
时间:2024-07-20 00:31:13编辑:奇事君


美国MTV音乐电台专门采访过ja rule

Louis Farrakhan:Tell me, how did this beef get started with you and brother 50?主持人: 你和50之间积怨到底是怎么回事?

Ja Rule: I think it all started when I was doing a video shoot on Jamaica Avenue.
全从我们在Jamaica Avenue拍音乐录影带的时候开始的我想。
We're from the same neighborhood.
And everybody in the neighborhood said that Murder Inc. was on the brink of doing big things.
所有人都说 Murder Inc.这个团队会有大作为
50 Cent was an artist at the time, too.
I think he was with Jam Master Jay, and we knew Jay.
我想那时候他和 Jam Master Jay在一块,而我又认识jay
It was a situation where 50 wanted to be involved but didn't know how to go about it.
He seen how much love we received on the avenue from all the people, 'cause this is our neighborhood.
The whole south side is there on Jamaica Avenue for the video shoot.
整个南部地区就是在Jamaica Avenue 这一带 就是我们mv的拍摄地点
It was a great video, even if it didn't get played, and I think 50 didn't like the fact that I was getting so much love.
这个mv非常带劲 即便还没怎么公映,而且我觉得50对我现在开始受欢迎 不怎么高兴
I didn't know the dude, didn't have any confrontations before this, as the legend would have it.
我不太认识这个男的 ,那时候练面对面认识的机会都没有
He supposedly spoke to me and said, "What's up?" And I said, "A'ight, what up?" Apparently that wasn't good enough or something, I don't know.
一次他和我打招呼 只是客套话,但显然这不够,可是一直这样我也闹不明白

Later he came out like, "I'm gonna use other big rappers' names and dis and downplay them to bring attention to me."
Which is a great plan, but all you're doing is creating hatred for yourself from other artists.
这不错看上去,但是我认为他这样无非在积累 同其他人的隔阂
hen he made the record about me, I didn't think it was funny or cool.
他还专门录了一首给我的歌,我一点不认为那个很逗乐 或者很酷we'd made two records at the time.
In "How to Rob" he talked about how he was gonna rob all these major rappers and artists.
在How to Rob这首歌里面 他叫嚣到要把其他的rapper洗劫一空
It was a jokey kind of record, but a lot of people took offense. I wasn't mentioned in that record.
这个有点玩笑话的歌曲我却没有在意 倒是很多人 多戒备起来
but the other one, called "Murder, I Don't Believe You," or something like that ["Life's on the Line"], set my whole thing spinning, so when we saw each other, it was immediate brawl confrontation. We don't like each other.
后来Murder, I Don't Believe You和Life's on the Line这两首歌里彻底导致我和50的对对方的不满
I didn't start this.
这不是我引起的I'm an artist who really went out there to make my records while asking myself, "What can I do to elevate myself and do music?"
我只是作为一个说唱歌手自然问自己 究竟怎样提高我自己
people started making more records that had more feeling. All the artists came into it making records with feeling about different aspects of life beside the criminal aspect.
很多其他艺人也同样 在 新歌中表达个多深层次的人生感悟 而不是仅仅的阴暗层面

and this is where the whole hatred really started for him and trickled down.
I guess when he got his record deal, he felt the need to call my name and disrespect what I am doing, which is crazy.
我猜他后来感觉不太够劲,久直接在歌里 直呼我的名字 或者 蔑视诋毁我,这个实在是疯狂。

Farrakhan: I heard someone robbed you of some of your jewelry at some point.主持人:我后来听说有人在一些地方抢了你的首饰什么的。

Ja Rule: That's a false story.
没有这回事 That's a story he made up.
someone does some harm to you, don't get mad at the person that's with them, he has nothing to do with it. He's just an innocent bystander.
It's him I have the problem with.
So I never got that story, but people ate it up, and the media eats that up. I never really got that story.
所以我从来不吊那个故事 但是 大众 却 听得 津津有味 尤其是媒体界
could I be mad at you if your man got it?
I would get your man; I would be hollering to your man. There really was no beef with me to him.
我可能非常理解他 有机会我也想质问他 可是 这一切实际从我这 并没有对她的血海深仇
it was always with him to me, you understand.
So when I come back now and say I don't like him for this, this and this reason, everyone goes, "Well now, it's getting out of hand.
所以当我说 我不喜欢他这么做 大家又说“好吧 有点乱”

