
时间:2024-08-24 14:13:19编辑:奇事君


吸烟有害健康,每个人都应该照顾自己的身体。下面给大家分享一些关于戒烟 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。 关于戒烟英语作文1 At present, many teenagers smoke. I don't think it's a good phenomenon. It must be stopped, for smoking is harmful in many ways. First, smoking is bad for our health. As we start smoking, it's so difficult to give up, because the tobacco contains a drug called nicotine, which can get us into the habit of smoking. When we go without nicotine, our bodies will feel sick. Second, smoking is so dangerous. When we smoke in bed, we may kill ourselves as well as burn down our houses, for burning cigarette ends may cause a big fire. And if we threw the cigarette ends anywhere, it would also cause a fire disaster. Furthermore, once we smoke in public, we may make other people feel uncomfortable as well. Accordingly, for the sake of your and others’ health, please don't smoke. 关于戒烟英语作文2 We can see such signs as “No Smoking” in some public places, which is a kind of measure taken to ban smoking in public places. However, concerning about this measures, different people hold divergent opinions. The smokers protest against that it is a kind of action to deprive of their free right, while the non-smokers are in favor of banning smoking in public places. In my opinion, I am inclined to support the latter one—smoking should be banned in public places. There are reasons accounting for my point. For one thing, people will be harmed by the second-hand smoking if someone smokes in public places, especially the infants and children. For another, banning smoking in public places is also beneficial to the smokers. If they are banned to smoke in public places, they will restrain themselves from smoking and smoke less. In the meantime, it is a contribution to reduce the air pollution. Therefore, I advocate that smoking in public places should be banned so that we can breathe the fresh air and suffer less from the second-hand smoking. Let’s work together to create and sustain out green and fresh environment. 关于戒烟英语作文3 My father used to be a heavy somker.He smoked more than 20 cigarets each day;therefore,he was the polluter wherever he went.My mother and I tried to persuade him to give it up.He gave it up many times but each time only for a few days or only for a few hours. Once he declared that he would stop smoking right away under the pressure of my mother,and he threw his cigarets into the dustbin.The effect of his declaration lasted only for two days.Then I found him smoking again when he thought that he was alone and no one saw him.On the fifth day of his declaration,he smoked openly. Last winter he got pneumonia.When he was well again,the doctor ordered him to give up smoking.To our delight,this time he really got rid of the habit.It seems that the doctor's order is more effective than mother's scolding,my suggestion and his own declaration. 关于戒烟英语作文4 Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage it bring to the people around us. Considered the health of people themseves and the one they care, many smokers try their best to give up smoking. When quiting smoking, I have some suggestions. First of all, people should have strong will on giving up smoking. Personal determination is the most important factor. When feeling eager to smoke, people should think about the damage of smoking and the people they love. And then they can strengthen their will not to smoke. Secondly, sweep away all the cigarette around. They can’t find any cigarette when they want to smoke. And then after a while, their wants for smoke will reduce gradually. Last but not least, prepare some candies in the pocket, when people want to smoke, eat candies instead. Hope every smoker succeed in the end. 