
时间:2024-07-20 12:21:24编辑:奇事君


  m-flo(陨-浮流)是让日本大大小小pub的DJ和歌迷们极其崇拜的舞池教父,更是让宝儿、化学超男子、Dragon Ash、AI等日本流行乐坛一线天王天后都想与之合作的二人组合。1998年正式出道以来,m-flo一直以崭新时尚的潮流音乐及极富创意的活动带给日本乐坛冲击。2003年原主唱LISA单飞发展后,m-flo发表了他们接下来令人惊讶的全新活动方式——“m-flo loves”(也就是每次搭配不同的客串主唱)。此次推出的全新大碟至少有两首曲目值得一提,一首是m-flo与两位实力美眉EMYLI & YOSHIKA合作的甜美而清爽的时尚舞曲《Loop In My Heart》,另一首《HEY!》则跌破众人眼镜,竟是与日本艺能界著名的毒舌派大姐大和田秋子合作的舞曲。



[create_time]2005-11-27 21:53:06[/create_time]2005-11-28 13:57:50[finished_time]1[reply_count]10[alue_good]百度网友a54154044[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.3427f2fe.j_ZwGivNw9XorKL2llv_3w.jpg?time=2818&tieba_portrait_time=2818[avatar]TA获得超过1664个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2679[view_count]


日本著名Hip-Pop组合 1975.8.21 东京出生一直以为自己应该是O型,结果在健康检查时才发现原来是B型兴趣:滑板、电影、健康检查专长:滑雪、肖像画喜欢的艺人:宇多田光受影响的艺人:Kool Keith、Nas、Gang Starr、N.W.A.、LL Cool J、P. Diddy、RUN D.M.C目前仍在波士顿研究所就读中,常常往返于日本与美国间的VERBAL,与平常在舞台上强而有力的RAP表现不同,私底下其实是一个平易近人的虔诚基督徒。M-flo的歌词多半出自他的手中,所以只要仔细研读他的歌词,就可以发现他真诚实在的个性。2001年底自己创设了唱片厂牌【espionage records.】,包括制作旗下的Heartsdales嘻哈甜心在内,VERBAL目前在饶舌歌手/制作人两种领域中都是相当活跃的人物。 1974.3.29 横滨市出生 A型兴趣:Winning Eleven(电玩足球游戏)、为日本队加油、收集室内装潢用品、蛋糕甜点专长:英文会话、饶舌喜欢的艺人:所有在做音乐的人都很喜欢受影响的艺人:Gene Roddenberrym-flo的音乐制作人就是☆Taku。从以「come again」为代表,崭新且令人印象深刻的旋律,到让人感觉到真正嘻哈律动感的歌曲等,☆Taku进行的乐曲制作/录音工作范围非常广泛。目前也成立了自己的唱片厂牌【Tachytelic Records】,相信今后也会持续对乐坛带来极大的冲击。由日本人的作曲家taku与住在波士顿的韩国饶舌歌手verbal,加上哥伦比亚与日本混血的女主唱Lisa所组成的HIP-HOP&SOUL三人组『m-flo』,在1999年7月推出首张单曲《the tripod e.p.》没有搭配任何广告或电视主题曲的情况下,就轻松打入单曲榜第9名!正式出道之後,Lisa浑厚又甜美诱人的嗓音,加上日英交杂独具个性的RAP词,m-flo迅速风靡了从独立厂牌到主流乐界的歌迷!而m-flo现场表演的绝佳演唱实力及风趣的RAP串场,更是他们无敌魅力的来源~ 喜欢的艺人:Whitney Houston、Aaliyah、Aretha Franklin 、Donna Summer深受其影响的艺人:Cindi Lauper、Madonna、Whitney Houston