But he already said his piece. He already came out and spoke about how he feels about Murder Inc.
但是这个讨厌是他先说的 他早就公开说过对Murder Inc.的不满
I was kind of upset about the fact that the people were kind of receptive to these things he was saying.
我也有点生气 为什么大家会接受他的一些看法
I really didn't see it was gonna be well-received until it started to get this way.
I told myself I needed to start making some records.
Because I see there's a lot of ignorance.
The people aren't getting that these two men have a real problem, and it's not about records.
公众并不了解我们之间的问题 不是 那些歌
And since he made it about the records, that's all the people see, the music.
从他最先录制那些歌儿开始 所有人都看在眼里,就是那些音乐。

Ja Rule: Yeah. We fought in Atlanta and we fought in New York at the Hit Factory. We've had our altercations.
我们在atlanta有过正面较量 在纽约的hit factory 电台较量过 我们骂过架

以下是关于 他们之间 录制歌曲 互相激化矛盾的细节 我就不做翻译了

[create_time]2017-12-16 12:55:46[/create_time]2008-09-07 00:21:21[finished_time]3[reply_count]7[alue_good]棠予晨[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.854994f7.v0c7TTvS2Z-AnmqkfI4tdw.jpg?time=2954&tieba_portrait_time=2954[avatar]TA获得超过1717个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5101[view_count]

eminem骂adam lambert的歌是什么?讽刺同性恋的

“抱歉啊兰斯,兰伯特先生和艾肯都帮不了你/他们过于疯狂以致我觉得这只是伪装/我的脑子里全都是这些该死的声音,我亦承受不了/在我出手之前,谁来让那个小屁孩住嘴”(Sorry, Lance, Mr. Lambert and Aiken ain't gonna make it/ They get so mad, when I call them both fake/ It's all these f---ing voices in my head, I can't take it/ Someone shut that f---ing baby up, before I shake it)。

[create_time]2017-11-26 00:51:46[/create_time]2013-08-17 10:29:36[finished_time]1[reply_count]21[alue_good]百度网友fee0f9151b[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.294986bc.sjLibaqDNridgNpNj33d6g.jpg?time=2968&tieba_portrait_time=2968[avatar]TA获得超过633个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2950[view_count]

ja rule和50cent的矛盾如何而来

美国MTV音乐电台专门采访过ja rule

Louis Farrakhan:Tell me, how did this beef get started with you and brother 50?主持人: 你和50之间积怨到底是怎么回事?

Ja Rule: I think it all started when I was doing a video shoot on Jamaica Avenue.
全从我们在Jamaica Avenue拍音乐录影带的时候开始的我想。
We're from the same neighborhood.
And everybody in the neighborhood said that Murder Inc. was on the brink of doing big things.
所有人都说 Murder Inc.这个团队会有大作为
50 Cent was an artist at the time, too.
I think he was with Jam Master Jay, and we knew Jay.
我想那时候他和 Jam Master Jay在一块,而我又认识jay
It was a situation where 50 wanted to be involved but didn't know how to go about it.
He seen how much love we received on the avenue from all the people, 'cause this is our neighborhood.
The whole south side is there on Jamaica Avenue for the video shoot.
整个南部地区就是在Jamaica Avenue 这一带 就是我们mv的拍摄地点
It was a great video, even if it didn't get played, and I think 50 didn't like the fact that I was getting so much love.
这个mv非常带劲 即便还没怎么公映,而且我觉得50对我现在开始受欢迎 不怎么高兴
I didn't know the dude, didn't have any confrontations before this, as the legend would have it.
我不太认识这个男的 ,那时候练面对面认识的机会都没有
He supposedly spoke to me and said, "What's up?" And I said, "A'ight, what up?" Apparently that wasn't good enough or something, I don't know.
一次他和我打招呼 只是客套话,但显然这不够,可是一直这样我也闹不明白

