
时间:2024-08-20 06:33:13编辑:奇事君


  诚信是一个道德范畴,是公民的第二个“身份证”,是日常行为的诚实和正式交流的信用的合称。待人处事真诚、老实、讲信誉,是我们为人处事的根本之道。那么你知道诚信用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来诚信的英语说法和相关英语表达,希望对大家有所帮助。   诚信的英语说法1:   honesty   英 [ˈɔnɪsti:] 美 [ˈɑnɪsti]   诚信的英语说法2:   sincerity   英 [sɪnˈserɪti:] 美 [sɪnˈsɛrɪti]   诚信的英语说法3:   credibility and integrity   诚信相关英语表达:   诚信经营 Manage sincerely   诚信缺失 lack of credibility   最大诚信 utmost good faith   诚信指数 Tradekey Trust Points   诚信团结 Honesty and solidarity   诚信体系 Credit system   诚信英语说法例句:   发现自己的诚信受到了质疑,他很震惊。   He was shocked to find his veracity questioned.   公司 文化 推崇开放、诚信和公平。   culture exudes openness, honesty, and fairness.   诚信是库罗最喜欢谈论的一个话题。   Honesty is a favourite hobby-horse for Courau.   公司必须树立诚信的声誉。   Companies must earn a reputation for honesty.   政府的诚信丧失殆尽。   The government had lost all credibility.   我们进行诚信测试,这可说是我们首创的规划。   We do integrity tests, which we basically have pioneered and formulated.   这就是百事(以及那些竞赛)以一个公平而又诚信的方式做事如此重要的原因。   This is why it is so important that Pepsi (and those competing) do so in a fairand honest manner.   在那些书中,他谈到了有关,诚信进行证券评级的道德信念   In these books he talked about his moral commitment to honest rating ofsecurities.   我认为,一方面,所有的员工们应该意识到诚信、忠诚这些品质的重要性。   In my point of view, for one thing, all employees need to be instilled withhonesty and loyalty .   相反,这幅图中好心的店主却在工作的每一个细节中实践诚信的原则。   In contrast, the kind-hearted keeper of this drawing practices honesty inevery detail of her work.   我们必须开始在 教育 系统特别是在大学中建立这种诚信的文化。   We must start to build this culture of integrity in the educational system,particularly in universities.   如果拟议中的《科研诚信新加坡宣言》能够在所有层面上支持良好实践,它将成为一份重要的文件。   If the proposed Singapore Statement on Research Integrity can supportgood practice at all three levels, it will become a significant document.   不过要注意不要过于夸张,否则你的言语和诚信会遭到质疑和指责。   Just be careful of not overdoing it or your words and honesty will bequestioned and judged.   我们希望署里的所有人员在身处某个情境时都会想一想这是例行任务,还是潜在的诚信测试。   We want all members of the department to question whether the situation isa routine assignment or a potential integrity test. iipdigital.


或者是用:good faith【回答】
诚信用英语是:goodfaith读音:英 ɡudfeiθ 美 ɡʊdfeθn.真诚,善意;信义;精诚;诚意相似短语:errorby good faith 善意过失【回答】
例句选民有理由关注他的诚信和品行。Voters should be concerned about his veracity and character.【回答】
短语讲诚信honour credibility学术诚信academic integrity诚信原则principle of good faith【回答】
短语讲诚信honour credibility学术诚信academic integrity诚信原则principle of good faith【回答】


integrity意思是正直;诚实;完整;完全;统一;完好;完善;健全。短语搭配:1、Territorial integrity 领土完整;领土的完整。2、referential integrity [计]参照完整性;引用完整性;参考完整性;如果一个表中存在外健。3、Integrity Constraint [计]完整性约束;性约束;数据库完整性约束。4、accounting integrity 会计诚信;一篇关于会计诚信。5、vacuum integrity 真空完整性;真空完备性。6、Uncompromising Integrity 坚持原则;诚信经营;永不妥协的正直。例句:1、We must respect each other's territorial integrity.我们应当尊重彼此的领土完整。2、We all have an interest in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem.维持生态系统的完整是我们共同的利益。3、One of the most important features of the steel cables is their structural integrity.钢索最重要的特点之一,是结构的完善性。4、My husband is a man of the highest integrity.我丈夫是个非常正直的人。


integrity做名词时意为完整;正直;诚实;廉正。integrity是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“完整;正直;诚实;廉正”。integrity造句:1、A lawyer should assist in maintaining the integrity and competence of the legal profession.律师应该帮助维护律师界的正直和业务能力。2、At all points in between, the message is protected, either for integrity or for privacy.在消息生成和消息使用之间的所有时点上,消息都受到保护,不管是为了完整性还是为了私密性。3、This is yet another slur on the integrity of the police.这将是对警察廉正的又一次毁谤。4、A man of moral integrity does not fear any slanderous attack.人正不怕影子斜。


integrity的意思:正直,诚实;完整,完全;职业操守;(电子数据的)集成度。读音:[ɪnˈteɡrəti]词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:moral integrity节操;气节。例句:I have always regarded him as a man of integrity.我一直把他看作个正直的男人。近义词介绍:honesty读音:[ˈɑːnəsti]表达意思:诚实,正直;银扇草,金钱花。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:Honesty Is Gold诚信是金。例句:Honesty is the bedrock of any healthy relationship.诚实是维持一切良好关系的基本原则。

