
时间:2024-08-23 03:13:28编辑:奇事君


骑自行车的英语:by bike或者 ride on a bicycle。扩展资料发音: [baɪ] [baɪk]或者[raɪd][ɒn] [ə; eɪ] ['baɪsɪkl]词性:动词短语短语:be on the bike 、 bike-riding、 rides his bicycle 骑着自行车。Cycling in China 中国骑自行车learn to ride a bicycle 学骑自行车ride on a bicycle 骑着自行车走造句:1、Following with a check to help support Commute By Bike.给予支票来帮助支持骑自行车上班。2、Our school is quite close to our home. So we could go to school together by bike.我们的学校离我家不远,因此我们可以一块骑自行车去上学。3、It is about two kilometers away from our homes, so we decided to go there by bike.科技馆离我们家有两公里远,我们决定骑自行车去。4、We ride to school on a bicycle and playing cricket isno problem, " Shivanath said, according to the Daily Mail."我们可以骑自行车去学校,打板球也不成问题”。5、I can't give you a ride on my bicycle. It's for a single rider only.我不能用我的自行车带你。它只能载一个人。6、Campus Life Our campus is peaceful in the morning. In a while, students come to school, most of them walk to school, some ride on bicycle and a few by car.校园生活 早上,我们的校园是恬静的,不一会儿,同学们就陆续来了,大多是步行, 有的骑自行车,少数乘着小汽车。


骑自行车运动的英文是Cycling。cycling:骑自行车运动(或活动)例句:Therefore, the benefits of cycling, I feel very relaxed, but the body was able to quickly reach the amount of exercise!所以,骑单车的好处是,感觉很轻松,但身体的运动量却能很快达到!Neil always was an outdoors type of guy, always up for a spot of cycling, hiking or rock-climbing.尼尔是那种喜爱户外活动的男人,只要来点骑车旅行、远足或攀岩之类的活动,他就会情绪高涨。

