west life

时间:2024-08-19 09:26:34编辑:奇事君


  Kian是Westlife的队长,和声部 英文全名: Kian John Francis Egan 中文专辑宣传照(15张)全名: 奇恩·约翰·弗朗西斯·伊根 小名:Ki 昵称:萝卜 出生日期: 1980年4专辑封面(20张)月29日 出生地: 爱尔兰, 斯莱戈(Sligo) 星座: 金牛座 身高:175厘米 眼睛颜色:蓝色 头发颜色:金色 家庭成员:父母,三个兄弟Gavin、Tom、Colm、三个姐妹Vivienne、Fennella、Marielle Jody

  Shane是主唱 英文全名:Shane Steven Filan 中文全名:尚恩·斯蒂芬·菲南 昵称:老头 出生日期:1979年7月5日 出生地:爱尔兰,斯莱戈 (Sligo) 星座:巨蟹座 身高:175cm 家庭成员:父母,三个哥哥Finbarr,Peter,Liam,三个姐姐 Yvonne,Denise,Mairead,妻子是Kian的堂姐Gillian,女儿Nicole Rose Filan (2005-7-23),儿子Patrick Michael Filan(2008-9-15) Shane Peter Flian(2010-1-22 )

  Mark是主唱和高声部 英文全名:Markus Michael Patrick Feehily 中文全名:马克·迈克尔·帕特里克·菲海利 昵称:豚鼠 出生日期:1980年5月28日 星座:双子座 身高:182cm 出生地:爱尔兰,斯莱戈 (Sligo) 家庭成员:父母,两个弟弟Barry,Colin,男友是来自男子乐团V的Kevin Mark现和Kevin已订婚 nicky

  Nicky是和声部 英文全名:Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne 中文全名:尼基·伯纳德·詹姆斯·亚当·伯恩 昵称:美人 出生日期: 1978年10月9日 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林(Dublin) 星座:天秤座 身高:176cm 家庭成员:父母,一个姐姐Gillian和一个弟弟Adam,妻子是原来爱尔兰总理的长女Georgina,儿子是双胞胎Jay和Rocco Bryan

  Bryan曾是主唱,和声部 全名:Brian Nicholas McFadden。注:本名Bryan,为了便于签名将名字改成Brian 中文全名:布莱恩·尼古拉斯·麦克法丹 昵称:BB 1980年4月12日 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林(Dublin) 家庭成员:父母,一个妹妹Susan,原妻是原女子乐团Atomic Kitten的成员Kerry,女儿Molly和Lily,未婚妻是澳洲小天后Delta Goodrem


分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 欧美明星




Shane、Mark和Kian Byran和Nicky





在Shane、Kian和Mark就读于Summerhill学院的时候,爱尔兰最出色的流行乐队当属Boyzone了,他们以暗含忧郁的歌声迷倒了成千上万少男少女,也是激发着Shane心中明星梦的源泉.他曾经想在大学毕业以后和同窗Mark、Micheal Garret一起组建一支叫SC4的四人乐队,并且他找到了Kian,可爱的金发男孩当时正在玩重金属,但是为了共同的理想他们还是走到了一起.

不久,来自同一学校的Derek Larey和Graham Keighron也加入了乐队,六个人在一起把名字改为I.O.U,并很快推出了由Shane和Mark共同谱写的第一首单曲,取名《Together Girl Forever》,虽然很不幸的,这也是I.O.U的最后一首单曲,但男孩们的理想却在他们努力的笔下越写越辉煌。

Shane的妈妈Mae Filan一直和Boyzone的经理Louise Walsh保持着联系,但是他当时正忙于Boyzone的繁杂事务,并没有签下这个I.O.U的打算,但是,他们出色的表现却让经验丰富的Louise十分不舍.再三考虑之后,精明的Louise把I.O.U介绍给了Boyzone的主音Ronan Keating认识,并希望这位万人瞩目的音乐天使把I.O.U的小伙子们引上成功之路.在听了Shane他们唱了几首Backstreet Boys的歌以后,Ronan的直觉告诉他,他们会是未来的明星.于是,他和Louise成了I.O.U的共同经纪人.也许是Shane、Mark和Kian太突出了,遮去了另外三成员全部的光芒,Louise告诉Shane,他只想签下他们三个人.关于感情和命运的抉择总是艰难的,面对着可能失去的友情,犹豫与痛苦是难免的,但是,倾听着未来的呼唤,人们不得不去学会去放弃一些东西,就算是为了更美丽的传奇故事吧.

