
时间:2024-09-05 06:25:08编辑:奇事君


《疑犯追踪》全集百度网盘资源:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aabSJkVfug4FS6e6RxuxJQ?pwd=7xw1提取码:7xw1《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest / POI)是美国CBS电视台制作,由乔纳森·诺兰与J·J·艾布拉姆斯共同打造剧情架构,詹姆斯·卡维泽、迈克尔·爱默生、艾米·阿克、萨拉·夏希等主演的犯罪电视系列剧。《疑犯追踪》(person of interest)的核心设定是:the government has a secret system~a machine that spies on you every hour of every day.I designed the machine to detect acts of terror ,but it sees everything --violent crimes involving ordinary peoper,crimes the government considered irrelevant.They wouldn't act, so I decided I would .经典名句:Only the paranoid survive .''只有偏执狂才能生存。simplicity was never my strong suit ."天真烂漫,非我所长"a unique combination of lazy and ineffectual."集懒惰与无能于一身的极品"and while your combat skills are impressive,"虽说你的战斗水平惊人"your bedside manner still leaves a little something to be desired."但服务态度实在有待提高"eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.“自由的代价是时刻警惕”the night watch"守夜人"just when I think life with you people couldn't get any weirder,"每次我以为跟你们混的日子,已经怪得登峰造极时,"One of you takes it to be the next level."你们总有人能再创新高"卡特警察死了之后,“西装男”(John Reese)、“机器的创造者”(Harold Finch)、胖警察为她报仇,这我都能理解,但是以利亚为她报仇,真的是震撼我了。卡特警察做人真的太完美了。As you've said, you're a hammer."如你所说,你就像锤子"Mr. Reese is a scalpel."里瑟先生则像手术刀"Real control is surgical.真正的主控,精密如手术。当Harold Finch制造的机器(The Machine)”抵抗不过“撒马利亚人(Samaritan)”时,在最后的时刻,The Machine说出了如下的话,使我深受感动:


《疑犯追踪》全集百度网盘资源:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aabSJkVfug4FS6e6RxuxJQ?pwd=7xw1提取码:7xw1《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest / POI)是美国CBS电视台制作,由乔纳森·诺兰与J·J·艾布拉姆斯共同打造剧情架构,詹姆斯·卡维泽、迈克尔·爱默生、艾米·阿克、萨拉·夏希等主演的犯罪电视系列剧。《疑犯追踪》(person of interest)的核心设定是:the government has a secret system~a machine that spies on you every hour of every day.I designed the machine to detect acts of terror ,but it sees everything --violent crimes involving ordinary peoper,crimes the government considered irrelevant.They wouldn't act, so I decided I would .经典名句:Only the paranoid survive .''只有偏执狂才能生存。simplicity was never my strong suit ."天真烂漫,非我所长"a unique combination of lazy and ineffectual."集懒惰与无能于一身的极品"and while your combat skills are impressive,"虽说你的战斗水平惊人"your bedside manner still leaves a little something to be desired."但服务态度实在有待提高"eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.“自由的代价是时刻警惕”the night watch"守夜人"just when I think life with you people couldn't get any weirder,"每次我以为跟你们混的日子,已经怪得登峰造极时,"One of you takes it to be the next level."你们总有人能再创新高"卡特警察死了之后,“西装男”(John Reese)、“机器的创造者”(Harold Finch)、胖警察为她报仇,这我都能理解,但是以利亚为她报仇,真的是震撼我了。卡特警察做人真的太完美了。As you've said, you're a hammer."如你所说,你就像锤子"Mr. Reese is a scalpel."里瑟先生则像手术刀"Real control is surgical.真正的主控,精密如手术。当Harold Finch制造的机器(The Machine)”抵抗不过“撒马利亚人(Samaritan)”时,在最后的时刻,The Machine说出了如下的话,使我深受感动:

