
时间:2024-07-21 20:48:40编辑:奇事君

当腹泻男被困电梯41小时,最后发粪涂墙 死了吗

没死,不过快了,主要是没水喝渴的。这是08年纽约的新闻,主角在周五晚上出去抽了跟烟,回39楼的办公室的时候突然关掉了。以下是我找到的新闻报道。 希望能够帮助你
it was longest cigarette break of Nicholas White's life.
The 34-year-old New York production manager was working late one Friday night in October when he went outside for a smoke.
He was returning to his office on the 39th floor when the elevator stopped abruptly between floors. White pressed the alarm, letting it ring and ring. But at 11 p.m. the building was deserted, and it would be nearly two days before White was rescued.
He paced around the elevator like a bug trapped in a box, fighting claustrophobia every minute of his 41-hour ordeal, which was captured on a video surveillance camera.
"After a certain amount of time I knew I was in big trouble," White told "Good Morning America" in an exclusive interview.
He had no watch, no cell phone, no food or water. His only sustenance was a pack of Rolaids.
"Rolaids aren't a very good meal," White said.
The the most difficult part of the ordeal, he said, was going 41 hours without water. At one point, White thought he might die of dehydration.
ABCNicholas White talked about his 41-hour ordeal trapped in an elevator today on "Good Morning America." A building video surveillance camera caught it all on tape.
He relieved himself by opening the elevator doors a bit and urinating down the elevator shaft.
"I hoped that might be a signal to people in fact: 'why is the elevator leaking?'"
A Cold Sweat
Cold yet sweating, White laid on the floor trying to stay calm. Then he got up and started pacing. At one point he pried open the elevator doors and screamed for help. The only response was silence.
"I had no idea if it was day or night," White said.
Herang the emergency bell, but he couldn't take the constant noise so he occasionally turned it off.
Split-screen video footage of the building showed other parts of the building, including three other elevators. The video showed maintenance workers occasionally fixing various things, but no one heard him and none of them wondered what was going on with car No. 30.
Not a religious man, White prayed for help. On Sunday at 4 p.m., White, who was nearly delirious from thirst, heard a voice on the intercom asking if anyone was there. Finally, he was rescued.
When he went back to work, White found out his co-workers who were also there late thought he had skipped out and left that night.
"A person left me a note about all the problems that occurred while I was playing hooky from the job," White said.
After the 41-hour nightmare, White received a settlement from the building. Unbelievable to many, he still takes elevators.
"Living in Manhattan I'd be seriously limiting my life if I didn't take elevators," he said.

[create_time]2013-04-26 02:44:36[/create_time]2012-10-18 00:02:59[finished_time]4[reply_count]23[alue_good]jbkd02光光光[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.1988d347.kMhMev2ydOipBEkgw5RkSg.jpg?time=3874&tieba_portrait_time=3874[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]11683[view_count]


Jennifer Haines – The Storm Begins
百度里搜不到 要在谷歌里搜
如果你要音频文件的话 我可以发给你

On April 14, 2008, The New Yorker magazine uploaded a video to YouTube which lasts for 3 minutes and 11 seconds, accompanied by the music "The Storm Begins" by Jennifer Haines.
国外的网站上已经说出了曲名The Storm Begins

[create_time]2012-09-10 13:26:59[/create_time]2011-10-09 03:30:58[finished_time]3[reply_count]2[alue_good]大头科[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.226ab3f2.B5vasjg_APsVuAyydVdUqQ.jpg?time=2893&tieba_portrait_time=2893[avatar]TA获得超过4.7万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]278[view_count]



[create_time]2010-12-22 14:57:37[/create_time]2010-12-22 15:00:45[finished_time]4[reply_count]37[alue_good]frostiw[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.e45f2e32.9YTqeaD_m9JRwzSbmsPPYQ.jpg?time=2877&tieba_portrait_time=2877[avatar]TA获得超过249个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]12214[view_count]


it was longest cigarette break of Nicholas White's life.
The 34-year-old New York production manager was working late one Friday night in October when he went outside for a smoke.
He was returning to his office on the 39th floor when the elevator stopped abruptly between floors. White pressed the alarm, letting it ring and ring. But at 11 p.m. the building was deserted, and it would be nearly two days before White was rescued.
He paced around the elevator like a bug trapped in a box, fighting claustrophobia every minute of his 41-hour ordeal, which was captured on a video surveillance camera.
"After a certain amount of time I knew I was in big trouble," White told "Good Morning America" in an exclusive interview.
He had no watch, no cell phone, no food or water. His only sustenance was a pack of Rolaids.
"Rolaids aren't a very good meal," White said.
The the most difficult part of the ordeal, he said, was going 41 hours without water. At one point, White thought he might die of dehydration.
ABCNicholas White talked about his 41-hour ordeal trapped in an elevator today on "Good Morning America." A building video surveillance camera caught it all on tape.
He relieved himself by opening the elevator doors a bit and urinating down the elevator shaft.
"I hoped that might be a signal to people in fact: 'why is the elevator leaking?'"
A Cold Sweat
Cold yet sweating, White laid on the floor trying to stay calm. Then he got up and started pacing. At one point he pried open the elevator doors and screamed for help. The only response was silence.
"I had no idea if it was day or night," White said.
Herang the emergency bell, but he couldn't take the constant noise so he occasionally turned it off.
Split-screen video footage of the building showed other parts of the building, including three other elevators. The video showed maintenance workers occasionally fixing various things, but no one heard him and none of them wondered what was going on with car No. 30.
Not a religious man, White prayed for help. On Sunday at 4 p.m., White, who was nearly delirious from thirst, heard a voice on the intercom asking if anyone was there. Finally, he was rescued.
When he went back to work, White found out his co-workers who were also there late thought he had skipped out and left that night.
"A person left me a note about all the problems that occurred while I was playing hooky from the job," White said.
After the 41-hour nightmare, White received a settlement from the building. Unbelievable to many, he still takes elevators.
"Living in Manhattan I'd be seriously limiting my life if I didn't take elevators," he said.