拥有了三位成员的乐队也许还少了点什么.不久,他们在一次小型的选拔赛后迎来了另外两位同样血气方刚的年轻人Byran和Nicky.于是,Westside(Westlife的前名)正式诞生了.从1998年的那个火热的夏天起,Westside便开始以现场演唱Boyz II Men、Boyzone与Take That的歌曲的方式向各大唱片公司推销自己.年轻是资本,但也意味着经验的缺乏,因为实力雄厚的大型唱片公司显然并不愿意去做一些不确定因素较多的买卖.

是金子总会闪光的,Westside那种来势汹汹的气势终于打动了BMG的资深顾问Simon Cowell,在与BMG签约的那一刻,Simon本人也许并未意识到,他自己已经成了最大的赢家,因为Westside正是那种给一点阳光就可以灿烂的乐队,在Boyzone的巡演上他们作为暖场开始公开演唱,并在Smash Hits杂志社举办的大路秀巡演上一鸣惊人地获得了最佳新人巡演奖.1999年初,Westside意外地发现,在大洋彼岸的美国有一个和他们同名的乐队,好多西岸的产品都以此命名,虽然在聚集很多人气的时候突然改名会有一定的风险,但是,这一个小小的举动已经根本无法阻止那五位年轻的音乐人前进的势头,他们的未来随着新艺名Westlife的诞生而更加绚烂夺目.



2004年,Westlife发布了他们的新专辑《Allow Us To Be Frank》,一改以往流行偶像的乐风,转手玩起了父辈们的爵士,也许,他们只是想忘却那个已经离去的队友,Brian.

关于Brian的离去,众说纷纭,有歌迷惋惜,有歌迷痛哭,也有歌迷气愤,不管事态如何,Brian终究还是走了,带回来的单飞专辑《Irish Son》彻底宣告了Westlife的四人团体成型.作为曾经的西城男孩,队友对他的离去表示了遗憾,但同时也表示了祝福,希望他的乐之路一帆风顺.

05年10月,Westlife在万众期盼下为歌迷带来了一张全新专辑,《Face To Face》.其实,这张专辑还是没有回到Westlife以往的音乐路子上,但是,我们应该看到的是,Westlife的确是成熟了,成员们成熟了,音乐也成熟了.如今展现在我们眼前的依旧是朝气蓬勃的Westlife,依旧是我们喜爱的Westlife.


Westlife的《Leaving》 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving歌手:Westlife专辑:Where We AreLeavingWestlifeWatching the clock on the wallBeen a while since you calledI can't help but waitIt's late and I can't get no sleepSomething's different this timeIt just doesn't feel rightHave we broken in two?Am I really gonna lose you tonight?You come walking inTears in your eyesPretending like it's alrightBut I know you're leavingI know that smileI can tell you've been cryingYou're gonna say goodbyeI wish I could stop youBut you've made up your mindI beg you don't goBut I already knowYou're leavingWhere does the time go?Between goodbye and helloHow did we come to thisIs there something we missed along the wayWith your bags at the doorI wanna pull you in closeAnd hold you once more even thoughI know you're leavingI know that smileI can tell you've been cryingYou're gonna say goodbyeI wish I could stop youBut you've made up your mindI beg you don't goBut I already knowI know you're leavingHere come the sleepless nightsHere come the tears I'm gonna cryHere comes the last goodbye leaving us behindOh this can't be rightI know you're leavingI know that smileI can tell you've been cryingYou're gonna say goodbyeI wish I could stop youBut you've made up your mindI beg you don't goBut I already knowI know you're leavinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/540782


