
时间:2024-07-23 19:15:36编辑:奇事君



[create_time]2023-03-26 22:22:01[/create_time]2023-03-16 00:00:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]休闲娱乐局[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.32727dee.62xnUda9u4PiZhZk8Bo33w.jpg?time=2983&tieba_portrait_time=2983[avatar]TA获得超过155个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]217[view_count]




show me the meaning of being lonely(这首歌很伤,里面包含了后街成员的经历)
it's gotta be you(自认为这首歌和适合做铃声)
shape of my heart(经典、不用说)
something that i already know(这首歌我第一次挺有似曾相识的感觉)
straight through my heart(新专主打、更不用说,我们班有好多人迷这首新歌)
the answer to our life(也是一首很好听的歌)
the call(蓝与黑一首很不错的歌)
the one(这首歌为了回报歌迷专门截了演唱会片段支撑MV)
this is us(新专同名歌,真假声变换,很是销魂)
treat me right(个人喜欢高潮部分)
what makes you different(同样的一首好歌,我妈的闹铃)
yes i will(情歌哦!哦!哦!)
all i have to give(MV很好看那)
all of your life(新专里我挺喜欢这首歌的)
any other way(这首也不错)
anywhere for you(这是我学会的第5首英文歌哦)
as long as you love me(不用说、经典)
bigger(后街说这首歌有i want it that way的感觉)
bye bye love(我们班有一同学超迷这首歌)
climbing the walls(BB大人主音,很好听哦)
everybody(很多场演唱会都用这首歌开场,像新专this is us就是这首开的场)
get another boyfriend(这首歌的歌词可以在适时借鉴)
get down(经典、被杜德伟翻唱成发烧,还是很多台湾艺人学会的第一首英文歌如杨丞琳)
helpless when she smile(经典的演绎)
how did i fall in love with you(个人很爱这歌,HH和BB主音下载下来之后接着就学会了,被she翻唱成远方)
i need you tonight(尼克主音)
i promise you(哈!又是一首自认为很情的歌)
i want it that way(神曲、不用说)
if i don't have you(第二张专辑里的一首很好听的慢歌)
if i knew then(新专第三主打)
i'll be there for you(这歌很好听哦)
i'll never break your heart(呀!又一个经典)
inconsolable(这首歌BB唱的cause baby曾震惊全场,引来一阵尖叫)
it's true(柔中带刚的一首歌)
just want you to know(流行摇滚,这首歌的MV很雷人,是美式幽默)
larger than life(MV很棒哦~被同学拿来做铃声,因为开头AJ桑笑得很惊人)
like a child(个人认为最后一部分高潮被BB演绎得很棒,高潮这也是我的铃声)
lose it all(开始NN的声音很沉醉)
love will keep you up all night(不错的一首歌哦)
missing you(又是一首适合做铃声的歌)
more than that(完美的呈现)
not for me(也被台湾艺人翻唱过,不过忘了是谁了)
panic(go,stop and go~~)
quit playing games(经典、还是不用说)
safest place to hide(HH唱的you are safest place to hide很迷人)
i still(又是一首很棒的流行摇滚)
if you knew what i knew(个人也比较喜欢)
nowhere to go(虽然这首歌不长,但也非常之好听,现在正在寻找能做铃声的下载)
there's us(开头轻飘飘的感觉,很好听)
christmas time(高潮是我的短信铃声,同样之好听)
the perfect fan(这是唱给妈妈的,很感人,里面没有nick的声音,因为尼克的妈妈伤他伤得太深,他唱不出口)
never gone(这是Kevin写给死去爸爸的歌,很感人!很好听)
best that i can(新歌一首,我还没听,但听说很好听呢我也正准备听,但百度好像还没有下载,听厚铁们说Q音有了,这是一个关于这首歌录制的时候的一个视频http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTc4MTAwNjQ=.html)
back to your heart(完美的和声)
i wanna be with you(这首歌很有趣)
in pieces(一首从同学那淘来的很好听的歌)
love is(这首歌也不错哦)
movin' on(虽然这首歌很慢很清,一直在重复,但还是很动听)
over hevr(又是一首好听的歌)
spanish eyes(这首歌的高潮同样是我的铃声)
nobody but you(Kevin主音,别人都觉得这个不是很好听,但是我觉得挺好听的、Kevin的声音其实很有磁性哦~)

brian littrell的
my answer is you
welcome home(you)
we life you up
和nick carter的
do i have to cry for you
help me
who needs the world
teenage wildlife