Later he came out like, "I'm gonna use other big rappers' names and dis and downplay them to bring attention to me."
Which is a great plan, but all you're doing is creating hatred for yourself from other artists.
这不错看上去,但是我认为他这样无非在积累 同其他人的隔阂
hen he made the record about me, I didn't think it was funny or cool.
他还专门录了一首给我的歌,我一点不认为那个很逗乐 或者很酷we'd made two records at the time.
In "How to Rob" he talked about how he was gonna rob all these major rappers and artists.
在How to Rob这首歌里面 他叫嚣到要把其他的rapper洗劫一空
It was a jokey kind of record, but a lot of people took offense. I wasn't mentioned in that record.
这个有点玩笑话的歌曲我却没有在意 倒是很多人 多戒备起来
but the other one, called "Murder, I Don't Believe You," or something like that ["Life's on the Line"], set my whole thing spinning, so when we saw each other, it was immediate brawl confrontation. We don't like each other.
后来Murder, I Don't Believe You和Life's on the Line这两首歌里彻底导致我和50的对对方的不满
I didn't start this.
这不是我引起的I'm an artist who really went out there to make my records while asking myself, "What can I do to elevate myself and do music?"
我只是作为一个说唱歌手自然问自己 究竟怎样提高我自己
people started making more records that had more feeling. All the artists came into it making records with feeling about different aspects of life beside the criminal aspect.
很多其他艺人也同样 在 新歌中表达个多深层次的人生感悟 而不是仅仅的阴暗层面

and this is where the whole hatred really started for him and trickled down.
I guess when he got his record deal, he felt the need to call my name and disrespect what I am doing, which is crazy.
我猜他后来感觉不太够劲,久直接在歌里 直呼我的名字 或者 蔑视诋毁我,这个实在是疯狂。

Farrakhan: I heard someone robbed you of some of your jewelry at some point.主持人:我后来听说有人在一些地方抢了你的首饰什么的。

Ja Rule: That's a false story.
没有这回事 That's a story he made up.
someone does some harm to you, don't get mad at the person that's with them, he has nothing to do with it. He's just an innocent bystander.
It's him I have the problem with.
So I never got that story, but people ate it up, and the media eats that up. I never really got that story.
所以我从来不吊那个故事 但是 大众 却 听得 津津有味 尤其是媒体界
could I be mad at you if your man got it?
I would get your man; I would be hollering to your man. There really was no beef with me to him.
我可能非常理解他 有机会我也想质问他 可是 这一切实际从我这 并没有对她的血海深仇
it was always with him to me, you understand.
So when I come back now and say I don't like him for this, this and this reason, everyone goes, "Well now, it's getting out of hand.
所以当我说 我不喜欢他这么做 大家又说“好吧 有点乱”

But he already said his piece. He already came out and spoke about how he feels about Murder Inc.
但是这个讨厌是他先说的 他早就公开说过对Murder Inc.的不满
I was kind of upset about the fact that the people were kind of receptive to these things he was saying.
我也有点生气 为什么大家会接受他的一些看法
I really didn't see it was gonna be well-received until it started to get this way.
I told myself I needed to start making some records.
Because I see there's a lot of ignorance.
The people aren't getting that these two men have a real problem, and it's not about records.
公众并不了解我们之间的问题 不是 那些歌
And since he made it about the records, that's all the people see, the music.
从他最先录制那些歌儿开始 所有人都看在眼里,就是那些音乐。

Ja Rule: Yeah. We fought in Atlanta and we fought in New York at the Hit Factory. We've had our altercations.
我们在atlanta有过正面较量 在纽约的hit factory 电台较量过 我们骂过架

以下是关于 他们之间 录制歌曲 互相激化矛盾的细节 我就不做翻译了

[create_time]2014-02-16 05:20:32[/create_time]2006-09-24 10:00:20[finished_time]3[reply_count]0[alue_good]百度网友7c9304c[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.bd4ce49d.VvcFDBfAXw4Y31GHQDvc-A.jpg?time=3456&tieba_portrait_time=3456[avatar]TA获得超过604个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2169[view_count]