接到你的电话后 我一直盯着墙上的钟,许久 我知道没有用,但还是禁不住要等你回心转意 夜深了,但我无法入眠 我知道,这一次和以前不一样 这让我感到痛苦难受 我们已经要分开了吗? 今晚我真的要失去你了吗? 你缓缓地走进来 泪水盈盈 但还是假装什么都没发生一样 但我知道,你就要离开我了 我太熟悉你脸上的那抹笑容 我敢肯定你早已流过泪 因为你即将与我告别 我希望我能留下你 但你早已下定决心 多么希望你能留在我身边 但我已经明白,你就要离开我了 我们从当初相识到今日分别之间的时光 都已悄悄溜走到不可知处 我们为什么会走到这一步 一路走来,我们是否错失了什么 你的行李就在门口 尽管如此,我还是无比可我渴望能把你拉近我身边 再次紧紧地抱着你 但我知道,你就要走了 我太熟悉你脸上的那抹笑容 我敢肯定你早已流过泪 因为你即将与我告别 我希望我能留下你 但你早已下定决心 多么希望你能留在我身边 但我已经明白,你就要离开我了 无数夜晚,我无法入眠 我想哭泣,泪水爬满了我的脸 你最后跟我说再见,我们就这样被幸福远远抛离 这一切不应该发生在我们身上 但我知道,你就要走了 我太熟悉你脸上的那抹笑容 我敢肯定你早已流过泪 因为你即将与我告别 我希望我能留下你 但你早已下定决心 多么希望你能留在我身边 但我已经明白,你就要离开我了 Watching the clock on the wall Been a while since you called I can't help but wait It's late and I can't get on sleep Something is different this time It just doesn't feel right Have we broken in two Am I really gonna lose you tonight You come walking in Tears in your eyes Pretending like it's alright But I know you're leaving I know that smile I can tell you've been crying You're gonna say goodbye I wish I could stop you But you've made up your mind I beg you don't go But I already know you're leaving Where does time go Between goodbye and hello How did we come to this is there something we missed Along the way With your bags at the door I wanna pull you in close And hole you once more even though But I know you're leaving I know that smile I can tell you've been crying You're gonna say goodbye I wish I could stop you But you've made up your mind I beg you don't go But I already know you're leaving Here come the sleepless nights Here come the tears I'm gonna cry Here comes the last goodbye leaving us behind Oh this can't be right I know you're leaving I know that smile I can tell you've been crying You're gonna say goodbye I wish I could stop you But you've made up your mind I beg you don;t go But I already know you're leaving

Westlife的《Obvious》 歌词

歌曲名:Obvious歌手:Westlife专辑:TurnaroundYeah, ooooh...We started as friendsBut something happened inside meNow I'm reading into everythingBut there's no sign you hear the lightning, babyYou don't ever notice me turning on my charmOr wonder why I'm always where you areI've made it obviousDone everything but sing it(I've crushed on you so long, but on and on you get me wrong)I'm not so good with wordsAnd since you never noticeThe way that we belongI'll say it in a love songI've heard you talk about(Heard you talk about)How you want someone just like me (Bryan echo: just like me)But everytime I ask you out(Time I ask you out)We never move pass friendly, no noAnd you don't ever notice how I stare when we're aloneOr wonder why I keep you on the phoneI've made it obviousDone everything but sing it(I've crushed on you so long but on and on you get me wrong)I'm not so good with wordsAnd since you never noticeThe way that we belongI'll say it in a love songYeah...You are my very first thought in the morningAnd my last at nightfallYou are the love that came without warningI need you, I want you to knowI've made it obviousSo finally I'll sing it(I've crushed on you so long)I'm not so good with wordsAnd since you never noticeThe way that we belongI'll say it in a love songAnd sing it until the day you're holding meI've wanted you so long but on and on you get me wrongI more then adore you but since you never seem to seeBut you never seem to seeI'll say it in this love songhttp://music.baidu.com/song/843848

