
时间:2024-08-28 01:27:56编辑:奇事君


伴侣的英文是partner。英 ['pɑːtnə(r)] 美 ['pɑːrtnər]    n. 伙伴;搭档;伴侣;合伙人v. 同......合作;做......的搭档例句:Will you be my partner in the next dance?翻译:下一支曲子时可否请你跟我一起跳舞?短语:1、choose a partner 选择伴侣2、forsake one's partner 抛弃配偶3、require a partner 需要伙伴扩展资料:近义词colleague  英 ['kɒliːɡ] 美 ['kɑːliːɡ]    n. 同事例句:Please allow me to introduce my colleague Professor Zhang to you.翻译:请允许我把我的同事张教授介绍给你。用法colleague指高级职位的“同事”,如部长、经理、教授等,而工厂或商店的职员不算colleagues。英美人也用colleague指相同职业的人,即使彼此不相识也用colleague相称。


1、companionn.同伴;伴侣;同行者;成对物之一;成套物之一;最低级爵士;升降口围罩;朋友;指南;手册;2、mate n.偶;同学;同桌;室友;朋友;伴侣;助手;副手;大副;丈夫;3、partner n.合作者;股东;合伙人;搭档;同伴;配偶;性伴侣;情人;伴侣;伙计;4、helpmate n.有帮助的同伴;扩展资料:public company上市公司 ; 公众公司 ; 股份上市公司 ; 公开公司The Company公司 ; 合伙人 ; 芭蕾人生Listed company上市公司 ; 挂牌公司 ;[金融]股票上市公司 ; 境外上市公司Do you like your company? Why?你喜欢你的公司吗?为什么?Do you like your company?你喜欢你的公司吗?


  伴侣,指同在一起生活、工作或旅行的人;亦指夫妻。语出《百喻经·伎儿著戏罗刹服共相惊怖喻》:“时行伴中从睡寤者,卒见火边有一罗刹……一切伴侣悉皆逃奔。”那么你知道伴侣的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    伴侣的英语单词1:   partner    伴侣的英语单词2:   companion    伴侣的英语例句:   他找到了理想的伴侣。   He has found his ideal mate.   她是个好伴侣。   She's an excellent companion.   你如何选择你的朋友和伴侣?   How do you choose your friends and partners?   使婚姻中的一个伴侣停止爱其配偶。   Make one of the partner in a marriage stop loving the other.   他现在没有固定的(性)伴侣。   He doesn't have a regular (sexual) partner at the moment.   他一直以为她是他儿子的理想伴侣。   He had always considered her an ideal companion for his son.   你是否期望你的伴侣不等你提出就主动满足你的需要?   Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs?   研究结果为男人如何选择伴侣和女人如何争夺伴侣提供了更多线索。   They shed new light on how men choose and women compete for mates.   本人的伴侣和她的男伴侣要帮本人“钓个”他们熟悉的小伙子。   My friend and her boyfriend want to hook me up with a guy they know.   但是,我们有没有为伴侣花费过时间,试着使自己成为完美的伴侣?   But how much time do we spend trying to be the perfect partner for our partner?   她与同居伴侣共住这一间公寓。   She shared the apartment with her live-in partner.   只要你心诚,往喷泉里扔下一根大头针,然后盯着泉水看,就能看见未来伴侣的影子。   Any true lover casting a pin into the fountain and gazing into it will see his or her future partner.   只要她不表露她的激情和情感,她就可以选择自己的婚姻伴侣。   She could choose her own partner in matrimony, as long as she gave no utterance to her passions and emotions.   乔治对伴侣的不忠行为视而不见。   George ignored his partner's infidelities.   他对婚姻伴侣的选择   His choice of marriage partner   水瓶座位居第二是因为他们从不觉得伴侣关系有什么让人开心之处,对他们来说,伴侣关系能导致幽闭恐怖症。   Aquarius is next since they are never happy about claustrophobic partnerships.   同时他们也要意识到,检测结果也有可能呈假阴性,这样他们就不会自以为逃过一劫,再去危害他们的性伴侣。   He needed to appreciate the danger of false negatives, so he wouldn 't become reckless, endangering sexual partners.   我差不多一进这屋子,就挑中你做我的终身伴侣。   Almost as soon as I entered the house I singled you out as the companion of my future life.   还在我上四年级的时辰,母亲就起头吸毒,是以在我上七年级时,一个伴侣偶然给我年夜麻,让我试试,我也不感觉有甚么不合错误。   My mom started abusing drugs when I was in fourth grade, so when a friend offered me weed in seventh grade, it didn't seem wrong to try it.



