
时间:2024-08-26 19:32:39编辑:奇事君


accuracy意思是精确度,准确性。读音:英[ˈækjərəsi],美[ˈækjərəsi]释义:n. [数] 精确度,准确性例句:There are some methods to improve the accuracy of these data.有一些方法可以提高这些数据的准确性。变形:复数accuracies短语搭配:Speed Accuracy速度精度Measuring accuracy测量精度absolute accuracy绝对准确度frequency accuracy频率准确度Filling accuracy灌装精度近义词precision读音:英 [prɪ'sɪʒn],美 [prɪ'sɪʒn]    释义:n. 精确;精密度adj. 精确的例句:The teacher laid emphasis on the precision of the translation from the outset.老师从一开始就强调翻译准确性。短语:give precision to the report 使报告更精确lack precision 不够准确mathematical〔scientific〕 precision 数学〔科学〕的精确性precision timing 恰到好处的时机precision instruments〔tools〕 精密仪器〔工具〕


精确accuracy英 [ˈækjərəsi] 美 [ˈækjərəsi] n.精确(程度);准确(性)1,I'm a bit of a stickler for accuracy 我总是要求精确。2,There is need to check the accuracy of these figures. 有必要核对一下这些数字的精确性。3,They questioned the accuracy of the information in the file. 他们怀疑档案中信息的正确性。4,She hits the ball with great accuracy. 她击球十分准确。5,The translation sacrifices naturalness for the sake of accuracy. 这篇译文为求准确而不惜牺牲自然流畅。

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