
时间:2024-07-27 12:29:43编辑:奇事君

“diary entries”是什么意思?

一、“diary entries”意思是:日记记录。例句1:Now a series of diary entries,written by a woman who saw those memorandums,has come to light.翻译:现在,一系列日记作品问世了,它由一名当时看了那些回忆录的妇女所写。例句2:The envelope contained copies of what appeared to be diary entries written by President Barack Obama,his family,and high-ranking administration officials.翻译:信封里装着的是巴拉克•奥巴马总统、他的家人以及政府高官所写的短篇日记。二、详细解释:diary;复数:diaries英['daɪərɪ];美['daɪəri]n.日志,日记;日记簿diary短语:beauty diary;我的美丽日志;我的美丽日记;美丽日记;diary book;日记簿;日志簿;日记书A Diary;日记一则;日记一篇;日记;例句:But what about your diary?翻译:你怎么解释你的日记?例句:I had earlier read the entry from Harold Nicholson's diary for July 10,1940.翻译:我早就在哈罗德·尼科尔森1940年7月10日的日记里读到过那则记录。2、entries英['entrɪs];美['ɛntrɪs]n.进入;(词典所列的)词目(entry的复数形式)entries短语:Latest Entries;最新作品;再次推出最新作品;最新;最新文章;Root Entries;根目录项数;Text Entries;文本输入构件;例句:And in their book Dictionary of Lexicography,they define a bilingualized dictionary as a type of dictionary based on a monolingualdictionary whose entries have been translated in full or in part into another language.翻译:在他们共同著作的《词典学词典》中;双解词典被定义为一种在一部原有的单语词典的基础上将词条全部或者部分翻译成另一种语言的词典。扩展资料:diary entry;日记条目短语:a diary entry;一篇日记The next diary entry;记下流水帐Presidential Diary Entry;总统日记例句:Followers on Twitter will be able to read the first 140 characters of the diary entry and then linkto the full blog.翻译:Twitter的追随者们可以阅读日记的前140个字符,之后则需链接到博客上的完整版。例句:As in other albums,the listener is promoted to voyeur of miserablism:each track has a feel of a torn out diary entry,left to wilt on adeserted marital bed for our perusal.翻译:像其他专辑一样,听众被推动着窥探歌者的愁苦:听每一首歌都好像是在读一本日记,在久婚之后被遗弃的床边凋谢,又被不断翻开乃至破烂不堪。例句:But the issue was fuelled when Mr Staines quoted Mr Morgan’s diary entry for January 26,2001.翻译:但是事情真正的开始被公众所知晓是Staines引述了摩根的2001年1月26号的日记原文开始的。

diary entries是什么意思

一、“diary entries”意思是:日记记录。例句1:Now a series of diary entries,written by a woman who saw those memorandums,has come to light.翻译:现在,一系列日记作品问世了,它由一名当时看了那些回忆录的妇女所写。例句2:The envelope contained copies of what appeared to be diary entries written by President Barack Obama,his family,and high-ranking administration officials.翻译:信封里装着的是巴拉克•奥巴马总统、他的家人以及政府高官所写的短篇日记。二、详细解释:diary;复数:diaries英['daɪərɪ];美['daɪəri]n.日志,日记;日记簿diary短语:beauty diary;我的美丽日志;我的美丽日记;美丽日记;diary book;日记簿;日志簿;日记书A Diary;日记一则;日记一篇;日记;例句:But what about your diary?翻译:你怎么解释你的日记?例句:I had earlier read the entry from Harold Nicholson's diary for July 10,1940.翻译:我早就在哈罗德·尼科尔森1940年7月10日的日记里读到过那则记录。2、entries英['entrɪs];美['ɛntrɪs]n.进入;(词典所列的)词目(entry的复数形式)entries短语:Latest Entries;最新作品;再次推出最新作品;最新;最新文章;Root Entries;根目录项数;Text Entries;文本输入构件;例句:And in their book Dictionary of Lexicography,they define a bilingualized dictionary as a type of dictionary based on a monolingualdictionary whose entries have been translated in full or in part into another language.翻译:在他们共同著作的《词典学词典》中;双解词典被定义为一种在一部原有的单语词典的基础上将词条全部或者部分翻译成另一种语言的词典。扩展资料:diary entry;日记条目短语:a diary entry;一篇日记The next diary entry;记下流水帐Presidential Diary Entry;总统日记例句:Followers on Twitter will be able to read the first 140 characters of the diary entry and then linkto the full blog.翻译:Twitter的追随者们可以阅读日记的前140个字符,之后则需链接到博客上的完整版。例句:As in other albums,the listener is promoted to voyeur of miserablism:each track has a feel of a torn out diary entry,left to wilt on adeserted marital bed for our perusal.翻译:像其他专辑一样,听众被推动着窥探歌者的愁苦:听每一首歌都好像是在读一本日记,在久婚之后被遗弃的床边凋谢,又被不断翻开乃至破烂不堪。例句:But the issue was fuelled when Mr Staines quoted Mr Morgan’s diary entry for January 26,2001.翻译:但是事情真正的开始被公众所知晓是Staines引述了摩根的2001年1月26号的日记原文开始的。


