
时间:2024-08-18 02:21:20编辑:奇事君



  环境设计:environmental design

  环境标准:environmental standards

  能源保护: energy conservation


  主干道: arterial road

  辅助道路:collector street



  居住面积密度:density of living floor area

  居住建筑面积密度:density of residential floor area

  居住人口密度: density of registered inhabitants

  人口密度: population density

  人口分布:population distribution

  人口机械增长:population growth from migration

  居住密度: residential density

  高层高密度:high-rise/high density

  高层低密度: high-rise/low density

  建筑面积比容积率: FAR - floor area ratio

  居住建筑面积:residential floor area

  建筑高度:building height

  建筑红线:building line

  城市设计:urban design

  城市景观: cityscape


  空间布局:space planning

  城市网络:urban network

  临街面: frontage

  历史文化名城保护:conservation of historic cultural cities

  古建筑保护:conservation of historic buildings

  文物古迹保护:conservation of historic landmarks and sites

  历史性建筑保护:historic preservation

  风景名胜保护: conservation of scenic spots

  历史性市区:historic district

  绿 带:greenbelt

  城市规划:urban planning

  总体规划:comprehensive planning

  详细规划:detailed planning

  城市分区规划:city district planning

  功能规划:functional planning

  住房建设规划:housing program

  实体规划:physical planning

  城市性质:designated function of a city

  竖向规划:site engineering

  国土规划:territorial planning

  建设场地规划: site planning

  城市人防规划:civil defense planning

  城市防灾规划:disaster planning

  城市抗震规划:seismic planning

  临界分析(门槛理论):threshold analysis

  用地平衡:land use banlance

  土地使用控制:land use controls

  土地利用规划图:land use plan

  土地利用调查:land use survey

  城市用地评价: land use assessment

  城市规模:city size

  商业网点: commercial network

  城市改造:urban redevelopment

  地形测量:topographic survey

  区位理论:location theory

  可持续发展: sustainable development


  钢筋:reinforcing steel bar

  钢筋混凝土:reinforced concrete(rc)