[create_time]2016-05-18 04:44:04[/create_time]2016-06-01 19:20:27[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]玉桂高扬名I[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.4c78c73.1suR8MSQjfNNjUAiuqlBNg.jpg?time=3670&tieba_portrait_time=3670[avatar]TA获得超过140个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]222[view_count]


m-flo和以下艺人合作过:2013浜崎あゆみ Merry-go-round2005年11月2日 & 2005年8月24日loves MONDAY満ちるloves Akiko Wadaloves Kahimi Karieloves WHEE SUNGloves BENNIE Kloves Rie fuloves 加藤ミリヤloves Sowelu2005年7月13日loves EMYLI & YOSHIKA/loves Akiko Wada2005年5月18日Loves Monday Michiru2005年2月23日loves EMYLI & Diggy-MO'loves 坂本龙一2004年3月17日Loves BoA2003年10月22日loves melody & yamamoto ryoheiloves CHEMISTRY2003年6月18日loves Crystal KayLoop In My Heart/HEY!been so long(JEJUNG&YUCHUN)

[create_time]2016-05-18 04:11:12[/create_time]2016-06-01 18:47:53[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]偾聈[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.992a1063.AoKcBZ789feo5ctQkfPprQ.jpg?time=3662&tieba_portrait_time=3662[avatar]超过45用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]41[view_count]

M-Flo的《YEAH!》 歌词

歌曲名:YEAH!歌手:M-Flo专辑:NEVENYEAH!m-flo作词:m-flo, Minami(CREAM)作曲:m-flo, Minami(CREAM)The night is getting started nowI wanna get into my grooveIts gonna be a good timeIts gonna be a good timeCuz tonights the night so dont miss outBaby say YeaBaby say YeaBaby say Yea321....I just wanna do my thingHolding on to you know whatI just wanna do my thingThe night is getting started nowI wanna get into my grooveIts gonna be a good timeIts gonna be a good timeCuz tonights the night so dont miss outBaby say YeaBaby say YeaBaby say Yea321....I just wanna do my thingHolding on to you know whatI just wanna do my thingHolding on to you know whatBaby say YeaBaby say YeaBaby say Yea321....I just wanna do my thingHolding on to you know whatI just wanna do my thingHolding on to you know whathttp://music.baidu.com/song/35400092

[create_time]2013-08-23 14:11:08[/create_time]2013-08-23 14:18:44[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]榮赴温20[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.46a7c49f.lvlIQQuPVddLDcJi2zqI_g.jpg?time=3383&tieba_portrait_time=3383[avatar]超过62用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]66[view_count]

Keiko Matsui的《Prism》 歌词

歌曲名:Prism歌手:Keiko Matsui专辑:The Ring「prism」 - 堀江由衣作词:云子 作曲:云子叶わぬ物はないと 思っていたあの顷は绮丽な空眺め 空も飞べるような気がしていた今は云の上に立って いろんなもの溢れてるほんとに大切な物を见失わないように君も仆もみんな 一人 孤独 抱きだけど触れるこの手は こんなに暖かいから鸟のように 羽ばたいて 仆らの未来をどこまでも広がった时间(とき)の上で「守りたい」→「変えようよ」 仆らの未来をまっすぐに続いてく この场所から「何にだってなれる」信じていたあの顷は手を伸ばせばあの星にも 届くような気がしていた今は涡の中に立って いろんなもの见つめてるほんとに大切なものを 疑わないでいたい君も仆もみんな どこか こころ さけぶだけど触れたこの手は きっとつながってるから鸟のように 羽ばたける 仆らの未来は晴れ渡るファンファーレ 鸣りますように「信じたい」→「変えていく」 仆らの未来はまっすぐに続いてく 永远に…鸟のように 羽ばたいて 仆らの未来をどこまでも広がった时间(とき)の上で「守りたい」→「変えようよ」 仆らの未来をまっすぐに続いてく この场所からhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2702622

[create_time]2013-08-20 15:16:33[/create_time]2013-08-20 15:21:58[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]1悄茨58[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.23511564.uaSRweGqj_Or65JXZsAHOA.jpg?time=3460&tieba_portrait_time=3460[avatar]TA获得超过356个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]19[view_count]


Let go...Let go...Let go...I know I Gotta let go
Let go...Let go...Let go...I know I Gotta leave my past behind and let go
Let go...Let go...Let go...I know I Gotta be strong
You better know where you're going and know where you're from
Better believe it baby, let's go...

