
时间:2024-07-30 07:22:44编辑:奇事君


feet的意思是脚。feet:英 [fiːt] ,美 [fiːt]    n. 脚;英尺名词foot的复数形式.feet例句:I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet.我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。feet近义词handhand的意思是手。hand:英 [hænd],美 [hænd]    n. 手;协助;手艺v. 给;传han例句It was written by hand.这是手写的。


feet的读音是/ fiːt /。表达意思:脚(foot 的复数形式);尺;韵脚。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:on your feet在你的脚上;cold feet害怕,胆怯;信心或勇气的丧失。例句1、The waves lapped around our feet.波浪轻轻地拍打着我们的脚。2、She had long, narrow feet.她有一双瘦长的脚。3、They're two feet thick.它们两英尺厚。


fe的读音是:英 [ˌef ˈiː] 美 [ˌef ˈiː] 一、短语Levelling Agent FE 匀染剂FEEFG-FE coupling method 无网格伽辽金fe acac 提供关于FE Tiler 多画面FE Bender 屈曲UAT FE 不可用时间FE SCO 远东轮船公司二、双语例句1、Property Analysis and Processing Flow of Cu-Fe Composite Powder .铜铁复合粉工艺流程及性能试验分析。2、Study on Amorphous Soft Magnetic Materials Based on Fe Co Ni.铁钴镍基非晶态软磁材料的研究。3、The parametric FE model of three-box type body is created. 建立了基于三箱式轿车结构的参数化分析模型。4、FE analysis of behavior of settlement reducing pile foundation. 减沉桩基础作用特性的有限元分析。


feet的中文意思是脚,足;英尺;韵脚;是foot的复数。短语搭配:1、on one's feet.站着;复原;下床走动。2、bare feet.赤足;光脚;赤脚。3、find one's feet.能站起来走路;立足;站稳脚跟。4、feet first.脚朝前;死的;已就木的。5、six feet under.死后被埋的。双语例句:1、She was blown off her feet by the shock wave from the explosion.她被爆炸的冲击波击倒。2、He felt carefully with his feet for a hold and swung himself up.他小心翼翼地用脚摸索着支撑点,然后纵身一跃。3、You would like to sit at my feet and thus acquire my wisdom.你欲拜我为师,从而得我之智。4、A giant,over six feet seven with a reach of over 81 inches.手的伸出距离为81英寸、身高6英尺7的巨人。5、A climber was killed when he plummeted 300 feet down an icy gully.一位登山者从300英尺高处陡然掉到一个冰谷里给摔死了。6、He was a few feet shy of Barry in the height department.他在身高方面比巴里矮几英尺。7、The towers are inclined,from four to ten feet out of plumb.那些塔是歪的,偏离垂直线4到10英尺。8、She would be sure to make a song and dance about her aching feet.她肯定会因为脚痛而大惊小怪。9、After some ups and downs he has finally landed on his feet.经过一些曲折,他最终成功了。10、He led me up hill and down dale till my feet were dropping off.他领着我到处走,直到我的腿都快断了。

