
时间:2024-08-22 15:25:47编辑:奇事君


写作思路:确立中心,围绕选材,确定重点,安排详略,选材时要注意紧紧围绕文章的中心思想,选择真实可信、新鲜有趣的材料,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,具体如下:This is my farm.It is not very big,but it’s beautiful.On my farm,there are many animals living their happy life.In the middle,there is a pond.A fountain is in the pond.Near the pond,there are some flowers blossoming.On the right,there are some dogs,pigs,fish,sheep and cows.They are not very lovly.Ob the left,there are some donkeys,cats,ducks,hens,and horses.Near the horses is my house.In front of my house,there is another small house.There are some tomatoes,carrots ,hay,corn,and grass covering on it.Do you like my farm?这是我的农场。它不是很大,但它很漂亮。在我的农场里,有许多动物过着快乐的生活。在中间,有一个池塘。池塘里有个喷泉。在池塘附近,一些花正在盛开。在右边,有一些狗,猪,鱼,羊和牛。他们不是很可爱。左边是一些驴、猫、鸭子、母鸡和马。马旁边是我家。在我的房子前面,有另一个小房子。上面有一些西红柿、胡萝卜、干草、玉米和草。你喜欢我的农场吗?


我的农场英文作文:This is my farm. Although it is not very big, it is very beautiful. There are many animals living a happy life in the middle.There is a pond and a fountain near the pond. There are some flowers blooming on the right. There are some dogs, pigs, fish, sheep and cattle on the left.They are not very cute. There are some donkeys, cats, ducks, hens and horses. The horse next to me is the house in front of my house, and there is a small house, There are some tomatoes, hay and corn, covered with grass.Do you like my farm.中文翻译:这是我的农场虽然不是很大,但它很漂亮,中间有许多动物过着幸福的生活。池塘边有一个池塘一个喷泉,右边有一些鲜花盛开,左边有一些狗、猪、鱼、羊和牛。它们不是很可爱,有一些驴子、猫,鸭子、母鸡和马旁边的马是我家前面的房子,还有一个小房子,里面有一些西红柿,干草和玉米,上面覆盖着草,你喜欢我的农场吗。