  钢筋混凝土结构:reinforced concrete structure

  板式楼梯:cranked slab stairs




  钢筋保护层:cover to reinforcement




  剪力墙:shear wall



  抗压强度:compressive strength

  抗弯强度:bending strength

  抗扭强度:torsional strength


  Names of Buildings 《楼宇名称》

  natural arch 天然拱形

  natural gas 天然气

  natural ground 天然地面

  natural hillside 天然山坡

  natural land 天然土地

  natural landscape 天然景观

  natural lighting 天然照明

  natural slope 天然斜坡

  natural sloping hillside 天然山坡

  natural sloping terrain 天然斜坡;天然倾斜地形

  natural soil 原土;底土;天然土

  natural soil conditioner 天然土壤改良剂

  natural stratum 天然地层

  natural terrain 天然地形

  natural ventilation 天然通风

  nature conservation area 自然保护区

  nature reserve 自然护理区

  nature trail 自然教育径

  neap tide 小潮

  negotiation tendering 议标

  neighbourhood community centre 邻里社区中心

  neighbouring building 邻近建筑物

  neighbouring street 邻近街道

  nest letter-boxes 排列组合式信箱

  net asset 资产净值

  net asset limit 资产净值限额

  net bearing pressure 净承压力

  net capacity in person space 实际人口容额

  net floor area 楼面净面积

  net living area 居住净面积

  net person space [temporary housing area] 净人位〔临时房屋区〕

  net present value 现值净额

  net rates 差饷净额

  net rent 租金净额;净租

  new building 新建筑物

  new cruciform block 新十字型大厦

  new grant lot 新批地段

  new grant register 新批地登记册

  new letting 新租出

  new residential area 新住宅发展区

  new rural housing standard block 新乡村式标准型大厦

  new slab block 新长型大厦

  New Territories Computerization Project [land registration] 新界电脑化计划〔土地注册〕

  New Territories Development Progress Committee 新界发展进度委员会

  New Territories Division [Land Registry] 新界部〔土地注册处〕

  New Territories Division [Rating and Valuation Department] 新界区估价事务科〔差饷物业估价署〕

  New Territories exempted house 新界豁免管制屋宇

  New Territories ex-gratia compensation rate 新界土地特惠补偿率

  New Territories Lease 新界契约

  New Territories Small House Policy 新界小型屋宇政策

  New Territories Small House Policy Instructions 新界小型屋宇政策训令

  New Territories Survey Division [Lands Department] 新界测量部〔地政总署〕

  New Territories Urban Layout 新界市镇发展蓝图

  New Territories Village Removal Policy 新界搬村政策

  new tower block 新塔式大厦

  new town 新市镇

  new town development area 新市镇发展区

  New Town Development Programme 新市镇发展计划

  new town programme 新市镇计划

  New Works Project Team 新工程筹划小组

  nil premium 不计地价;免地价

  Nissen hut 瓦坑铁圆顶屋

  nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维素清漆

  no borrow area 禁止采泥区

  "No Duplication" Rule 不准双重租用单位的规定

  No Objection Letter 不反对通知书

  no objection to occupation 不反对占用

  no rock crushing clause 不得压碎岩石条款

  no-fines concrete 无沙混凝土

  noise abatement measure 减低噪音措施

  noise assessment survey 噪音评估测量

  noise attenuation measure 减低噪音措施

  noise barrier 隔音屏障;隔音墙;隔音板

  noise control 噪音管制

  noise enclosure 隔音罩

  noise exposure forecast contour 飞机噪音预测等量线

  noise impact assessment 噪音影响评估

  noise level 噪音声级

  noise mitigation measure 噪音缓解措施

  noise non-sensitive facade [premises] 不易受噪音滋扰的一面〔楼宇〕

  noise non-sensitive use 不易受噪音滋扰的用途

  noise permit 噪音许可证

  noise pollution 噪音污染

  noise reduction friction course 吸音道路面层

  noise sensitive receiver 对噪音感应强的.地方;易受噪音影响的地方

  noise-reducing surface 吸音路面;减音路面

  noise-reducing surfacing 铺设吸音面层;吸音铺面料

  nominal change [rent] 名义变动〔租金〕

  nominal load 额定荷载

  nominal maximum aggregate size 标称最大骨料尺寸

  nominal rent 象征式租金;名义租金

  nominal size 标称大小;标称尺寸

  nominal sum 象征式收费

  nominal wage index 表面工资指数


圈占地常见释义英[ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r)] 美[ɪnˈkloʊʒər] n. 圈占地; 圈用地; 围场; 圈地; (信中)附件; [例句]This enclosure was so vast that the outermost wall could hardly be seen.这块围场如此之大,几乎看不见最远端的围墙。[其他] 复数:enclosures


  附件,指随同档案发出的有关档案或物品;组成机器、器械的某些零件,部件。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    附件的英语说法1:   attachment    附件的英语说法2:   accessory    附件的英语说法3:   enclosure    附件的网路短语:   附件约束 Attachment Constraint   锅炉附件 boiler fittings ; boiler accessories ; boiler auxiliaries ; garniture of boiler   必需附件 essential accessory ; requisit a accessorl   附件型别 filetype ; types of attachment ; Double-Lock Plate ; attachtype char   灯饰附件 lighting accessories   安全附件 safety accessory ; Safety accessories ; aety accessory ; Security Accessories   管子附件 plumbing fixtures ; pipe accessories ; pepe fittings ; Pipe & Tube Fittings   量块附件 Accessories for gauge blocks ; reference gage    附件的英语例句:   1. The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the puter.   记忆体扩充卡是计算机很有用的附件。   2. I received your enclosure with gratitude.   附件收到,十分感谢.   3. These are indispensable accessories.   这些是不可缺少的附件.   4. The vacuum cleaner has four different attachments.   吸尘器有四个不同的附件.   5. This prospect was the subject of an appendix to the development plan.   这是发展计划附件的主题规划.   6. Please do not send your resume by attachment.   请勿以附件形式传送简历。   7. There frequently follow the text of an act one or more schedules.   法令中在正文之后常常还附有一个或几个附件.   8. I received a letter with three enclosures.   我收到一封有三份附件的信.   9. A radio is an accessory to a car.   收音机是汽车的附件.   10. Please find enclosed my CV and a letter of remendation from my school principal.   请查收我附件里的CV,和我学校推荐人的介绍信.   11. 1 Hz horizontal and 4 Hz vertical transducers are used at many stations as supplements.   1赫兹的水平向换能器和4赫兹的垂直向换能器也当作附件用于许多台站.   12. Pen read Costigan's letter and its inclosure mechanically, hardly knowing what was before his eys.   潘怔怔地读完了科斯蒂根的信和它的附件, 简直不相信他的眼睛.   13. Opening the folder, Nim slid the *** all pile of letters and attachments across the table.   尼姆开启资料夹, 把一小叠信件和附件推到桌子对面.   14. The scanning electron microscope provides rmation on chemical position by use of X - ray spectrometer attachments.   扫描电子显微镜能利用x射线谱仪的附件来提供化学组份的资讯.   15. Any annex is the integral part of this contract.   对本合同一切附件均为本合同的有效组成部分.


问题一:具体请看附件 用英语怎么说 For more detailed information, please check the attachment.

问题二:邮箱附件中的・附件・英文怎么说 attachment 附件

问题三:简历在附件中,用英文怎么说比较正规啊? 请问大家,把简历用mail寄给公司,正文需要写什么吗?
Having found your recruitment notice(advertisement) on XXX, I'm sending my resume to you for a position of XXX in XXX department.
I think I'm petent with this position because...Please refer to my resume for details.
I'm very interested in your pany and this postion because I think it is a pretty promising pany in XX industry. You're appreciated if I get an interview chance.
Thank you very much for your time in reading this resume.
1. My resume is attached in the enclosure.(英语用词忌讳重复)
2. My resume is enclosed in the attachment.(英语用词忌讳重复)
3. Please refer to my resume in the attachment/enclosure.
4. 最简单的说法:Resume enclosed或Resume attached.(看情况使用,可作为补充说明)

问题四:邮件的附件,用英语怎么说 你好!
E-mail attachment
attachment 英[??t?t?m?nt] 美[??t?t?m?nt]
n. (用电子邮件发送的) 附件,附属物; 依恋,依附; 扣押财产逮捕,扣押(人,财产);
[例句]As a teenager she formed a strong attachment to one of her teachers

问题五:电子邮件里“附件”用英语应该怎么说 英文原文:

问题六:请问:"上传附件"用英语怎么说? upload attachment

问题七:参见附件用英语怎么说? 我们公司(IBM)一般用Please refer to the attachment.

问题八:详见附件用英语怎么说? Details refer to the attachment. 这个比较常用。

问题九:“请查阅附件”中文翻译英文 请查阅附件
please refer to the appendix
Please review the attachments
(随同主要文件一同制定的文件) appendix; annex:
(电子邮件的) 附件 attachments

