
时间:2024-08-10 16:57:58编辑:奇事君


cure的读音是:英[kj??(r)]。cure的读音是:英[kj??(r)]。cure形容词:cureless;名词:curer;过去式:cured;过去分词:cured;现在分词:curing;第三人称单数:cures。cure【近义词】heal。一、详尽释义点此查看cure的详细内容n.(名词)治疗,医治疗法对策,措施药,治疗用剂痊愈,治愈牧师职位怪人,奇人疗程处治疗养矿泉疗养地补救(办法)矫正法v.(动词)消除,扫除产生疗效,起治疗作用受治疗治愈,治好,治疗,医病,医治,救治,使康复,痊愈(用腌、晒、熏等方法)保存(食品)矫正,纠正,改正晒干,熏干,烤干,风干进行加工,加工储藏,加工处理受硫化解决(问题),了结(问题)腌制去掉(弊端),消除,铲除(弊病),除去(不良习惯)二、词典解释1.治愈,治好(疾病或创伤)If doctors or medical treatmentscure an illness or injury, they cause it to end or disappear.cure的意思e.g. An operation finally cured his shin injury...手术最终治好了他胫部的伤。e.g. Her cancer can only be controlled, not cured.她的癌症只能控制,无法治愈。2.治好,治愈(病人);使恢复健康If doctors or medical treatmentscure a person, they make the person well again after an illness or injury.cure在线翻译e.g. MDT is an effective treatment and couldcure all the leprosy sufferers worldwide...联合化疗是一种有望治愈全世界所有麻风病患者的有效治疗方法。e.g. Almost overnight I was cured...几乎是一夜间我就被治好了。3.药;药物;疗法Acure for an illness is a medicine or other treatment that cures the illness.e.g. There is still nocure for a cold...尚没有治疗感冒的特效药。e.g. Atkinson has been told rest is the onlycure for his ankle injury.阿特金森被告知休息是唯一能治好他脚踝伤的办法。4.消除,解决(问题)If someone or somethingcures a problem, they bring it to an end.e.g. Private firms are willing to make large scale investments to helpcure Russia's economic troubles...私有企业愿意投巨资帮助俄罗斯渡过经济难关。e.g. We need tocure our environmental problems.我们需要解决环境问题。5.解决方法;措施;对策Acure for a problem is something that will bring it to an end.e.g. Punishment can never be an effectivecure for acute social problems...惩罚绝不是解决严重社会问题的有效办法。e.g. The magiccure for inflation does not exist.抑制通货膨胀没有什么灵丹妙药。6.矫正,使放弃(习惯或态度)If an action or eventcures someoneof a habit or an attitude, it makes them stop having it.e.g. The experience was a detestable ordeal, and it cured him of any ambitions to direct again...那次经历是一次令人厌恶的煎熬,使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。e.g. He went to a clinic tocure his drinking and overeating.他去诊所戒酒并控制饮食。7.(用干燥、熏、腌等方法)加工贮藏When food, tobacco, or animal skinis cured, it is dried, smoked, or salted so that it will last for a long time.cure的近义词e.g. Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.在火上熏制猪腿。e.g. ...sliced cured ham.切成片的熏火腿三、网络解释1. 痊愈:Seal) 痊愈(Cure)五月十日 牡丹花(Common Peony) 引导(Lead)五月十一日 黄日光兰(Yellow Asphodel) 生性狂野(Wild Nature)萨尔瓦多.达力...朝外的各位还记得么...那个超现实主义的奠基人...不过有人说他的画大多都是请枪手画的...五月十二日 鸢尾花(Garden Iris) 优美(Graceful)五月十叁2. 固化:油性油墨没有干燥装置也能使油墨干燥,而UV油墨若无干燥装置是无法干燥的. 该干燥系统即UV(ultraviolet)固化装置. 这是需要注意的是,对于UV油墨不使用干燥(Dry)的说法,而叫做固化(Cure).四、例句There is no effective cure for colds except rest.除了多休息,没有有效的方法可以治疗感冒。There is still no cure for the common cold.目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。The doctor claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.这个医生声称找到治愈那个疾病的疗法。The cure for stress lies in learning to relax.消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。I tried every cure you can think of.我试过了一切能想到的解脱办法。When I left the hospital I was completely cured.出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。The only way to cure backache is to rest.治疗背痛的唯一办法是休息。He tried to cure his child of the habit.他试着去矫正他孩子的那种习惯。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)cure of (v.+prep.)治好 make patients fully recover from an illnesscure sb of sthDoctors are now able to cure people of many diseases which in former times would have killed them.现在,医生能够治愈过去的许多不治之症。Penicillin cured him of his pneumonia.青霉素治好了他的肺炎。This medicine will cure you of your cough.这种药会治好你的咳嗽。This medicine should cure you of your cold.这种药应该能够治愈你的感冒。This drug will cure you of your stomach.这种药会把你的胃病治好的。The fresh air and exercise cured him of his headache.呼吸新鲜空气和坚持锻炼把他的头痛病治好了。The teacher cured him of bad habits.老师纠正了他的坏习惯。A spell in the army will cure him of his laziness!在军队里呆一段时间会治好他的懒病的。That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever.那件令人讨厌的事把他爱管闲事的毛病彻底治好了。The shock of losing my purse cured me of all my former absent-mindedness.丢钱包给我的打击把我往日的心不在焉的习惯给改掉了。No medicine can cure a man of no confidence.一个人如果失去了自信心,那就没法治了。He is cured of rheumatism.他的风湿病已治好。The patient was cured of his disease three years ago.这位病人的病三年前就治好了。用作名词(n.)cure for治疗或纠正…的药物或方法 the way to make the patients healthcure of医治,根除 heal; root out sth六、经典引文Physical cures happen at Lourdes and the phenomenon cannot be ignored.出自:E. S. TurnerTried to impose upon me Your own diagnosis, and prescribe your own cure.出自:T. S. EliotHe tried to cure the boy of his bad ways and make him honest.出自:G. Stein七、词源解说☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的cura,意为关于,照顾,困扰。cure的相关近义词heal、remedy、medicine、remedy、treatmentcure的相关临近词curfew、curdle、cured、Curev、curet、curer、Curel、Curez、Curea、Curec、Curey、cureau点此查看更多关于cure的详细信息


cue读音英[kjuː];美[kjuː]。CUE,网络流行词,该词经常被用在综艺节目当中,指点请对方接话、表演交接转换的意思。释义:n.提示,暗示;线索。vt.给…暗示。n. (Cue)人名;(西)库埃。变形:过去式cued、过去分词cued、现在分词cuing或cueing、第三人称单数cues、复数cues。双语例句I was waiting for her cue under the stage.我在台下等她的提示。Will you cue me in front of the stage during my speech?你可以在讲台前提示我演讲吗?George made a mistake in cueing.乔治击球失误了。She stood in the wings and waited for her cue to go on.她站在舞台侧面等待着出场的提示。