没办法 就这样忘记
不可以 封闭住自己
虽然懂得 不能再陷下去
这份心情 无论如何 gotta let you know

在热情 而激烈 变动的时光中
好想要 你的hert, boy...片刻也好

就算是沉溺在无法成真的恋爱中 也想就这样
不要从梦中醒来 CAN'T LET GO
是我的任性也好 此时此刻想要一份不会动摇的爱情

come on now baby, come on...

yeah, yeah, yeah...
一切的开始都来自一句 "Hey how you doin'?"
yeah, yeah, yeah...
yeah, yeah, yeah...
yeah, yeah, yeah...
时光停歇、就算你不在身边I'm alright 逞强说著
Just wanderin' if you feel the same 好想要确定
总是在做白工 ain't nobody 可是
为了获得自由let go...I'm tellin' you

很甜蜜 很安静 时间继续流逝
但我的身体It's breaking apart boy...为什麼

像要崩溃的部分 不仅仅只是变不安
Oh why 变得想独占你
什麼都不说 只是想要在这里拥有你的爱

Love train …该上车了
因为等待从不是我的理想 straight no chase
加速speed 回到现实 run, run, run
用love逆转,笑容的 logic
赶时间的�9�9 Mr.Heartbreak might stay
倒转 让褪色的颜色和记忆再生

Tell me how to be free
Oh baby, oh baby
Will my heart be free
So tell me 只有一瞬间也好

[create_time]2013-10-29 14:46:52[/create_time]2013-11-10 20:52:04[finished_time]1[reply_count]6[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]763[view_count]

m-flo daoko 中文歌词

分与点啊~ ~ ~ ~线线与线牵着手面
- - - -安慰孩子们来的本质

mirror mirror,on the wall
我是在问你的软件和硬件?soft or hard
告诉我们,mirror mirror,on the wall
我是在问你的软件和硬件?soft or hard ?
take my cash,make my stash


yes no…更yes no



[create_time]2015-08-01 05:17:19[/create_time]2015-08-16 05:03:23[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]31...1@qq.com[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.19bd2260.AOOWu9Lzl_36qEg_c9MJdA.jpg?time=6206&tieba_portrait_time=6206[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]592[view_count]