[create_time]2018-02-20 22:46:14[/create_time]2014-07-12 11:22:56[finished_time]3[reply_count]36[alue_good]古城今景景常新4766[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.32e0f3b4.hUezxu9ZKta8U4qHI4x4mA.jpg?time=907&tieba_portrait_time=907[avatar]TA获得超过216个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]17008[view_count]


后街男孩经典歌曲10首:1、《Every body》被收录在1997年后街男孩的第二张专辑中。作为主打单曲,它卖出了200多万张,成为世界上100首金色歌曲之一。2、《I want it that way》被美国权威杂志《滚石》评选为“100首最伟大的金色歌曲”第10名,成为中国版情歌经典中的经典。3、《larger than life》这是一首鼓舞人心的摇滚歌曲,MV极其昂贵,成本仅次于迈克尔·杰克逊的“战栗”。每当音乐响起,无论年龄大小,都会在瞬间点燃。4、《Show me the meaning of being lonely》这是一首关于回忆的悲伤歌曲,MV的拍摄也来源于五位成员的真实故事。5、《as long as you love me》不仅是后街男孩的代表作之一,也是其最受欢迎的歌曲之一。这首歌的歌词很简单,但它真诚地表达了对你爱的人的奉献。6、《Uptown funk》是一首由美国创作型歌手Bruno Mars和英国音乐制作人Mark Ronson配合说唱的一首歌曲。这首歌是由Mark Ronson, Bruno marsjeff bhasker和Philip Lawrence创作的。7、《Mirrors》歌词和配乐由贾斯汀·汀布莱克、蒂姆·巴兰和詹姆斯·方特勒罗伊创作。J-roc、贾斯汀·汀布莱克和提姆巴兰担任音乐出版。8、《Everybody》是后街男孩的单曲,也是全球100首金曲之一,后街男孩的杰作之一。摇滚乐的舞曲风格和动感的节奏,让这首歌成为几十年来永恒的舞曲经典和不朽。9、《Payphone》就像她之前的作品一样她会被喜爱,Payphone就像一个充满了流行摇滚元素的魔法,充满了复古和优雅的风格。10、《Diamonds》当蕾哈娜唱第一首歌词的时候,声音就像口香糖一样,紧紧地缠在我们的脑海里,很难摆脱。这首歌不同于以往的流行歌曲和洗脑音频,回归了R&B。

[create_time]2022-12-26 17:42:23[/create_time]2022-12-30 00:00:01[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]刺客侃八卦[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/9f214c716bfbe45535f19893eea0e7d2.jpeg[avatar]销售员[slogan]关注刺客,每天为您带来茶余饭后娱乐谈资![intro]497[view_count]

backstreet boys 后街男孩 mv


1. we've got it goin' on

2. Anywhere for you

3. Get down

4. I'll never break your heart

5. Quit playing games

1. As long as you love me

2. Everybody

3. All I have to give

1. I want it that way

2. Larger than life

3. Show me the meaning of being lonely

4. The one

1. The call

2. Shape of my heart

3. More than that

单曲 - Drowning

1. Incomplete

2. I still

3. Just want you to know

1. Inconsolable

2. Helpless when she smiles


[create_time]2008-03-15 23:40:04[/create_time]2008-03-20 19:29:02[finished_time]1[reply_count]7[alue_good]bsb_xl[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.cf4efb70.Ontzp5ZTbS1zHSc7-LJUKg.jpg?time=2914&tieba_portrait_time=2914[avatar]TA获得超过626个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1617[view_count]


Just Want You to Know
Larger Than Life
The Call
More Than That
Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely
I Still
The One
Shape Of My Heart
I'll Never Break Your Heart
All I Have to Give
As Long As You Love Me
I Want It That Way
Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)
Anywhere For You
We've Got It Goin' On

[create_time]2007-10-18 22:26:32[/create_time]2007-10-29 13:47:14[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]blessed_steph[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.bfd9ef45.6AtCESsnUVV_Onq729r7hA.jpg?time=2893&tieba_portrait_time=2893[avatar]TA获得超过688个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1498[view_count]



[create_time]2022-05-21 00:16:35[/create_time]2022-06-03 16:11:36[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]潮孤阳0cb[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.fb78df93.VHdxGqe-KDqhba3ZOMIqsA.jpg?time=12652&tieba_portrait_time=12652[avatar]TA获得超过2万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]676[view_count]


