health insurance

时间:2024-08-11 09:27:05编辑:奇事君


问题一:购买保险的英文怎么说 折现 discounted cash flow
买保险 get/purchase/buy insurance

问题二:保险的概念用英文怎么翻译 insurance

问题三:办理保险的英文怎么说 办理保险
[网络] insurance; Arrangement of Insurance; Effecting insurance; effect insurance; take out insurance;
Please contact our insurance agent for insurance coverage.

问题四:卖保险的 英文怎么说? Insurance agent,那叫保险代理人,不叫推销员好吗

问题五:中国五大保险用英语怎么说? 养老 Endowment insurance
生育 Birth insurance
医疗 Medical insurance
工伤 Industrial injury insurance
失业 Unemployment insurance
住房公积金 Public accumulation funds for housing

问题六:保险英文怎么读 Insurance
英 [?n?ʃ??r?ns]美 [?n???r?ns]

问题七:保险 英语怎么说 Insurance

问题八:“保险专业”英文怎么翻译? insurance speciality
或者保险学 Insurance 就可以了
1) insurance speciality
1.If we are able to implement the reform measure,we can satisfy the social needs of insurance speciality,and propel the insurance forward in China.

问题九:保险险别用英文怎么说 Insurance risk
in??u?r?ns risk
?n???r?ns r?sk
insurance coverage

问题十:办理保险的英文怎么说 办理保险
[网络] insurance; Arrangement of Insurance; Effecting insurance; effect insurance; take out insurance;
Please contact our insurance agent for insurance coverage.


保险英文表示为insurance,其读音为英[ɪnˈʃʊərəns] 美[ɪnˈʃʊrəns] insurance一、释义n. 保险; 保险业; 保险费; 保险契约,保险单; (防备不测的)保障措施,安全保证; 〈体〉保证球队始终处于领先地位的得分; 二、词形变化复数:insurances三、用法Insurance常做名词,表示保险,保单,以及可以表示保险这个行业。例如:She decided to take out travel insurance before her trip to Europe. 她决定在前往欧洲之前购买旅行保险。四、词语用例insurance claim保险索赔insurance company保险公司insurance coverage保险范围insurance payments保险费insurance policy保险单五、双语例句1、You can make a claim on your insurance policy. 你可按保险单索赔。2、Take out accident insurance before you go on your trip. 去旅行前要办理好意外保险。3、Always make a backup disk as an insurance policy. 为保险起见,每次都要做备份磁盘。4、She gave false information to the insurance company. 她向保险公司提供了不真实的资料。5、Assessing insurance risk can never be an exact science. 估定承保的风险永远不会成为一门精确的科学。

