
时间:2024-08-20 08:55:03编辑:奇事君


she的读音是:英 [ʃi:],美 [ʃi:]。    pron. 她(主格)例句:She can speak Japanese as well as English.翻译:她会说日语和英语。用法pron. (代词)she是第三人称阴性单数的人称代词,意思是“她,它”,指上文已经提过的或身份已明的妇女、女子或雌性动物,在句中一般用作主语。其他人称代词1、they 英 [ðeɪ] 美 [ðeɪ]    pron. 他们They are going to move to a new house next week.下星期他们将迁入新居。二、we 英 [wi] 美 [wi]    pron. 我们We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.我们十分清楚形势的严峻性。


She的发音:英[ʃi:]美[ʃi:];pron. 她(主格)。she是第三人称阴性单数的人称代词,意思是“她,它”,指上文已经提过的或身份已明的妇女、女子或雌性动物,在句中一般用作主语。双语例句:She gathered the child in her strong young arms and held him close.她把孩子拉进她年轻强壮的臂弯里,紧紧地抱着他。She had closed the door on ever finding out what he was feeling.她再也不会去了解他的感受了。She meant to tag her question on at the end of her remarks.她本想要在话尾附加一个问题。By the time they had given chase, she had made good her escape.等到他们开始追赶时,她早已逃得没有踪影了。Is she going?’ ‘That's just it — she can't make up her mind.“她去吗?”“那正是问题所在——她拿不定主意。