[create_time]2013-04-26 02:49:34[/create_time]2012-03-06 14:40:28[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]jbkd02光光光[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.1988d347.kMhMev2ydOipBEkgw5RkSg.jpg?time=3874&tieba_portrait_time=3874[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]750[view_count]


电梯被困赔偿标准《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》规定,第六条 行为人因过错侵害他人民事权益,应当承担侵权责任。第十六条 侵害他人造成人身损害的,应当赔偿医疗费、护理费、交通费等为治疗和康复支出的合理费用,以及因误工减少的收入。第二十二条 侵害他人人身权益,造成他人严重精神损害的,被侵权人可以请求精神损害赔偿。【摘要】
电梯被困赔偿标准《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》规定,第六条 行为人因过错侵害他人民事权益,应当承担侵权责任。第十六条 侵害他人造成人身损害的,应当赔偿医疗费、护理费、交通费等为治疗和康复支出的合理费用,以及因误工减少的收入。第二十二条 侵害他人人身权益,造成他人严重精神损害的,被侵权人可以请求精神损害赔偿。【回答】

[create_time]2022-08-27 14:47:19[/create_time]2022-09-11 14:45:13[finished_time]1[reply_count]3[alue_good]heartZE1[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8b8ac062.SzFC9iY1HITUO9bOKlc_Pg.jpg?time=17&tieba_portrait_time=17[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5331[view_count]



[create_time]2022-08-27 14:48:00[/create_time]2022-09-11 14:46:53[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]小吴说法sQ[uname]https://gips0.baidu.com/it/u=3052697139,1630353900&fm=3012&app=3012&autime=1690531307&size=b200,200[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]751[view_count]


近日,一则“男孩被困电梯自救失败坠亡”的消息,引发了广大网友们的热议,在网上闹的沸沸扬扬。我们知道,随着社会的繁荣稳定的发展呢,现在我们国家很多的地方也是高楼大厦林立,在一些人口密集的地方呢,由于地方不够,所以呢,就可以通过建高楼的方式呢,能够用最少的占地面积去做出更多的房屋供给,是个非常好的一种方式。而高楼呢,我们知道,基本上都是用电梯来进行上下的,如果用走的话,会非常的累,所以呢,电梯就是高楼的一个必需品,使用的非常的广泛。而随着电梯数量的增多呢,因为电梯而导致的事故也是越来越多了,这次呢就发生了意外。一.小男孩自救坠楼身亡这次呢,是有一个小男孩,在回家的时候,按了电梯的二楼,但是电梯却跑到了5楼不到的位置,这就导致了这个小男孩是被困在了这里,出不去,而小男孩按了求助按钮呢,发现是坏的,电话也联系不上,所以就选择了自己爬出去,但是失手了,导致了从5楼的位置掉了下去导致死亡。二.速降如何自救如果是电梯速降呢,先快速的嗯下脚下的所有楼层,然后快速的背靠电梯,双腿弯曲,以求最大的减少伤害。三.被困如何自救如果被困在中间呢,首先就是求助按钮,如果没用的话,那就打电话,如果打不出电话,那么就安静的等待救援,不要自己爬出去,总会有人发现你的。 以上就是我对于这个问题所发表的看法,纯属个人观点,仅供参考,大家有什么不同的看法都可以在评论区留言,大家一起讨论一下。

[create_time]2021-05-11 17:30:59[/create_time]2021-05-25 20:25:41[finished_time]4[reply_count]0[alue_good]帐号已注销[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.e3bbe02d.7q9GTLYRAs-qMiSkGMj7Lw.jpg?time=2006&tieba_portrait_time=2006[avatar]TA获得超过1377个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]70[view_count]



[create_time]2021-05-08 15:13:50[/create_time]2021-05-23 11:55:26[finished_time]8[reply_count]0[alue_good]祈线银j[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.7bc20d65.EWIkfVuFdMTD8RKYky-YqA.jpg?time=4941&tieba_portrait_time=4941[avatar]答题姿势总跟别人不同[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]54[view_count]