关于戒烟英语作文5 Most smokers are males, because they need to smoke for social communication or for set themselves free from the pressure. In the packaging, we can find that every packaging has written the words that smoking is harmful to health. Though smokers know it, they ignore it. For the harmony of the family, people should quit smoking. To quit smoking is not easy, people know smoking does harm to their health, but they just can’t resist the temptation and then start to smoke again, so they must have strong will. They must tell themselves that smoking not only does harm to their health, but also does harm to their families. The families will have much chance to take in the second-hand cigarette, in order to keep the families healthy, smokers must have the strong will to quit smoke. When people find it hard not to smoke, their mouth will feel uneasy, they want to smoke again. At that time, people can find some food or fake cigarette to take place of the real cigarette, in the long time, they will have less desire to smoke. 关于戒烟英语作文精选5篇相关 文章 : ★ 关于禁烟的英语作文5篇 ★ 关于戒烟的英语作文带翻译 ★ 关于戒烟的英语作文带翻译5.31戒烟活动 ★ 如何戒烟的英语作文 ★ 关于吸烟的英语作文 ★ 关于戒烟的好处英文作文 ★ 关于英语作文5篇 ★ 关于学习的英语作文精选5篇 ★ 关于疫情的英语作文精选5篇2020 ★ 2020关于疫情的英语作文精选5篇


篇一:怎样戒烟英语作文   我老爸最大得爱好就是抽烟,我决定让老爸戒烟。   晚上,我回到家里,正巧爸爸正在吸烟,我随便说:“爸爸,你知道烟里含有什么吗?”“尼古丁呀,怎么?”爸爸一脸不以为然。“小孩子家懂什么,快去鞋作业去!”看着爸爸一副顽固得样子,我只好回到了我的房间里。   一天,我看准老爸吸烟得时候,装作很不高兴得样子走到他身旁。“逗逗,怎么了?这么不高兴?”爸爸问道。“我好羡慕我们班上得同学呀,他们得爸爸真好。”我说道,“你看人家的家长,为了不让自己的女儿被动吸烟,主动把烟戒了,还说一定把戒烟行动坚持到底。”“好!那我也戒烟,为了我的女儿,好不好?”“耶——”我差点儿高兴的蹦起来   爸爸的戒烟终于成功了!   My dad's biggest hobby is smoking. I decided to let him stop smoking.   At night, when I got home, my father was smoking, and I said, "dad, do you know what's in the smoke?" "Nicotine, what?" Baba's face was unimpressed. "What do the children know, go to the shoe job!" Looking at my dad as stubborn as he was, I had to go back to my room.   One day, when I saw my father smoking, he pretended he was not happy and walked to his side. "Funny, what's wrong? So unhappy?" "Dad asked. "I envy our class. It's so nice of them to have a father." "I said," you see the parents, so that they don't let their daughters smoke, they give up smoking, and they say they must stick to it." "Good! Then I also give up smoking, for my daughter, ok?" "Yeah," I almost jumped up   Dad's quit smoking has finally succeeded! 篇二:怎样戒烟英语作文   星期六,我又被爸爸抽烟的味道呛得直流眼泪,我决心为爸爸戒烟。   第二天,我早早地起床了,我把爸爸的烟全部锁到抽屉里,只留一条。   中午,我看见烟少了一包,心想:肯定是爸爸这个偷烟的“贼”……便躲起来看,果然不一会儿,爸爸轻声慢步地走到桌前又准备把一包烟拿走,我一把抓住爸爸,我对爸爸说:“吸烟有害健康呀!而且我们还得在烟雾中生存,也毒害我——你的宝贝女儿呀-…”经过一番苦口婆心的劝说后,爸爸终于答应少抽烟,直到不抽烟。而此时的我已经是口干舌燥了。   下午,我去房间睡了一觉,醒来,我一看外面,哇!一碗热气腾腾的酸辣面出现在我的眼前。我穿好衣服,飞快地跑到桌前,开始了开怀大吃。刚吃完,爸爸就来了,恳求似的对我说:“你就放我一马吧!我的好女儿,求求你了。爸爸实在……”我听了没有办法,谁叫他是我老爸呢!唉……   On Saturday, I was so choked by my father's smoking that I was determined to stop smoking for my father.   The next day, I got up early. I locked my father's cigarette in the drawer, leaving only one.   At noon, I saw a packet of smoke, thought: must be father this stealing cigarette "thief"...... And hide, was not for a moment, my father walk to go quietly to the table and ready to take a pack of cigarettes, I grabbed my father, I say to father: "smoking is harmful to health! And we still have to survive in the smoke, and poisoned me - your baby daughter! -..." After a bitter persuasion, dad finally agreed to smoke less, until he didn't smoke. And I was already thirsty.   In the afternoon, I went to the room to sleep, woke up, I looked out, wow! A steaming bowl of hot, sour noodles appeared before my eyes. I dressed, ran to the table, and began to eat. As soon as I had finished, my father came and asked me, "just let me go! My good daughter, please. Dad is..." I can't help it. He's my dad! Alas...... 篇三:怎样戒烟英语作文   一天,我在电视上看到了一些有关吸烟有害健康的图片,就想帮爸爸把烟戒掉。于是,我就把家里所有的香烟都藏了起来。晚上,爸爸正在看电视,有些心神不定,而且一边还在身上翻着什么,他东摸摸,西掏掏,看样子他好像在找什么?哦,一定是找香烟。这时我马上跑过来,拿起一个又大又红的苹果,说:“爸爸吃苹果吧!以后别抽烟了,不然会伤害身体的!”