diary是日记的意思。1、diary的记法:都知道day,也就是日子、天。日记日记,记下一天中发生的事情,所以是日记。然后是i,i的拼音是一。最后是r,r的英语发音类似于二。在day的中间发生的一、二件事被记录下来,也就成了日记,所以也就是diary.2、短语搭配:Future Diary未来日记。Dear Diary亲爱的日记;桫椤札记;翻页日记本。My Diary我的日记;电子日记本;原野草屋;小学生日记。site diary地盘工程日志;上盖面积。diary microbiology乳品微生物学。your diary你的日记;强力推荐;幸运日记;榎本香穂。cozy diary轻日记;作词小路;作曲小路。participant diary日志;工作日志法。diary例句:1.We sneaked a look at her diary.我们偷偷看了一眼她的日记。2.Eleanor began to keep a diary.埃莉诺开始记日记了。3.She kept a diary for over twenty years.她记了二十多年的日记。4.There is no entry in his diary for that day.他的日记里没有那天的记录。5.Her diary was a record of her inner conflict.她的日记记录了她内心的矛盾。6.The slimline diary fits easily into a handbag.这本超薄的日记本很容易装进手提包里。7.His diary was not published during his lifetime.他的日记在他生前未曾发表过。8.The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.这些事件在她的日记中如实地记录了下来。9.The diary comes complete with a gold ballpoint pen.该日记本还配有一支金圆珠笔。10.I put aside half an hour every day to write my diary.我每天留出半个小时写日记。


Diary名词:(工作日程)记事簿;日记;日记簿读音:英[ˈdaɪəri]美[ˈdaɪəri]复数:diaries短语搭配1、keep a diary记日记;写日记;一直记日记2、diary entry日记;日记条目3、video diary录像日记4、desk diary办公室工作日志5、dear diary亲爱的日记;爱的日记例句1、A useful way of assisting your learning is to keep a diary.记日记是帮助学习的一种有效方法。2、She had to check her diary to be sure of the day of the week.她不得不查看日记来确定是星期几。3、Keeping a diary may ease the logjam of work considerably.记日记可以大大减少积压未办的事。


问题一:英文“日记本”怎么写? diary

问题二:记日记英文怎么写 write the daily notes

问题三:日记本用英语怎么写? diary

问题四:日记的英文怎么写 diary ['da??r?]日记簿
day book. [会计] 日记帐,日记簿;航海日记

问题五:“日记”的英文怎么写 diary
make a diary写日记

问题六:日记用英语怎么说 diary ['da??r&#丁18;]日记簿
day book. [会计] 日记帐,日记簿;航海日记

问题七:“我的日记”用英文怎么写? My diary

日记用英语怎么说 日记的英语是什么



Exchange diary 交换日记

Future Diary 未来日记

Dear Diary 亲爱的日记;情人日记;桫椤札记;贵日记

My Diary 我的日记;电子日记本;心情故事;原野草屋

site diary 地盘工程日志;上盖面积