日本CLUB音乐界的天团组合m-flo陨-浮流复出的系列合作单曲,继第一张的Crystal Kay,第二张的melody.美乐蒂 & 山本领平 / CHEMISTRY化学超男子后,这次的第三张单曲找来了全亚洲炙手可热的小天后BoA 宝儿来担任主唱!单曲名称 “the Love Bug” 在英文俗语中代表著 “恋爱时心头小鹿乱撞”的意思。而在m-flo的VERBAL於BoA前一阵子专辑 “LOVE & HONESTY 爱&诚” 中与BoA合作的作品 “SOME DAY ONE DAY feat.VERBAL(m-flo)” 的RAP中,其实便稍稍预告了这次的梦幻合作!收录三种不同风味的「the Love Bug」。初回版限定特典:「m-flo loves BoA」特制贴纸。陨-浮流 loves BONNIE PINK m-flo loves BONNIE PINKLove Song2006/11/24CD Single日本派对教父m-flo陨-浮流这次竟然找上了BONNIE PINK!备受音乐业界瞩目的loves″热爱系列作品。2006年日本音乐界话题人物之ㄧ的BONNIE PINK,是m-flo从以前就十分注目的艺人之一。这张单曲自然的引出每个人魅力,BONNIE PINK独具特色的柔美女声绝妙的揉合了VERBAL动感的RAP,的化为令人胸口一紧的Love Song。在寒冷的冬天里,聆听VERBAL与BONNIE PINK温暖的歌声,帮内心加温喔!初回限定!特殊迷炫PVC封面式样!初回加收 CD-EXTRA特典影像: 2006.07.14於Tachytelic Night举行的「Summer Time Love」LIVE影像 ( m-flo loves 日之内绘美 & Ryohei)陨-浮流 loves 日之内绘美 & Ryohei m-flo loves Hinouchi Emi & RyoheiSummer Time Love2006/7/14CD Single日本乐坛最「爱」劈腿的m-flo推出今年首张夏味十足的单曲「Summer Time Love」。同时收录「Summer Time Love」mix版本共3曲目。充满夏季风情的清爽作品,VERBAL的Rap融合日之内绘美和Ryohei的男女和声,唱出夏日邂逅的种种惊奇,最适合当做夏日的献礼!!陨-浮流 loves YOSHIKA m-flo loves YOSHIKAlet go2004/11/24CD Single日本派对教父「m-flo 陨-浮流」继与17组艺人豪华竞演的梦幻合作专辑「ASTROMANTIC 宇宙浪漫时尚」以及混音专辑「ASTROMANTIC CHARM SCHOOL 宇宙浪漫时尚之魅力讲座」推出之后,再度推出Loves热爱系列的第二轮。首先请到从独立厂牌出道一年多的新人女歌手YOSHIKA共同诠释这首抒情单曲「let go」。单曲第二首「The Other Side Of Love」则找来了Sister E重新诠释阪本龙一与女儿合作的单曲,而这位Sister E正是下张单曲的主唱唷!!额外:M-FLO为光改编的歌:DISTANCE(m-flo REMIX)

[create_time]2016-05-18 04:11:15[/create_time]2016-06-01 18:47:56[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]影7oFuy[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.7bc422c7.LqBC75t0CPnHQnj85sv8Ug.jpg?time=3627&tieba_portrait_time=3627[avatar]TA获得超过134个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]14[view_count]

been so long ~m-flo TRIBUTE~ 歌词

歌曲名:been so long ~m-flo TRIBUTE~歌手:AILI专辑:Vividbeen so long ~m-flo TRIBUTE~AILI気にしない my periphery, 'cause 邪魔者ばかり噂に闻く melodies 头ん中に搭载 スケールは壮大美味しく ate too many MC's, I got 口内炎the fly 住民 いつも troopin'the 23区 with love 音の囚人so throw up your hands 冗谈抜きな techurbanite 流れ m-flo dialectI've been waiting for so long (uh-huh uh-huh)ねえ ホントにそれでいいの? (that's right, yeah yeah)Broken promises, (check it out, check it out)甘い言叶に诱われて (ya heard ya heard)yeah... (check it out check it out)you know it didn't have to be this way (that's right)もう何も言わないで (uh huh)愈せない この痛みも 闻きたくない慰め(no, no, got nothing to hear, son)With all my heart, (what's that)With all my soul (yeah yeah)もう过ぎたことは忘れよう (that's right)With all my mind, (uh-huh)With all my strength (sing it girl)涙と流れて行くわ (that's right)I've been waiting for so long (uh-huh uh-huh)ねえ ホントにそれでいいの? (that's right, yeah yeah)Broken promises, (check it out, check it out)甘い言叶に诱われて (ya heard ya heard)yeah... (check it out check it out)心の伤 何故いつまでも (uh-huh sing it, sing it girl)忘れられないのでしょう (unlearn is the word 真実 manifest)Why ask why... (why, got no time for games)言い訳闻かない (that's right, 心の想い闻かせてくれよ)神様想像以上叶えてください (uh, uh, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah check it out)'Cause you can light up my world (どこらともなく闻こえてくる音 comin')From the undeground to a scene that is minus ten degrees(寒ぃ、we heat it up)限りないこの flow, unforgettable いつまでも(yes yes on and on to the)I've been waiting for so long, (yeah)时と共に消えて行くの (uh-huh uh-huh)Broken promises, (that's right)甘い言叶に诱われて yeah...With all my soul (yeah)With all my mind (sing it girl)With all my strength (say it say it)With all my heart (what's that what's that)With all my soul (what's that)With all my strength (sing it girl)yay yay... (yeah check it out)I've been waiting for so long (uh-huh uh-huh)ねえ ホントにそれでいいの? (that's right, yeah yeah)Broken promises, (check it out, check it out)甘い言叶に诱われて (ya heard ya heard)yeah... (check it out check it out)I've been waiting for so long, (yeah)时と共に消えて行くの (uh-huh uh-huh)Broken promises, (that's right)甘い言叶に诱われて yeah...http://music.baidu.com/song/18906863