“为了我的儿子,那我就试试吧!”在以后的日子里,每当爸爸想抽烟的时候,我就把许多好吃的东西给爸爸。直到现在,爸爸没抽过一支烟。   我为爸爸能够戒烟,感到非常高兴,这样,不仅自己有了健康的身体,而且还减少了对周围环境的污染。   One day, I saw some pictures on TV about the harmful health of smoking and wanted to help my father quit smoking. So I hid all my cigarettes. In the evening, my father was watching TV, he was uneasy, and he was still searching for something. He felt like he was looking for something. Oh, it must be looking for cigarettes. Then I ran over and picked up a big red apple and said, "daddy, eat apple! Don't smoke any more, or you'll hurt your body!" "For my son, I'll give it a try!" In the days that followed, when my father wanted to smoke, I gave my father a lot of delicious food. Until now, my father had not smoked a cigarette.   I was very happy that my father was able to quit smoking, and not only had a healthy body, but also reduced the pollution of the surrounding environment. 篇四:怎样戒烟英语作文   说起爸爸,我竖起大拇指。可他就是有一个缺点,爱抽烟。   一星期前,我从杂志上看到一篇文章《谈谈吸烟的害处》上面说:“一根烟里有尼古丁等几十种致癌物质。吸一根烟会缩短奉命一秒钟。”而且全家人的身体健康,都会因为吸二手烟受到影响。于是,我决定劝爸爸戒烟,我把那篇文章给他看。他说:“抽烟会有那么多坏处。”经过我和妈妈再三劝说,终于从爸爸嘴里跑出来几个字“听你们的,不再抽烟了。”一转眼一星期过去了。为了看看爸爸到底戒没有戒烟,我就把一根烟放在了桌子上。爸爸看见了烟后立刻抽了起来,突然,他好像又想到了什么,把烟吐了出来。我真为爸爸的行动感到自豪。   今天我很开心,因为我帮爸爸戒了烟。   Speaking of dad, I give a thumbs-up. But he just has a weakness, love smoking.   A week ago, I saw an article from the magazine "talk about the harm of smoking" saying: "have nicotine in a cigarette and dozens of carcinogens. Smoking a cigarette will shorten were ordered a second." And the health of the whole family will be affected by second-hand smoke. So I decided to persuade my father to quit smoking, and I showed him the article. "Smoking can be so bad," he said. After my mother and I tried to persuade him, I finally ran out of my father's mouth and said, "listen to you, stop smoking." A week passed by. I put a cigarette on the table to see if my father had quit smoking. His father saw the smoke and immediately began to smoke. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He spat it out. I am very proud of my father's actions.   Today I was happy because I helped my father quit smoking. 篇五:怎样戒烟英语作文   爸爸,你多次吸烟,看电视的时候、吃饭的时候吸。我在一旁看着十分担心、焦急。有一次我问你是主动吸烟的害处大,还是被动吸烟大呢?是被动吸烟的害处大。   爸爸,你一吸烟就咳嗽。爸爸,你一吸烟就让我来闻,那味道难闻极了,妈妈为了不让我闻,就让你戒烟,可你就是不听。   爸爸,烟草燃烧后,冒出的烟雾中含有20多种毒素。有资料表明,全世界每年因吸烟死亡达250万人之多,烟是人类第一杀手。长期吸烟者,肺癌的发病率比不吸烟者高10—20倍,喉癌发病率高2—3倍,循环系统发病率高3倍,气管炎发病率高2—8倍。与吸烟者共同生活的人,患肺癌的几率比常人多处6倍。爸爸,以上数据是证实的,也是可怕的。   爸爸,我知道你爱我和妈妈,为了我和妈妈的幸福。您就戒烟好吗?香烟里含有20多种毒素,其中有尼古丁,一支香烟中含有的尼古丁可以毒死一只小白鼠。爸爸,吸烟有害健康!   爸爸,祝你早日戒烟。我相信你!   Dad, you smoke a lot, you watch TV, you eat when you eat. I watched anxiously, anxiously. Once I asked you if you were a big smoker or a passive smoker. It is the harmful of passive smoking.   Dad, you cough when you smoke. Dad, I can smell the smoke when you smoke. It smells so bad that my mother lets you quit smoking to keep me from smelling. But you just don't listen.   Father, after tobacco burning, smoke contains more than 20 kinds of toxins. According to the data, smoking kills up to 2.5 million people worldwide every year, and tobacco is the first human killer. The incidence rate of lung cancer is 10 to 20 times higher than non-smokers, and the incidence of laryngeal cancer is two to three times higher, and the incidence rate of circulating system is three times higher, and the incidence of tracheitis is two to eight times higher. People who live with smokers are six times more likely to develop lung cancer. Dad, the above data are confirmed and terrible.   Dad, I know you love me and mom for the happiness of my mother and me. Would you like to quit smoking? Cigarettes contain more than 20 kinds of toxins, including nicotine, which contains nicotine that can kill a white mouse. Father, smoking is harmful to health!   Dad, wish you quit smoking at an early date. I believe you!


