩就会坠入情网 人们说爱情像一个比赛 一个你蠃不了的比赛 如果有机会 我要找一个人 然后像个傻子一样栽进爱河 把头靠在我肩上 在我耳畔低语,宝贝 细诉我想听见的言语 告诉我,告诉我你也爱着我 把头靠在我肩上 在我耳畔低语,宝贝 细诉我想听见的言语 把头靠在我肩上

电影 我爱777 插曲一首女声的英文歌 如下图歌词

Skyscraper - Demi LovatoSkies are crying天空在哭泣着I am watching我在呆呆地看着Catching teardrops in my hands双手托着我的泪水Only silence as it's ending只有就像一切都要结束的死寂Like we never had a chance我似乎再也没有机会Do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me让我觉得一无所有对你有什么好处吗You can take everything I have你可以夺走我拥有的一切You can break everything I am你可以将我摧毁Like I'm made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I'm made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Go on and try to tear me down就算你试着将我完全击倒I will be rising from the ground我的意志还是会像一座大楼一样拔地而起Like a skyscraper坚定无比Like a skyscraper坚定无比As the smoke clears当四周的烟雾消散I awaken and untangle you from me我终于苏醒并不在束缚住你,挣开了你Would it make you feel better当我受伤时,看着我To watch me while I bleed真的能让你更开心吗All my windows still are broken我的心灵依旧是破碎的But I'm standing on my feet但是我正慢慢地振作起来You can take everything I have你可以夺走我所拥有的一切You can break everything I am你可以将我摧毁Like I'm made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I'm made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Go on and try to tear me down试着继续将我击倒吧I will be rising from the ground我的意志任然会像大楼一般拔地而起Like a skyscraper坚定无比Like a skyscraper坚定无比Go run run run一直这样逃避下去吧I'm gonna stay right here但我会一直守在这里Watch you disappear, yeah~看着你慢慢消逝Go run run run一直这样逃避下去吧Yeah its a long way down这虽然会是一条漫长的路But I'm closer to the clouds up here但我会越来越接近我心中完美的梦想You can take everything I have你可以夺走我所拥有的一切You can break everything I am你可以将我摧毁Like I'm made of glass就像摔碎玻璃一般简单Like I'm made of paper就像撕碎白纸一般容易Oh go on and try to tear me down试着继续将我击倒吧I will be rising from the ground我的意志任然会像大楼一般拔地而起Like a skyscraper坚定无比Like a skyscraper坚定无比Like a skyscraper坚定无比Like a skyscraper坚定无比Like a skyscraper坚定无比