[create_time]2013-08-23 09:06:02[/create_time]2013-08-23 09:11:08[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]百度网友165a9bf[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.2cca7e72.c9s-y36cdSLN_GC0I2XBJw.jpg?time=3595&tieba_portrait_time=3595[avatar]超过64用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]28[view_count]

大神们 求介绍歌词里有baby i'm的 歌 。谢谢

  Whitney的第三张专辑《I'm Your Baby Tonight》,与她的前两张专辑相比,更加展示了她的多才多艺的巨星魅力。专辑产生两首全美冠军单曲,全球大卖1000万张。并斩获4项billboard音乐奖和一座格莱美奖
  From the moment I saw you I went outta my mind
  Though I never believed in, love at first sight
  But you got a magic, that I just can't explain
  Well you got a, you got a way that you make me feel
  I can do anything for you baby
  I'll be down for you baby
  Lay all my cards out tonight
  Just call on me baby
  I'll be there in a hurry
  It's your move. so baby baby decide
  Whatever you want from me
  I'm givin' you everything
  I'm your baby tonight
  You've given me ecstasy
  You are my fantasy
  I'm your baby tonight
  From the second you touched me, I was ready to die
  I've never been fatal, you're my first time
  I feel like an angel, who just started to fly
  Well you got a, you got a way that you make a me
  Feel I can, feel I can do anything for you baby
  I will fly for you baby
  Hold on and enjoy the ride
  I'm not in no hurry
  We can fly all night baby
  It's your move, now baby, baby let's fly
  Whatever I do boy
  It's all about you baby
  And ain't it the truth boy
  I'm helplessly in love with you
  What else can I do boy
  But be there for you baby
  You got a, you got a way that you make a me
  Feel I can, feel I can do any, do anything
  Looks like I'm fatal
  It's all on the table
  And baby you hold the cards
  You got the magic
  And I've got to have it
  I don't want the pieces
  I want every single part
  I'll be your angel
  I'm ready and able
  Whatever you want is fine
  Whenever your ready, just call on your lady
  I'll be your baby tonight

[create_time]2016-03-18 16:41:37[/create_time]2016-04-02 16:30:44[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]Nice丽N[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.60346fbc.EgOzer9nm8AoBfkJG8Bx6Q.jpg?time=5600&tieba_portrait_time=5600[avatar]TA获得超过361个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]329[view_count]