  吸烟对身体有害,为了自己也为了身边的人们戒烟吧。下面是由我为大家整理的“戒烟的好处英文作文”欢迎阅读,仅供参考,希望对你有所帮助。   篇一:戒烟的好处英文作文   Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a series of discomforts for their fellows. Medicai scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of   those who are smoking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco smoke. And studies show that non-smokers suffer more than the smokers themselves.   A great number of students have joined in trying to persuade the university to forbid smoking. Smoking is not allowed in theatres, cinemas and in other public places. Therefore,smoking must be forbidden in our classrooms.   Although many people have passed away for having smoked a lot and we call on people to give up smoking, yet many more will turn down what we say every day. I think it more important to call on the smoker to use good judgment and to show concern for others.   吸烟可能对某些人来说是一件愉快的事情,但却为他们的伙伴带来一系列的不适。 医药科学家们表达了他们对烟民们和生活在被烟草污染的空气中的人们的健康受吸烟影响的担忧。研究表明非烟民比烟民自己受到的伤害更大。   许多学生加入了试图说服学校禁止吸烟的行列。剧院、电影院和其他一些公共场合是不允许吸烟的。所以,在我们的教室中也必须禁止吸烟。   虽然许多人因为吸烟过度去世,我们呼吁人们戒烟,但仍然有更多人拒绝我们每天的劝说。我觉得呼吁烟民使用良好的判断力,显示对他人的关心更为重要。   篇二:戒烟的好处英文作文   As everybody know,smoking is mostly bad to our health. But actually,everything have a bad side with a good side,the same as smoking.   I believe a lot of people smoke not because it looks cool,its because they are always worry about something, thats why they want to somke to get out of upset and worried. After i search some imformation on the internet, Actually I have found that cigarettes contain some poly-aromatic hydrocarbons which cause the increased biotransformation of drugs. The drug is converted to a non-toxic form.   This non-toxic drug can be safely eliminated from our body.Now, once our need for drug is over, then we take help of smoking for few days to increase the metabolism of drugs and increasing their eliminating rate.   This will prevent from the side effects of drugs which can be more dangerous than the smoking effects during the same time period.   众所周知,吸烟对我们的健康有害。但实际上,一切都有好的一面也有坏的一面,像吸烟一样。   我相信很多人抽烟并不是因为它看起来很酷,因为他们总是担心的东西,这就是为什么他们想吸烟摆脱忧虑。在我搜索一些信息在互联网上,我发现香烟含有多环芳烃导致增加药物的生物转化。药物转化为无毒形式。   这种无毒的药物可以安全地消除了我们的身体。现在,我们需要的药物,以帮助几天吸烟增加药物代谢和增加其清除率。   这将防止药物可在同一时期比吸烟更危险的副作用的影响。   篇三:戒烟的好处英文作文   It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China. And the smokers are becoming younger and younger, even ineluding some middle school students.   Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people'shealth. However, some people still enjoy smoking. Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of GREat fun and others, think that smoking can refresh themselves.   In fact, smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.   Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.   Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.   据估计,在中国吸烟者约占总人口的一半,而且烟民的年龄越来越年轻,甚至一些中学生也在抽烟。   如今越来越多的人们已经认识到吸烟有害人体健康,但他们仍然乐此不疲。为什么?一些人认为抽烟是一种时髦,另外一些人认为抽烟很有趣,还有一些人认为吸烟可以提神。   事实上,吸烟是一种不好的习惯,它能导致很多疾病。同时,吸烟很浪费金钱。除此而外,粗心的烟民还可能引起火灾。   吸烟对人们的身体百害而无一利。它不仅有害吸烟者本人,而且对不吸烟者也会造成损害。   因此,我希望吸烟者为自己和身边的人们而戒烟。

