pimp c

时间:2024-07-28 15:14:43编辑:奇事君


例如:CYA/CU/OICU... 1. AAA :1). American Accounting Association 美国会计协会
2). American Advertising Association 美国广告协会
3). American Arbitration Association 美国商务仲裁协会
2. AAL:American Airlines 美国航空公司
3. A.B.C.C.:Association of British Chambers of Commerce 英国商会联合会
4. ABS:American Bureau of Shipping 美国船运局
5. AC:Air Canada 加拿大航空公司
6. ACC:American Chamber of Commerce 美国商会(又简称Amcham)
7. A.E.A:American Economic Association 美国经济协会
8. AF:Air France 法国航空公司
9. AFEB:authorized foreign exchange bank 指定外汇银行
10. AFRASEC:Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation 亚非经济合作组织
11. AGM:annual general meeting(公司股东)年度大会
12. AID:Agency for International Development(美国)国际开发署
13. AMA:American Management Association 美国管理协会
14. ASA:American Standards Association 美国标准协会
15. Amex:American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所
16. ADB:Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行
17. APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织(2001年10月将在中国上海召开部长级会议和非正式首脑


英语聊天常用缩写 英语聊天常用缩写    sms/txt = 短信    dunno = dont know    tmr/tomolo/2molo = tomorrow    2day = today    nite = night    2nite = tonight    l8r = later    u = you    r = are    ur = your    luv = love    wat = what    oic = oh I see    coz = ’cause = because    n = and    2 = too = to = two    4 = for (所以241=two for one )    wanna = want to (不知道这个算不算)    gonna = going to (同上)    w/ = with    w/o = without    Dun = dnt = dont    ttyl = talk to you later    lol = laughing out loud    lmao = laughing my ass of    AFAIK = as far as I know    AFK = away from the keyboard    ASL = age, sex, location    ATB = all the best    B = be    BAK = back at the keyboard    BBL = be back late(r)    BCNU = be seeing you    BFN = bye for now    B4 = before    BRB = be right back    BTW = by the way    C = see    CUL8R = see you later    F2F = face to face    F2T = free to talk    FWIW = for what it’s worth    FYI = for your information    GAL = get a life    GR8 = great    HAND = have a nice day    H8 = hate    HSIK = how should I know?    HTH = hope this helps    IANAL = I am not a lawyer, but… (as a disclaimer)    IMHO = in my humble opinion    IMO = in my opinion    IOW = in other words    JIC = just in case    JK = just kidding    KIT = keep in touch    KWIM = know what I mean?    L8R = later    LOL = lots of luck/laughing out loud    MOB = mobile    MSG = message    MYOB = mind your own business    NE = any    NE1 = anyone    NOYB = none of your business    NO1 = no one    OTOH = on the other hand    PCM = please call me    PLS = please    PPL = people    R = are    ROTF(L) = rolling on the floor (laughing)    SIT = stay in touch    SOM1 someone    SPK = speak    TTYL = talk to you later    TX = thanks    U = you    WAN2 = want to    W/ = with    WKND = weekend    WU = what’s up?    X = kiss    XLNT = excellent    XOXOX = hugs and kisses    YMMV = your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ)    YR = your    2 to, ’= too    2DAY = today    2MORO = tomorrow    2NITE = tonight    3SUM = threesome    4 = for   在聊天当中,他们为了速度,会打一些简写,以下是一些常用的。   · asl : a=age,s=sex,l=location   · plz : Please;r:are;u:you   · S’up?: 也写sup,什么事?问候语   · Lol : 很好笑.因为lol像笑脸,和我们常用的^-^一样   · Yup/ Nope : 是的/ 不是的'   · btw : by the way   · cool : cool代表一种感觉,没有语法限制,只要你想,就可以cool出来!   · BRB : be right back   · lil : little   · l8r : later (l+eight+r)   · KIT : keep in touch   · ASAP : as soon as possible   · talkin’ : talking   · zm : zone message   · thanx : thanks   · cu : see you   · FTF : face to face   · FYI : For your information   · IC : i see   · u : you   · r : are   · IOW : In other word   · TIA : Thanx in advance   · TTuL : Talk to you later   · IMO : In my opinion   在线上一句挺有趣的句式: sb. be dead ……   绝对的……   Yup! And I’m dead cool too!是!以及我也是绝对酷的!   还有这种~   He’s dead set on getting a new job.他打定主意要找个新工作。   He was dead asleep.他酣然大睡。   perhaps you will think that they are so strange,but actually,they are very common expressions   hope it helps ;


问题一:法语你好漂亮怎么说 要先知道对方是男还是女啊!
确定是用你而不是您称呼的话,如果是称赞男的,可以说Tu es très beau
如果是女的,可以说Tu es très belle

问题二:姐姐你好漂亮 法语怎么说 Mademoiselle, tu es si belle.

问题三:你很漂亮 或法语称赞女生好看漂亮怎说?怎么说 Que tu es chic!
哥 dü 诶 (拼音啦~) 吃客

问题四:俄语,再见,你好漂亮,欢迎,怎么说,中文谐音 再见: 达 斯威达呢亚 ( До свидания )
你好漂亮: 嘎过依 克拉西威 ( какой красивый )
欢迎: 达布罗 巴日阿拉哇奇 ( Добро пожаловать )

问题五:美女你好法语怎么说 Bonjour, ma belle

问题六:漂亮用法语怎么说 Magnifique

问题七:这本书很好看用法语怎么说 Ce livre est un bon coup d'oeil

问题八:法语你好美怎么说 Tu es trop belle /ty e tro bel /^^
哈哈 要多多跟女孩说


阳性用 beau,阴性用belle ;比如你说你女朋友很漂亮,可以说,tu est bell;而如果你说一个人很帅,可以说tu est beau。法文(又称法语)(le français)属于印欧语系罗曼语族,是继西班牙文和葡萄牙文之后,使用者人数最多的罗曼语言之一。法文在11世纪曾是除了中古汉语以外,当时世界上使用最多的语言。当时全世界有87,000,000人把它作为母语,以及其他190,000,000人使用它(包括把它作为第二语言的人)。法文是很多地区或组织的官方语言(例如联合国、欧洲联盟)。

