
时间:2024-08-20 06:40:41编辑:奇事君


already的读音是:英[??l'redi]。already的读音是:英[??l'redi]。already的详尽释义是adv.(副词)已经,已,都,早已,业已先前本来就难道(已经)。already的词语用法是adv.(副词)already的意思是“较早地”“提前”,可表示“比预想发生的时间早”,也可表示“比可能发生的时间早”,含有“想不到某事竟然已经发生了”或“以为某事会晚一些发生”的意味。一、详尽释义点此查看already的详细内容adv.(副词)已经,已,都,早已,业已先前本来就难道(已经)二、双解释义adv.(副词)早已,已经 before now or before a stated or suggested time in the past三、英英释义Adverb:prior to a specified or implied time;"she has already graduated"四、例句I've already paid my membership dues.我已经交了我的会员费。The new rules have already come into play.新规则已经开始生效。You had already gone when I arrived there.当我到达时,你已经走了。I've been there already and don't want to go again.我曾到过那,不想再去了。五、常见句型用作副词(adv.)用作状语Let us begin now; it is already too late.现在咱们开始吧,已经很晚了。The worst is over already.最艰难的时候已经过去了。This machine is already out of date. It is out of date already.这台机器已经过时了,它已经过时了。I already told you.我已经告诉你了。He already knew what she wanted.他早已知道她想要什么。When I called,Jacelin was already dressed.当我打电话时,杰斯林已经穿好衣服了。He looked for a spectacular end to his already long life.他的一生已够长的,他想找个引人注目的方式结束它。When we arrived, he was already there.我们到达时,他已经在那里了。The reading-room lights were already on.阅览室的灯早就亮了。He was two days late already.他已迟了两天了。They continued working, though it was already near midnight.虽然时间已近午夜,他们还在继续工作。I have already done it.我已经做完了。I have already answered that question.我已经回答了那个问题。I have already got his latest work.我已经得到了他的近作。He has already come back.他已经回来了。It's 5:30 a.m., but he's already worked.现在是上午5:30,可是他已经在工作了。He had already left when I called.我打电话去时,他已走了。He had already eaten more than he wanted.他已经吃得太饱了。The play had already started when we got to the theatre.我们到剧院时,戏已经开演了。He had shaved already before dinner, but now he went over his chin a second time.晚饭前他已经刮过脸,现在他再刮一次下巴。When I came in, she was already laying the table.我进来时,她已在摆餐具了。When she went downstairs, they were already having their breakfast.她下楼时,他们已经在吃早饭了。It was already raining hard when he went out.他出去时,雨已经下大了。I already have enough trouble on my hands.我目前的麻烦已经够多了。Is he back here already?他怎么已经回到这儿了?Is my coat dry already?That's quick!我的大衣已经干了?太快了!Are you going to bed already?It's only eight o'clock.你竟然打算去睡觉?现在才8点呀!Have you found it already?(真想不到)你已经找到了?Have you had breakfast already?你已经吃过早餐了?Have you finished your composition already?You are very speedy.你已经写完作文了吧?你动作真快。Hasn't she sold it already?她不是已经把它卖了吗?You are not leaving us already, are you?你这样早就要走了吗?Don't tell me you've eaten it already!别告诉我你已经吃过了。六、经典引文The best books..are those that tell you what you know already.出自:G. OrwellHe didn't even hear what I said: he was absorbed already.出自:G. Greene七、词语用法adv.(副词)already的意思是“较早地”“提前”,可表示“比预想发生的时间早”,也可表示“比可能发生的时间早”,含有“想不到某事竟然已经发生了”或“以为某事会晚一些发生”的意味。already一般用于肯定句中。与动词搭配时,静态动词多用一般式,动态动词多用完成式。表示与现在时间相比而已经做过的事,即by this time,须用现在完成时; 表示与过去时间相比而已经做过的事,即by that time,用过去完成时或过去进行时。already不用于一般将来时。already偶尔也可用于疑问式,或者表示惊讶、怀疑,或者表示期望〔预计〕有一个肯定的回答。already在句中一般位于主要动词前面,系动词或助动词后面。为了强调,可置于句末、句首或助动词之前。already不用于比较等级。用在疑问句中时,常表示惊讶。Are you back already?你已经回来了吗?注意与all ready混淆。He is already there.他已在那了。He is all ready there.他在那完全准备好了。already的相关近义词beforehand、previouslyalready的相关临近词alright、Alps、already married、already in place、already-issued bond、already died of illness、already existing provision、already existing provisions点此查看更多关于already的详细信息


释义:adv.已经,早已;先前already的用法:1、表示“已经”,通常用于肯定句,不用于否定句或疑问句(此时要用yet)。2、若用于否定句或疑问句,则通常含有惊讶之意。3、除通常与完成时态连用外,它还可用于进行时态。4、用作副词时可用作状语。词语辨析:all ready, alreadyall ready 准备好的(作表语)。如:We were all ready to leave when the telephone rang.already 已经(副词)。如:The plane had already landed before we got to the airport.

already是什么意思 already的中文意思

英音 [ɔ:l'redi] ;,美音 [ɔ:l'redi] ;,adv. 1.已经,早已 2.(表示惊奇)已经,都 3.(强调情况或问题存在)已经,prior to a specified or implied time,already in... 早在...时候 ,provisions already agreed upon 商定的条款 ,already existing provisions 【法】 原有规定 ,already issued bond 已发行债券 ,benefit already acquired 【法】 既得利益 ,in the years already spent 已使用年限 ,He already has a phonograph 他已经有一架唱机 ,I've already read that book 我已经读过那本书了 ,Have you had breakfast already 你已经吃过早餐了吗 ,refund of a part of the ine taxes already paid 退还缴纳的部分所得税 ,already adv.1.已经,早已2.(表示惊奇)已经,都3.(强调情况或问题存在)已经

