
时间:2024-07-20 03:05:42编辑:奇事君



[create_time]2016-05-07 12:33:17[/create_time]2006-01-15 15:52:31[finished_time]7[reply_count]11[alue_good]FantasyRain[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1019个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4106[view_count]


1.一家美国的私人公司,以The basketball Marketing Co.Inc.注册。是一个专业篮球运动员与极度爱好者的专属品牌,产品包括篮球鞋、篮球服、热身服、T-shirts及 其他配件等。个性化的设计与咄咄逼人的语言是它的特色。
来历是:1993年,芝加哥,一个运动商品展上,三个20几岁的大学生,在NIKE、reebok和adids的业务员间打转。他们的名字是Seth Berger、Tom Austin和Jay Gilbert。他们一点也不快乐,因为他们得到一个结论:美国已经没有够酷的东西了。于是,这三个大学生决定,自己来为[真正在打篮球的人](他们称之为The Player)创造一个品牌。
在回家的路上,他们在餐巾指上写下最早的几句trash talk(后来发展成闲言闲语T-shirts系列),并且立誓要[踢NIKE的屁股](让NIKE好看)。他们说,从现在开始10年内,人们将会写一本关于我们(The Player)的书,就像有人已经为NIKE写了一本Swooth一样——AND1就是这样开始的。

[create_time]2006-03-26 19:38:45[/create_time]2006-04-06 22:46:08[finished_time]13[reply_count]0[alue_good]星星点菜[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1451个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2702[view_count]

and1 mixtape相关问题?

AND1 Mixtape Tour翻译的明确点,就是说,"AND1公司的,要出大牛B录象的巡回赛",这样理解最好.

AND1公司组织过亚太巡回赛,可惜没有大陆,在香港比赛了,但是只派出了HotSauce,Alimoe,50,HighOctane,4名AND1 Team成员.


[create_time]2008-11-14 20:17:39[/create_time]2008-11-15 14:52:27[finished_time]2[reply_count]13[alue_good]Sylk[uname][avatar]TA获得超过747个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1467[view_count]

AND1 Mixtape Tour 2007 视频下载

[create_time]2008-02-15 12:32:17[/create_time]2008-02-27 16:45:24[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]xumintao[uname][avatar]TA获得超过331个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1345[view_count]


AND1的2003年的巡回赛,Portland站,有个叫Grayson Boucher的人在Open Run里打的不错,获得进球馆打正赛的资格,随后从这里一直打到最后一站。坚持了一共23站比赛,都没有被淘汰,因为是AND1搞选秀第一年,Professor就成为最早出名的平民的,非传奇式的球手。

我记得Duke Tango一开始给他的绰号貌似是“Gold Rider”(我自己看比赛听到的,不一定对)




[create_time]2008-05-27 21:28:31[/create_time]2008-05-29 19:25:48[finished_time]6[reply_count]36[alue_good]Sylk[uname][avatar]TA获得超过747个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2900[view_count]


Kanye West-Stronger
Work it, make it, do it,
Makes us harder, better, faster, STRONGER!
Now that don\'t kill me
can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
cause I can\'t wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
cause I cant get much wronger
man i\'ve been waitin\' all night now
that\'s how long i\'ve been on ya
I need you right now
I need you right now
lets get lost tonight
you could be my black kate moss tonight
play secretary i\'m the boss tonight
and you don\'t give a f*ck what they all say right?
awesome, the christian and and kristen dior
damn they don\'t make \'em like this anymore
I ask, cause i\'m not sure
do anybody make real shit anymore?
bow in the presence of greatness
cause right now thou has forsaken us
you should be honored by my lateness
that I would even show up to this fake sh*t
so go ahead go nuts go ape sh*t
specially on my best stand on my bape sh*t
act like you can\'t tell who made this
new gospel homey take six, and take this, haters
Now that don\'t kill me
can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
cause I can\'t wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
cause I cant get much wronger
man i\'ve been waitin\' all night now
that\'s how long i\'ve been on ya
I need you right now
I need you right now
me likey
I don\'t know if you got a man or not,
if you made plans or not
god put me in the plans or not
i\'m trippin\' this drink got me sayin\' a lot
but I know that god put you in front of me
so how the hell could you front on me
there\'s a thousand you\'s there\'s only one of me
i\'m trippin\' i\'m caught up in the moment right?
this is louis vuitton dime night
so we gon\' do everything that kan like
heard they\'d do anything for a klondike
well i\'d do anything for a blonde-dike
and she\'ll do anything for the limelight
and we\'ll do anything when the time\'s right
ugh, baby you\'re makin\' it (harder, better, faster, stronger)
Now that don\'t kill me
can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
cause I can\'t wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
cause I cant get much wronger
man i\'ve been waitin all night now
that\'s how long i\'ve been on ya
I need you right now
I need you right now
you know how long i\'ve been on ya?
since prince was on apollonia
since OJ had isotoners
don\'t act like I never told ya
baby you\'re making it (harder, better, faster, stronger)
Now that don\'t kill me
can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
cause I can\'t wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
cause I cant get much wronger
man i\'ve been waitin all night now
that\'s how long i\'ve been on ya
I need you right now
you know how long i\'ve been on ya?
since prince was on apollonia
since OJ had isotoners
don\'t act like I never told ya
You know how long I\'ve been on ya?
Since prince was on Apollonia
Since OJ had Isotoners
Don\'t act like I never told ya
never told ya
never over

[create_time]2010-03-13 20:34:54[/create_time]2010-03-28 16:39:34[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]宴会上的孤独者[uname][avatar]TA获得超过5757个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]892[view_count]

