
时间:2024-08-13 21:20:07编辑:奇事君


一、supper读音:英[ˈsʌpər]、美[ˈsʌpər]。基本释义:作为名词(n). 晚餐,晚饭;夜宵。例句:Every day after supper, I help my mother clean the kitchen.每天晚饭后,我都帮妈妈打扫厨房。其复数形式是:suppers。同时,注意区分dinner,意思是晚餐。二、supper造句1、After supper he placed himself before the desk and switched the radio on.晚饭后,他坐在书桌前,打开了收音机。2、I was having my supper when she called me last night.昨晚她给我打电话时我正在吃晚饭。3、I had chaffy dish for supper last night, but it seemed tasteless to have supper alone;昨晚我自己吃火锅,但好像一个人的晚饭没有那么香;4、We indulged in an expensive supper after the concert.音乐会后我们尽情地享受了一顿昂贵的晚餐。5、The beef I had at supper was very delicious.我晚餐吃的牛肉味道很好。6、You need to unwind and shift gears before you start supper or do the laundry.你需要在晚饭和其他务之前好好放松。7、The Macdonalds finished supper at Macdonald's, and then bowled at the bowling alley.麦可糖那一家在麦当劳吃过晚饭后去球馆打保龄。8、We have supper at six.我们六点吃晚饭。9、The supper smells delicious.晚饭闻起来很香。10、Calendula peppered salad for supper tonight.今晚,加上点缀的金盏花沙拉。11、Aravis and Lasaraleen had supper in the pillared room.阿拉维斯和拉斯阿拉莉恩在圆柱房间里吃晚饭。12、People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house人们在教堂交谊厅吃意大利面晚餐。13、Actually we just want to put it off until supper time.事实上我们只是想推迟到晚饭时间。14、How much is the pair on the supper right?hand corner?右上角的那副怎么卖? 15、When the supper was ready, mother told her to lay the table.晚饭准备好了,妈妈告诉她摆好餐具。16、My wife will take me out to have supper tonight.今天晚上我妻子陪我出去吃饭。17、Shall we have supper there?我们会在那儿吃晚餐吧?18、Christ is still at the table on which the paschal supper has been spread.这时基督仍在那摆著逾越节晚餐的筵席上。19、After supper they would talk, he would sit back and smoke his pipe as his father did.晚饭后他们会说话,他会坐下来和他的烟斗抽烟,他父亲。


supper的意思是晚餐。1、晚饭,晚餐Supper starts at five today.今天晚饭五点开始。2、夜宵,宵夜She gives the children their supper, then puts them to bed.她让孩子们吃了点夜宵,然后让他们上床睡觉。含有supper的常见短语:supper club夜总会last suppern.最后晚餐lord's supper圣餐(仪式)扩展资料同义词:1、dinner英 [ˈdɪnə(r)] 美 [ˈdɪnər] n.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐,主餐;宴会What shall we have for dinner tonight?我们今晚吃什么?2、meal英 [miːl] 美 [miːl] n.早(或午、晚)餐;一顿饭;一餐所吃的食物;谷物粗粉(用作饲料或加工面粉)What time would you like your evening meal?你打算几点钟吃晚饭?