Backstreets BOYS
Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体
Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体
Backstreet's Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!
Oh my god we're back again.哇!我们终于回来了 !
Brothers,sisters,everybody sing.大家快跟我们一起唱 .
We're gonna bring the flavor show U how.我们会教你们如何去唱 .
I've gotta question for U.不过得你们得先回答一些问题 :
Better answer now.最好就现在 .
Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体 ?
Am I the only one?我们不是你们的唯一 ?
Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体 ?
Am I everything U need?我们不是你们最期待的团体
U better rock U body now.你们最好跟着摆动你们的身体
Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体
Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体
Backstreet's Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!
Now throw Ur hands up in the air.现在把你的手向上举 .
And wave'em around like U just don't care.不要在乎其他人只要自在地摆动 .
If you wanna party let me hear U yell.把梦尽情玩乐就让我听到你们吆喝 .
'Cause we've got it goin' on again.因为我们又要再次造成震撼 .
Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体 ?
Am I the only one?我们不是你们的唯一 ?
Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体 ?
Am I everything U need?我们不是你们最期待的团体
U better rock U body now.你们最好跟着摆动你们的身体
Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体
Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体
Backstreet's Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!
So everybody,everywhere.就是现在,每一个人,无论你在哪一个方位
Don't be afraid,don't have no fear.不要害怕,无须恐惧
Gonna tell the world, make it understand.大声告诉全世界,让全世界知道
As long as there'll be music we'll be coming back again.有音乐的地方,后街男孩又回来了
Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体
Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体
Backstreet's Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!
Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体
Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体
Backstreet's Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!


[create_time]2009-08-31 16:22:47[/create_time]2009-08-31 17:36:51[finished_time]3[reply_count]0[alue_good]百度网友a092552[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.c55ef85f.qKLF87iGTBzkBo2cqfqwiQ.jpg?time=2923&tieba_portrait_time=2923[avatar]TA获得超过1290个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2494[view_count]

后街男孩 “The call”的完整歌词?

The Call Lyrics
Artist(Band):Backstreet Boys

"Hi, it's me. What's up baby?
I'm sorry, listen, I'm gonna be late tonight so don't stay up and wait for me, ok?"
"Where are you?"
"Say that again."
"You're really dropping out. I think my battery must be low.
Listen, if you can hear me, we're going to a place nearby alright. Gotta go!"

Let me tell you the story 'bout the call that changed my destiny
Me and my boys went out just to end up in misery
Was about to go home when there she was standing in front of me
And said "Hi, I got a little place nearby, wanna go?"
I should've said no, someone's waiting for me
But I called my girl up and said.

Listen baby I'm sorry
Just wanna tell you don't worry
I will be late, don't stay up and wait for me
I said again you're dropping out my battery is low
Just so you know, we're going to a place nearby
Gotta go!

Now two years gone, nothing's been won
I can't take it back, what's done is done
One of her friends found out that she wasn't my only one
And it eats me from inside that she's not by my side
Just because I made that call and lied

Listen baby I'm sorry
Just wanna tell you don't worry
I will be late, don't stay up and wait for me
I said again you're dropping out my battery is low
Just so you know, we're going to a place nearby
Gotta go!

Listen baby I'm sorry (2x)

Gotta go

Ohhhh, ohhhh

Let me tell you the story 'bout the call that changed my destiny
Me and my boys went out just to end up in misery
Was about to go home when there she was standing there in front of me
And said "Hi, I got a little place nearby."
Gotta go! oh oh oh

Listen baby I'm sorry
Just wanna tell you don't worry
I will be late, don't stay up and wait for me
I said again you're dropping out my battery is low
Just so you know, we're going to a place nearby
Gotta go!

Listen baby I'm sorry
Just wanna tell you don't worry
I will be late, don't stay up and wait for me
I said again you're dropping out my battery is low
Just so you know, we're going to a place nearby
We're going to a place nearby
Gotta go!

[create_time]2011-10-14 17:44:01[/create_time]2011-10-23 03:34:30[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]Siltakahaha[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.62732a5.9v8zXK5hg0XT9LneAj0fSw.jpg?time=3452&tieba_portrait_time=3452[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]113[view_count]

