
时间:2024-08-27 15:48:56编辑:奇事君


easter bunny的音标是 ['i:stə 'bʌnɪ]。意思是(复活节人们用作礼物或装饰品的)复活节兔子;令人仰慕的人。词汇分析:音标: ['i:stə 'bʌnɪ]。释义:复活节兔子;令人仰慕的人。例句:1、As the Chief Easter Bunny,it was his job to hide all the eggs for all the Easter egg hunts around the world. 作为主要的复活节兔子,他的工作是将所有的为全世界复活节狩猎所需要的蛋藏起来。2、He said they invariably bring up the Easter bunny but don't know the significance of the holidayto Christianity. 他说学生们总是一成不变地提到复活节兔子但是不知道这个节日对于基督教的重要性。3、From the Easter Bunny to spinach to death, we lie about all sorts of things to give our kids a sense of wonder, encourage them to try different foods and protect them from harsh reality.

easter bunny怎么读

easter bunny这样读复活节兔子。例句:1、There's no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy, either? 连复活节兔子和牙仙也不存在?2、Others include Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. 这些传说人物还包括圣诞老人以及复活节兔子。3、The kids all think I'm the real Easter bunny! 小朋友全都以为我是真的复活节兔子啦!4、Eggs are hidden, treats baked and stories of the Easter Bunny told. 彩蛋藏好了,美味糕点烤好了,复活节兔子的故事也讲过了。5、Like Elijah.No. Elijah was the Easter Bunny compared to Klaus. 和以利亚一样不比起克劳斯以利亚就是复活节小白兔


science,英 [ˈsaɪəns] 美 [ˈsaɪəns] 读音science英 [ˈsaɪəns] 美 [ˈsaɪəns] 解释:n. 科学;理科;学科;技术,知识复数形式:sciences例句:The best discoveries in science are very simple. 最伟大的科学发现都非常简单。 Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories. 物理学是自然科学中发展出了强有力的抽象理论的最好例子。 His work advanced the science of microbiology. 他的工作促进了微生物学这门科学。He developed an interest in science. 他养成了对科学的兴趣。 He has developed an interest in science. 他对科学发生了兴趣。


1、science  英 ['saɪəns] 美 ['saɪəns]    n. 科学;学科;理科;自然科学;专门技巧She dedicated her life to science.她毕生致力于科学。2、follow 英 ['fɒləʊ] 美 ['fɑːloʊ]    v. 跟随;追赶;紧接着;注意;遵循;沿着;明白The little boy followed his father out.小男孩跟随他父亲出去了。3、museum 英 [mju'ziːəm] 美 [mju'ziːəm]    n. 博物馆;展览馆The museum displays the specimen of ancient Chinese porcelain.这个博物馆展出中国古瓷器标本。4、tell 英 [tel] 美 [tel]    v. 告诉;吩咐;讲述;表达;辨别;判断;泄露;告发;产生效果It's very kind of you to tell me the truth.你真好,告诉我这真相。5、cinema 英 ['sɪnəmə] 美 ['sɪnəmə]    n. 电影院;电影(艺术;拍摄;技术)They streamed out of the cinema.他们涌出电影院。

