
时间:2024-07-29 20:46:20编辑:奇事君


  布料是装饰材料中常用的材料。包括有化纤地毯、无纺壁布、亚麻布、尼龙布、彩色胶布、法兰绒等各式布料。布料在装饰陈列中起到了相当的作用,常常是整个销售空间中不可忽视的主要力量。大量运用布料进行墙面面饰、隔断、以及背景处理,同样可以形成良好的商业空间展示风格。那么你知道布料用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    布料英语说法1   cloth    布料英语说法2   drapery   布料英语说法3   material    布料的英语例句:   这布料不褪色。   The colour in this material does not fade.   我母亲经营着几家布料店。   My mother ran a couple of drapery shops.   将布料对折,然后将两层缝在一起。   Fold the fabric and stitch the two layers together.   这些布料质地柔软,穿着很舒服。   The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.   这种布料非常精细,或者说容易磨损。   The fabric is very fine or frays easily.   用胶水把布料粘在窗户周围。   Glue the fabric around the window.   她的裙子的厚布料   The thick material of her skirt   这块布料摸起来很滑。   The cloth feels smooth.   用剪子在布料上剪个缺口。   Make a nick in the cloth with the scissors.   这布料容易撕破。   This cloth tears easily.   直到很晚之后,欧洲才知道棉花布料。   Cotton material was not known in Europe until much later.   这块布料染的不好。   This piece of cloth has bad coloration.   棉花布料色泽不像丝质布料那麽亮。   Cotton fabrics are less shiny than silk fabrics.   这个室内布料市场中的商店出售各种布料。   A wide variety of fabrics can be found in the shops in this indoor fabric market.   布料放进了机器。   The fabric is fed through the machine.   这些坐垫是用布料或者皮革材料制作的,里面装有填充物和弹簧。   They are made of cloth or leather material and have padding and springs.   用廉价布料匆匆缝制的难看的连衣裙   The unbecoming dress hurriedly stitched from cheap cloth   首先将细密的碳纤维丝纺成纱线,并将纱线织成布料。   Carbon fiber consists of thin strands of carbon woven into a yarn that in turn can be made into cloth.


问题一:“无纺布”用英语怎么说? “无纺布” non woven fabrics ; non wovens ; nonwoven fabric ; nonwoven fabrics ; nonwovens

问题二:无纺布面料用英语怎么说 无纺布面料_有道翻译
Non-woven fabrics
美 ['f?br?k]
n. 纤维织物(fabric的复数)

Fabrics 面料,纺织品,面
cotton fabrics 棉织物,棉织品,棉纺面料
rayon fabrics 人造丝织物,人工制造丝织物

问题三:热压无纺布袋或者超声波无纺布袋用英语怎么说? 超声波无纺布袋---Ultrasonic non-woven bags