后街男孩的 The Call的歌词 加中文歌词

"Hello?" “喂?”
"Hi,it's me… what's up baby? I'm sorry, listen,嗨 是我 怎么了宝贝?很抱歉,听着,
I'm gonna be late tonight so don't stay up and wait for me, ok?"我今天晚上要晚了,不要熬夜等我好吗
"Where are you?"你在哪?
"Say that again… you're really dropping out…等等,再说一次 你的声音时有时无
I think my battery must be low… listen,if you can hear me.我想我的电池快没电了。听着,如果你能听见
we're going to a place nearby alright… gotta go!"我们要去附近的一个地方,好了吧?我要走了
Let me tell you the story bout the call that changed my destiny .让我告诉你关于那个改变我命运的电话的故事吧
Me and my boys went out just to end up in misery.我和我的兄弟们出去,最后只落得以悲剧收场
Was about to go home when there.我刚要回家的时候
she was standing in front of me I said hi.她站在那里在我面前
I got a little place nearby, wanna go?我,我去了附近的一个小地方 我要走了
I should've said no, someone's waiting for me.我本应该说不的 有人在等我
But I called my girl up and said…有人在等我,但是我却去看了
Listen baby I'm sorry.听着宝贝对不起
Just wanna tell you don't worry I will be late.我只是想告诉你不要担心 我要晚了
don't stay up and wait for me.不要熬夜等我
Say again… you're dropping out…我再说一次,你快要耗尽我的电池
my battery is low Just so you know.电量很低
we're going to a place nearby.你应该知道我们将去附近的一个地方
Gotta go!我该走了
Now two years gone,nothing gets won I can't take it back.现在,知道这件事发生了,什么也没得到
what's done is done.我没法追悔我做过的事
One of her friends found out that she wasn't my only one.她的一个朋友发现她不是我的唯一
And it eats me from inside that she's not by my side.她不在我身边,这件事从心灵里吞噬着我
Just because I made that call and lied.只是因为我打个那个电话,撒了谎
Listen baby I'm sorry.听着宝贝对不起
Just wanna tell you don't worry I will be late,我只是想告诉你不要担心 我要晚了
don't stay up and wait for me.不要熬夜等我
Say again… you’re dropping out…我再说一次,你快要耗尽我的电池
my battery is low Just so you know.电量很低
we're going to a place nearby.你应该知道我们将去附近的一个地方
Gotta go!我该走了
Listen baby I'm sorry!听着宝贝对不起
Listen baby I'm sorry !听着宝贝对不起
Let me tell you the story bout the call that changed my destiny.让我告诉你关于那个改变我命运的电话的故事吧
Me and my boys went out just to end up in misery..我和我的兄弟们出去,最后只落得以悲剧收场
Was about to go home when there.我刚要回家的时候
she was standing in front of me I said hi.她站在那里在我面前
I got a little place nearby… gotta go!我,我去了附近的一个小地方 我要走了
Listen baby I'm sorry.听着宝贝对不起
Just wanna tell you don't worry I will be late.我只是想告诉你不要担心 我要晚了
don't stay up and wait for me.不要熬夜等我
Say again… you’re dropping out…我再说一次,你快要耗尽我的电池
my battery is low Just so you know.电量很低
we're going to a place nearby.你应该知道我们将去附近的一个地方
Gotta go!我该走了
Listen baby I'm sorry.听着宝贝对不起
Just wanna tell you don't worry I will be late,我只是想告诉你不要担心 我要晚了
don't stay up and wait for me.不要熬夜等我
Say again… you’re dropping out…我再说一次,你快要耗尽我的电池
my battery is low Just so you know.电量很低
we're going to a place nearby.你应该知道我们将去附近的一个地方
we're going to a place nearby.你应该知道我们将去附近的一个地方
Gotta go! 我该走了

[create_time]2013-09-01 19:00:16[/create_time]2013-09-15 17:00:25[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]61[view_count]



ftp://ww2.w2m.cn/0-未分类/20070829/Backstreet Boys-The Call[英].mpg

ftp://ww2.w2m.cn/5-外国歌手/BackStreet Boys/Backstreet Boys-As Long As You Love Me[英][扬声].mpg

ftp://ww2.w2m.cn/0-未分类/20070829/Backstreet Boys-I Want It That Way[英].mpg

ftp://ww2.w2m.cn/0-未分类/20070829/Backstreet Boys-Shape Of My Heart[英].mpg

ftp://ww2.w2m.cn/0-未分类/20070829/Backstreet Boys-Larger Than Life[英].mpg

ftp://ww2.w2m.cn/0-未分类/20070829/Backstreet Boys-Anywhere For You[英].mpg

[create_time]2008-11-16 20:44:13[/create_time]2008-11-16 21:19:19[finished_time]4[reply_count]0[alue_good]zwwmachine[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.cc48fb9c.sptYkcRm8Nmhf7dXY6gYaA.jpg?time=2900&tieba_portrait_time=2900[avatar]TA获得超过167个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1285[view_count]