obvious story的歌词


안녕 잘 지냈니? My LOVE
웃으며 인사하지만
어젠 네 생각엔 난
밤새 한숨도 못 잤어
그 사람과 다퉜다고
갑자기 전화가오면
왜 이리 가슴이 아려오는지
I’m Falling Love
너무 힘이 들 땐
I’m Falling Love
내 어깨에 기대
하루 종일 힘든 너의 푸념도
다 들어줄 수 있는데
수화기 넘어 네 목소리로
어둔 밤을 지새우고
I’m Falling Love
하염없이 울고 웃었던
시간이 영원할 수 있다면
난 너 없이는 안될 것만 같아
자존심쯤 버릴 수도 있어
허나 내가 없는 네 눈빛이
날 슬프게 해
너무 뻔한 이야기가
왜 이리 가슴 시린 건지
넌 아직 눈치 못 챘니
I’m Falling Love
너무 외로울 땐
I’m Falling Love
내 품에 안겨
차갑게 얼어붙은 네 맘도
다 녹여줄 수 있는데
수화기 넘어 네 목소리로
어둔 밤을 지새우고
I’m Falling Love
하염없이 울고 웃었던
시간이 영원할 수 있다면
난 너 없이는 안될 것만 같아
자존심쯤 버릴 수도 있어
허나 내가 없는 네 눈빛이
날 슬프게 해
널 기다리고 또 기다리며
언제쯤 내 맘을 알아줄까
작은 몸짓에도
작은 표정에도
가슴 아파
난 너 없이는 안될 것만 같아
자존심쯤 버릴 수도 있어
허나 내가 없는 네 눈빛이
날 슬프게 해

2 韩文发音歌词
an-nyeong jal ji-naen-ni? My LOVE
us-eu-myeo in-sa-ha-ji-man
eo-jen ne saeng-ga-gen nan
bam-sae han-sum-do mot ja-seo
geu sa-ram-gwa da-twot-da-go
gap-ja-gi jeon-hwa-ga-o-myeon
wae i-ri ga-seum-i a-ryeo-o-neun-ji
I’m Falling Love
neo-mu him-i deul ttaen
I’m Falling Love
nae eo-kkae-e gi-dae
ha-ru jong-il him-deun neo-ui pu-nyeom-do
da deu-reo-jul su in-neun-de
su-hwa-gi neom-eo ne mok-so-ri-ro
eo-dun bam-eul ji-sae-u-go
I’m Falling Love
ha-yeom-eop-si ul-go us-eot-deon
si-gan-i yeong-won-hal su it-da-myeon

nan neo eop-si-neun an-doel geon-man ga-ta
ja-jon-sim-jjeum beo-ril su-do i-seo
heo-na nae-ga eom-neun ne nun-bi-chi
nal seul-peu-ge hae
neo-mu ppeon-han i-ya-gi-ga
wae i-ri ga-seum si-rin geon-ji
neon a-jik nun-chi mot chaen-ni
I’m Falling Love
neo-mu oe-ro-ul ttaen
I’m Falling Love
nae pum-e an-gyeo
cha-gap-ge eo-reo-bu-teun ne mam-do
da nong-nyeo-jul su in-neun-de
su-hwa-gi neom-eo ne mok-so-ri-ro
eo-dun bam-eul ji-sae-u-go
I’m Falling Love
ha-yeom-eop-si ul-go us-eot-deon
si-gan-i yeong-won-hal su it-da-myeon
nan neo eop-si-neun an-doel geon-man ga-ta
ja-jon-sim-jjeum beo-ril su-do i-seo
heo-na nae-ga eom-neun ne nun-bi-chi
nal seul-peu-ge hae
neol gi-da-ri-go tto gi-da-ri-myeo
eon-je-jjeum nae mam-eul ra-ra-jul-kka
ja-geun mom-jis-e-do
ja-geun pyo-jeong-e-do
ga-seum a-pa
nan neo eop-si-neun an-doel geon-man ga-ta
ja-jon-sim-jjeum beo-ril su-do i-seo
heo-na nae-ga eom-neun ne nun-bi-chi
nal seul-peu-ge hae

3, 英文翻译歌词
hello how are you? my love
greeting with smile face
because of you, I didn’t sleep at all last night
you call me and saying you fought with him
why my heart gonna be hurt
I’m falling love
when you really hard
I’m falling love
you can lean on my shoulder
I can listen your grumble story everyday
till awake at dark night over your voice from phone
I’m falling love
if time that we were laughing and crying can be forever
I think I can’t live without you
I can throw away pride
but it makes me sad watching your eyes that without me
it is common story but why it is so sad
don’t you get it yet
I’m falling love
when you too lonely
I’m falling love
you can be hugged by me
I can melt your frosting mind
till awake at dark night over your voice from phone
I’m falling love
if time that we were laughing and crying can be forever
I think I can’t live without you
I can throw away pride
but it makes me sad watching your eyes that without me
I’m waiting you again and again
when will you know my mind
from little acting
from little look
it hurts
I think I can’t live without you
I can throw away pride
but it makes me sad watching your eyes that without me

