
时间:2024-08-25 11:51:06编辑:奇事君











Deuel illegal is originates in the 20th century 40's by O. Helm and N. Dalke, further develops after T.J. Golden and the Rand Corporation becomes. Deuel Philippines this beginning of name in ancient Greece related sun god Apollo's myth. In the fable Apollo will have the foresight future ability. Therefore, this forecast method is named as the Deuel Philippines method. In 1946, the Rand Corporation used this method to use for the first time to carry on the forecast, afterwards this method by rapid widespread use.
The Deuel Philippines method basis system procedure, uses anonymous publishes the opinion way, namely between the expert does not have to discuss mutually, does not have the crosswise relation, only can have the relations with the investigator, time investigates the expert through the multiwheel to ask the question to the questionnaire the view, passes through seeks information, the induction, the revision repeatedly, finally compiles the expert basic consistent view, takes the forecast the result. This method has the widespread representation, more reliable.
Deuel's illegal concrete implementation step as follows
(1) forms the technical panel. Knowledge scope needs which according to the topic, definite expert. Expert population how many, may decides according to the forecast topic size and the affected area width, does not surpass 20 people generally.
(2) to all experts proposed must forecast the question and the related request, and enclosed concern this question all background material, simultaneously asks the expert to propose also needs any material. Then, gives the written reply by the expert.
(3) each expert according to the material which they receive, proposed own forecast opinion, and showed how oneself is uses these materials and proposes the forecast value.
(4) compiles fellow experts first judgment opinion, the row becomes the graph, carries on the contrast, again distributes for fellow experts, lets the expert compare oneself with other people different opinion, revises own opinion and the judgment. Also may reorganize fellow expert opinion, or asks status higher other experts to comment, then sends again these opinions for fellow experts, after in order to they refer revise own opinion.
(5) will possess expert's revision opinion to collect, will compile, will distribute once more for fellow experts, in order to make the second revision. Feeds back the information by the turn collection opinion and for the expert is the Deuel Philippines's method key link. The collection opinion and the information feedback must pass through generally three, four turns. In carries on to the expert feeds back, only gives each opinion, but did not explain publishes each opinion expert's specific name. This process repetition carries on, no longer changes own until each expert opinion.
(6) pair of expert opinion carries on synthesis processing.
If some books and periodicals dealer uses Deuel illegally to carry on the forecast to some monograph sales volume. This dealer first chooses certain bookstore managers, the book review, the reader, the editor, the sale represents with overseas company executive forms the technical panel. Issue fellow experts this monograph and some corresponding background material, requests everybody to give this monograph lowest sales volume, the most possible sales volume and the highest sales volume three numerals, simultaneously explained oneself makes the judgment the major reason. Collects the expert opinion, after the induction reorganizes returns for fellow experts, then requests the experts to refer to other people opinion to reconsider to own forecast. The experts complete first time forecast and obtains the first forecast compiles after the result, besides bookstore Manager B, other experts in the second forecast has all made the varying degree revision. The repetition carries on, in the third forecast, the majority experts revised own view once again. When fourth forecast, all experts all no longer revise own opinion. Therefore, the expert advice collection process will stop in fourth later. Finally forecasts the result for the lowest sales volume 260,000 volume, highest sales volume 6O ten thousand volume, most possible sales volume 460,000 volume.





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