求歌名?歌词貌似开头是 baby you know i'm feeling you,you say you're feeling me too

歌词应该是“Baby you know I'm feeling you
And you say you feel me too”,出自以下歌曲:
歌名:Unperfect Love
Baby you know I'm feeling you
And you say you feel me too
But I don't know what we should do
'Cuz I'm so crazy over you
We try to find ourselves through all
The drama in our lives
We ain't worth it but
It's okay because
We'll work it out
From the moment that I saw you babe
Thought that we could be so good
The situations got my time of day
Find it hard to make it through
I know we have our moments
'Cus when things go wrong
But no matter what we go
Though we seem to carry on
Sometimes I wanna let go
But then I keep holding on
So what we gonna do baby
With this unperfect love
Baby you know I'm feeling you
And you say you feel me too
But I don't know what we should do
'Cus I'm so crazy over you
We try to find ourselves through all
The drama in our lives
We ain't worth it but
It's okay because
We'll work it out
I'm so addicted to this
Unperfect love
To this
Unperfect love
To this
Unperfect love
And girl
It's all because
Your so perfect love
Your so perfect love
And we'll be ones to make it
Through this unperfect love
This unperfect love
This unperfect love
Yeah we ain't perfect but
Its okay because we'll work it out
Baby we'll work it out
No matter all the things we go through
Go through
Starry days and nights we go through
Go through
What we have is inseparable
We can't take that for granted baby
Sometimes we may say and do
Things we don't really mean
But that's okay
Because if this love is real
We'll work it out
Baby you know
Baby you know I'm feeling you
And you say you feel me too
But I don't know what we should do
'Cus I'm so crazy over you
We try to find ourselves through all
The drama in our lives
We ain't worth it but
It's okay because
We'll work it out
So addicted to your love
Unperfect love
I'm so unperfect love
I'm so unperfect love
I'm never gonna let you go
Unperfect love
Through the sun
Unperfect love
Either rain
I'll be the one
I'll be the one that'd be right there
Unperfect love
Oh baby
Unperfect love
Through the pleasure or the pain woot
We ain't perfect but
It's okay because
We'll work it out
We'll work it out
Oh baby baby

[create_time]2016-11-17 19:59:27[/create_time]2011-07-01 14:37:15[finished_time]4[reply_count]20[alue_good]步容与于尘寰JT飘帙术人[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8f056b6.L-ghq8Esw49opOkVoUmbmw.jpg?time=1896&tieba_portrait_time=1896[avatar]TA获得超过1.2万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]16485[view_count]

陨-浮流 mflo的《Luvotomy》 歌词

歌曲名:Luvotomy歌手:陨-浮流 mflo专辑:COSMICOLORLuvotomy / m-flo loves 安室奈美恵You said all that いつも口约束だけそれに乗せられてきたけど It's time to payDeep down inside 本当はナイスガイなのかもしれないけど。。。どうして少し油断してると you bounce家でプレイして留守番Where you going? 君の paceに合わせてもLiar Liar... いつまで経っても 昔のままMilk and honey... 甘い蜜はもう期限切れDeeper... Deeper... このままだと my brain 壊れそう!Feel like I'm flying out to... pluto、无重力全て sounds ミュートcuz you're so... 重伤だから闻いてない you know it'snot that キュート they so 中古we're so... Nouevou HIP HOP 中毒I want it all... this... that... this... that I want it allYou want it all... this... that... this... that... this... that...Yes... I wanna walk away 絵に描いたようなLOVE... なんてない、It's a LIE, 一人で FIND ITYes... I know この敷かれたレールからYes sir... Yes sir... 逃げ出すなら今What's it all about? あやつられるのはもうイヤ OH-OH!What's it all about? Not your Puppet GIRL any more!OH-OH!逆に これからは君の言うことだけ闻くふりだけして 闻き流して I'm on my wayKeep this in mind 私がナイス girlと思ってるようだけど。。。どうして?少し油断しすぎなんじゃない?スキを见て、君と good byeWhere you going? なんて闻いてる顷にはLiar Liar... この锖びてる life とは さよならMilk and honey... この先は only better daysDeeper... Deeper... はまる前に gonna find someone to LOVEYes... I wanna walk away 絵に描いたようなLOVE... なんてない、It's a LIE, 一人で FIND ITYes... I know この敷かれたレールからYes sir... Yes sir... 逃げ出すなら今What's it all about? あやつられるのはもうイヤ OH-OH!What's it all about? Not your Puppet GIRL any more!OH-OH!Yo don't want to pseudo-中途半端で普通以下の LIFE ain't CUT for you... that's WHY宇宙の キュートな パーティー ピーポーは集合 when the DJ drop that needle... cause we knowThe second you worry about what's around ya世间の目を 気にしてばっかネゲって结构 人生落下What the hell you want?その点 m-flo we so ちゃっかりLords of アンダーより chief rockerチェケっとけって、言ったろうがrecords get played like every hourなんか、言われてること无茶苦茶Can't do that, that's too wackCancel that, THAT! THAT!やっぱ、言われてること无茶苦茶Can't do that, that's too wackCancel that, THAT! THAT!Yes... I wanna walk away 絵に描いたようなLOVE... なんてない、It's a LIE, 一人で FIND ITYes... I know この敷かれたレールからYes sir... Yes sir... 逃げ出すなら今Yes... I wanna walk away 絵に描いたようなLOVE... なんてない、It's a LIE, 一人で FIND ITYes... I know この敷かれたレールからYes sir... Yes sir... 逃げ出すなら今What's it all about? あやつられるのはもうイヤ OH-OH!What's it all about? Not your Puppet GIRL any more!OH-OH!http://music.baidu.com/song/892387

