fallen angel

时间:2024-08-20 17:30:26编辑:奇事君


  堕落天使是指与天使相反的存在,但并不都意味着邪恶,俺么你知道堕落天使的英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起来了解有关堕落天使的英语英语知识吧。   堕落天使的英语释义   Fallen Angel   堕落天使的英语例句   神父曾经警告说,我们每个人身上都有两个天使:一个是守护我们的,另一个是堕落天使。   Our priest had warned that each of us has two angels: one is a guardian, and the other is an angel of perversion.   这些堕落天使可能没有那么严重地侵略大地母亲,但是看看这侵略带来了什么。   The fallen angels may be -- okay, they may be violating mother earth, not sogreat, but look what this violation produces.    辩论 的主题是,堕落天使政治前途的本来面目:,关键问题在于,我们从这里要走向何方?   The subject of the debate has been the nature of the fallen angels' politicalfuture: essentially, the question is where do we go from here?   喝忘川之水让那些堕落天使,忘记他们的堕落的处境,忘记自己堕落这一现实,忘记自己是从幸福天堂堕落的事实。   To drink from this river would allow the fallen angels to forget their fallen state, toforget the fact of their fallen-ness from their more blissful former condition.   很明显,它在各方面都很邪恶,这些是由堕落天使建立,的堕落机构,但还要更复杂。   Clearly, it's evil in all sorts of ways. This is the fallen institution established by thefallen angels -- but it's more complicated than that.   莫斯科的夜狼摩托车帮,当地的堕落天使,在公园深处有他们自己的集会地。   Moscow’s Night Wolves biker gang, the local answer to the Hell’s Angels, had theirlair in the park’s depths.   我希望自己的造型像一个堕落天使。   I’m supposed to be a fallen angel, that was my idea.   堕落天使化身成的异端神灵,有男有女,弥尔顿本无须说明。   Milton's been noting that some of the pagan deities that the fallen angelseventually became were male and some were female.   它也为弥尔顿提供了贪欲之神这一形象,正如在本学期这一门课中你们将始终看到的,贪欲之神,在《失乐园》中会变成,弥尔顿地狱中主要的堕落天使之一。   It also provides Milton with the figure of Mammon who will, as you will see over the course of this semester become - well, here in Paradise Lost he's one of the keyfallen angels in Milton's hell   撒旦和堕落天使们正在进入,混战地狱绝妙的建筑中去,突然,所有的天使们都缩小了身形,以来进入那栋建筑中。   Satan and the fallen angels are entering the magnificent structureofPandemonium, and at one instant all of the angels shrink in order to fit in to thebuilding, however big it is.   在这个地狱一群堕落天使们可以拿着铲子和锤子,挖取地下的金矿。   It's an underworld filled with gold that a brigade of fallen angels begins to extractwith spades and pick axes.   这无底地狱是预备给魔鬼和堕落天使的,马克思却想将全人类投入这地狱之中。   Marx wanted to send all mankind into this abyss prepared for the devil and his angels.   他成为他自己堕落的影子,一个不被天堂也不被地狱信任的堕落天使。   He became a corrupt shadow of his former self - a fallen angel trusted neither byHeaven nor Hell.   乙女与堕落天使:詹娜和芭芭拉(布什之女)   Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Bush article.   堕落天使的英语 句子 带翻译   这束腰外衣定是给予了我一个被抛弃者的荣耀以及一个堕落天使的微光,它那钟形的袖子长及我的膝盖。   The tunic must have given me a castoff glory, the shimmer of a fallen angel . Ithad long bell sleeves and came to my knees.   堕落天使最终被一群起义的平民所杀戮。然而没有一个位面可以给他灵魂安息之所。   The fallen angel was finally slain by an uprising within the populace, but none of the Outer Planes would grant his soul any respite.   彗星燃烧的外表下隐藏着黑暗的预兆,召唤着避难所的英雄们为保卫人类世界,抵御复苏的炼狱、甚至还有堕落天使而战。   This fire from the sky reawakens ancient evils and calls the heroes of Sanctuaryto defend the mortal world against the rising powers of the Burning Hells onceagain.   上帝和人类邪恶的敌人,通常被认为是堕落天使的领袖;恶魔。   The profoundly evil adversary of God and humanity, often identified with theleader of the fallen angels; the Devil.   堕落天使:人家说爱情可以改变一个人。我发现我越来越帅,越来越有魅力了。连头发也变成了金色。   It is said love can change a person, I find I am becoming more and morehandsome and attractive. Even my hairs have also turned golden.   撒旦上帝和人类邪恶的敌人,通常被认为是堕落天使的领袖;   The profoundly evil adversary of God and humanity, often identified with theleader of the fallen angels;   第一节展示了一群迷失在城市灯红酒绿中,为金钱失去尊严的“堕落天使”们。   The first section had demonstrated a crowd loses in the urban debauchery, losesthe dignity for the money"the fallen angel".   做为惩罚,天使被拔掉了翅膀,并丢到了人间,成了堕落天使。   As punishment, the angel wings were removed and the human cast, becameFallen Angels.   重拾画笔试了一个以后,进入正题了!-堕落天使。   Restore the brush, try a later, enter the main subject of this! - Fallen Angel.   沿线以来的某些地方,在创造出基于人类和动物都可能的物质实相之后,自由意志脱离了控制---你们知道关于路西法的 故事 和他的堕落天使群。   Somewhere along the line, after creating materials for both humans and animalswere available, free will got out of hand—you know that as the story of Lucifer andhis band of fallen angels.   巫婆引诱感叹,堕落天使诗篇。   The luring lament of a witch, The psalms of angels fallen.   想要控制别人的背后都强调,谁是父亲的管制,但堕落天使,西弗,谁失去控制,即从耶和华仇视。   A desire to control others is the underlining reason behind all this, and who is thefather of control but the fallen angel, Lucifer, who lost control and hates all that isfrom Yahveh .   如果企业偿还债券本金的能力降低,债券级别将可能降为投资级债券最低标准以下,也就成为了“堕落天使”。   If the company's ability to pay back the bond's principal is reduced, the bondrating may fall below investment-grade minimums, and thereby become a fallenangel. 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于堕落的经典的伤感说说 2. 8级英语词汇量 3. 多云的的英文单词 4. 6级的英语单词 5. 在天堂的英语短语