[create_time]2013-08-17 19:51:41[/create_time]2013-08-17 20:00:23[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]漠视嵛倱[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.83831291.DvvFRecCYz9exOpXvkHqSQ.jpg?time=3558&tieba_portrait_time=3558[avatar]TA获得超过279个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]134[view_count]


  1 nobody 《baby don't cry》
  2 wild 《past future》
  3 baby don't cry 《best fiction》
  4 four seasons 《style》
  5 can you celebrate 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  6 come 《style》
  7 so crazy 《best fiction》
  8 sexy girl 《best fiction》
  9 hello 《play》
  10 funky town 《best fiction》
  11 white light 《best fiction》
  12 all for you 《best fiction》
  13 no 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  14 darling 《funky town》
  15 full moon 《play》
  16 my darling 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  17 do me more 《best fiction》
  18 fast car 《past future》
  19 body feels exit 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  20 wowa 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  21 girl talk 《best fiction》
  22 i love you 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  23 alarm 《best fiction》
  24 want me, want me 《best fiction》
  25 the speed star 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  26 wishing on the same star 《best fiction》
  27 say the word 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  28 can't sleep, can't eat, i'm sick 《best fiction》
  29 violet sauce 《play》
  30 shine more 《best fiction》
  31 it's all about you 《play》
  32 a walk in the park 《181920》
  33 chase the chance 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  34 gimme more 《style》
  35 give it a try 《genius 2000》
  36 step with it 《play》
  37 top secret 《play》
  38 ningyo 《can't sleep cant eat i'm sick》
  39 dr. 《past future》
  40 new look 《best fiction》
  41 rock steady 《best fiction》
  42 love game 《past future》
  43 i wanna show you my love 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  44 the meaning of us 《past future》
  45 respect the power of love 《genius 2000》
  46 namie's style 《style》
  47 try me 《181920》
  48 pink key 《play》
  49 don't lie to me 《style》
  50 luvotomy 《m-flo loves》
  51 as good as 《style》
  52 lovebite 《style》
  31 it's all about you 《play》
  32 a walk in the park 《181920》
  33 chase the chance 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  34 gimme more 《style》
  35 give it a try 《genius 2000》
  36 step with it 《play》
  37 top secret 《play
  38 ningyo 《can't sleep cant eat i'm sick》
  39 dr. 《past future》
  40 new look 《best fiction》
  41 rock steady 《best fiction》
  42 love game 《past future》
  43 i wanna show you my love 《space of hip-pop -namie amuro tour 2005-》
  44 the meaning of us 《past future》
  45 respect the power of love 《genius 2000》
  46 namie's style 《style》
  47 try me 《181920》
  48 pink key 《play》
  49 don't lie to me 《style》
  50 luvotomy 《m-flo loves》
  51 as good as 《style》
  52 lovebite

[create_time]2010-05-22 14:09:36[/create_time]2010-06-11 09:23:12[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]shinriki[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.d6a8b536.6woAEbZY8iFSTnzVVRYE1g.jpg?time=3080&tieba_portrait_time=3080[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]524[view_count]

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