  汉语解释:堕天使,统称“samele”,是相反的意思,但不是代表邪恶、堕落的天使。虽然堕天使中有许多力量大的超乎我们想像的天使,可是那不代表他们邪恶,他们堕落只是代表他们与左边的9个天使有着不同的使命(一般堕天使的力量非常偏激)。你知道堕天使的英文怎么说吗?   堕天使   堕天使的英文释义:   网 络Fallen Angel;Arios;fallen angels;Samele   堕天使的英文例句:   1. You saved our world from the fallen angels. 你从堕天使手中拯救了我们的世界.   2. Demon Fallen Angel Shaher 's revival. Was killed in battle at the Hall ofCorruption by Alphonse. 守候堕天使贾哈尔直到它苏醒的恶魔,在腐朽圣堂与阿尔丰斯的战斗中死亡.   3. Fallen angel, tell me why? What is the reason, the thorn in your eye? 失堕的天使, 告诉我为什么? 为什么我变成了你眼中的一根刺? 坠天使的英文怎么读   相关阅读:坠(或:堕)落天使 :(总称)fallen angels (有时单指)Lucifer   1、fallen angels   One of the fallen angels in Milton's Paradise Lost. Beelzebub was next to Satan in power. 鬼王米尔顿作品失乐园中堕落天使之一。比埃兹巴伯的魔法仅次于撒旦。   Here in darkness and pain he forms, with the other fallen angels, a mighty empire and plans revenge. 黑暗和痛苦之中他和其他堕落的天使一起建成了一个强大的帝国,图谋复仇。   坠落天使 Lucifer,意为金星。在《圣经》中,指的是原大天使长、有六翼的“光辉晨星,荣耀之子”——路西华。路西华因为拒绝向圣子耶稣基督臣服,率领三分之一的天使在天界北境叛变(详见《启示录》第十二章)。经过三天的激战,路西华的叛军被基督击溃,而不幸战败的路西华在浑沌中坠落了九天后落到了地狱,成为了恶魔之王。这场大战被称为“诸神的黄昏

fallen angel中文翻译

They are not fallen angels , but risen reptiles 它们不是坠落的天使,而是腾飞的爬行动物。 Like lost souls in a city of fallen angels , the cop , the private detective , and the killer are doing what they must 周淑珍性命危殆,但刘正熙再一次计算错误,他没算过自己对周淑珍付出了真感情。 I then explain d to him , as well as i could , why our blessed redeemer took not on him the nature of angels , but the seed of abraham , and how for that reason the fallen angels had no share in the redemption ; that he came only to the lost sheep of the house of israel , and the pke 事实上,在教导他的时候,我所采用的方法,诚意多于知识。同时,我也必须承认,在向他说明这些道理时,我自己在不少问题上也获得了很多知识这些问题有的我过去自己也不了解,有的我过去思考得不多,现在因为要教导星期五,自然而然地进行了深入的思考。

fallen angel的英文歌词+中文翻译

I wanna know 我要知道
I wanna know 我要知道
I wanna know 我要知道
Yeah, I wanna know (I wanna know) 我想要知道
I wanna know 我要知道

You had me fooled 你这样愚弄我
You were so good at that 你是如此娴熟
I'm so unglued 我如此心烦意乱
Too many pieces to put back 有太多的碎屑来整理

You were the best by far 直到现在你是最好的
How did we end up like this 我们之间是如何结束的?
And even though who you are 甚至不知道你是谁
I can't believe it's like this 我不能相信会变成这样

I wanna know 我要知道
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路

You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切
But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝
So how does it feel 那么它是怎样的感觉?
How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只爱的堕落天使是何感觉?

I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道
I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道
I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道
I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道

I followed you 我追寻你
To the deepest part of love (of love) 直到那情的最深处
And how do you destroy the life you built for us 但,你是如何毁灭了你为了我们所憧憬的一生?
This is a mystery you played the part so well, yeah 这是一部神秘剧,你这样出色地扮演好了的角色,是这样的
Now this is history 现在这只是历史
Was I the last to tell 我是这最后留下的人来诉说?

I wanna know 我要知道
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路

You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切
But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝
So how does it feel 那么它是怎样的感觉?
How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只爱的堕落天使是何感觉?

The only thing that's worst than emptiness 那个比空虚更颓废的事
Is when your heart's lost 是你心的迷失
And the only thing that's worth the pain 那唯一值得让人悲痛心酸的事
Is the price of what love costs 是相恋的代价

It's when you think its all in your hands 当你觉得一切都在你掌握
That's when it's gone 当一切都消失
And you think you're invincible 你会认为你是一切的主宰
Believe me you're so wrong 相信我,你错了
Tell me how does it feel 告诉我那种感觉

How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上
How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉?
Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路

You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切
But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝
So how does it feel 那到底是什么感觉 ?
How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只堕落天使到底是何感觉 ?

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