Ja Rule的《Clap Back》 歌词

歌曲名:Clap Back歌手:Ja Rule专辑:Blood In My EyeClap BackJa RuleYeah, yeah.. haha yeah!I gotta get my headphonesAll my gangsta niggaz is in the building on this one!You know! Yeah yeah ya knowIt’s real!! Hussein what’s happ’nin nigga?I see you, aight Shadow what’s poppin BLAT!!Haha haha, yeah my nigga O-1 in the motherfucking houseJody in the house (Jody Mack!)My nigga Cadillac, Gotti what up!?!Blackchild what up!?!I’d like to welcome all my niggazTo the world famous Murda Inc. ShowBig shout to all my Queens niggaz in Staten IslandNiggaz in Uptown, niggaz in Brooklyn niggazAll my Bronx niggaz yeah, all my Jersey niggaz! you know?We doing it real big right here! all my money niggazThis shit commentated on the one’s and two’s!They call me the Mighty Rule! how ya living?This real shit we talkingI wanna ask all my gangsta niggaz a real question (holla back)What do you do - when niggaz spit at you?!Clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz!)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz!)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz)Fuck if they holl’in about Rule nigga, here’s the realI’ll pop ya top like Champagne bottles that chillWear nothing but ice, smiles tinted up to The GreatestTell em I’m nice too, plus push them nice groovesThe Inc roll like duece man, I’m ol’ G Bobby JAnd we sling at soccer fields the yayThey don’t respect that, don’t get your minds aroundYou’ll get it pushed back, y’all don’t want thatI send em to the morgue while keepin my bitches bouncin fa sho"In Da Club" with no gun, got em taking it offCan’t help that, I’m the nigga that puts it downOnce I hit that, that’s if I’m up in the May (bach)Fasten them holding the throwback, West 44 LakersLet’s make no mistakes, resents take placeWe’ll still proceed you with a gun in your faceWhen you got one in your waist, let’s cock back nigga ample space!(C’mon!) We gon’Clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz!)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz!)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backThe Rule be "In Da Club" rude motherfucker poppin the bubblyWhen shit get ugly I hug the snub closelyBut usually we still see your bitchesThats is known for quick shit, trying to ride my dickI can’t handle it, lower their mannersTo get they ass infront of my dick to dance, the bitch want more chanceCatching hate from a glance, but I’m a giantThese niggaz is mere ants, I’ll stomp ’em wit his thangGive bitches the back hand, pimp shit, it’s not realisticThe game is helpless, let’s not get it twistedI’m young, wrapped, and gifted, but still at the bottomAnd stuck somewhere between Gomorrah and SaddamI’m here to make this rap shit hotter than HarlemFuck the Dog beware of Rule, cause I’m the problemWe’ll still proceed you with a gun in your faceWhen you got one in your waist, let’s cock back nigga ample space!Clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz!)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz!)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backLike Bush and Saddam, I’m a find outWhere Em Laden’s hiding and bomb him firstIt could be much worse, I could be hotter than yo scrubsMask and glove, gun hot from burnin ass upI’d rather be bossed up, wit a bunch of broadsThe preachers daughter screaming out "Fuck the law!"I play a struck chord, wit the ChristiansBut y’all got the freakiest bitches out of all the religionsAnd God gave me his blessings to handle my businessAll these wanksta snitches, let the nina blow kissesIf she some how misses, he gon’ meet the mistressAnd "Clap that boy" like Birdman and ClipseI got these niggaz all over my dick, like hoesI’m the star at these shows, I must be as hot as they comeWe’ll still proceed you with a gun in your faceWhen you got one in your waist, let’s cock back nigga ample space!(C’mon!) We gon’Clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz!)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap back(Let’s take ’em to war niggaz!)We gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backWe gon’ clap back, we gon’ clap backYeah, my nigga ’Zino in this motherfuckerThat’s how we do it, know what I meanBuck ’89 what’s up baby, I see youBreak ’em down nigga! break ’em down!Bring them birds, in the motherfucking houseIt’s not a game no mo’Queens in this motherfuckerYou knowAll my Jersey niggaz, all my Boston niggazAll my Brooklyn niggaz, Brooklyn sir what up!Haha, yeah, holla at me manhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1238110

[create_time]2013-08-21 20:56:53[/create_time]2013-08-21 21:03:07[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]珍梦柳1157[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.73630a66.IevFLFfn0lhffAEBrDE40w.jpg?time=3463&tieba_portrait_time=3463[avatar]超过60用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]232[view_count]


well-behaved,well-disciplined。例句:1、He makes it a rule never to borrow money.他的规矩是从不向人借钱。2、Children must learn to behave at table.小孩必须学会吃饭时的规矩。3、You should know better than to behave like that.你应当明白事理,不该那么不懂规矩。4、Marvin's father was exceptional for the inflexibility of his rules.马文的父亲特别对他定的规矩不容变通。

[create_time]2022-05-06 18:47:08[/create_time]2022-05-21 18:47:08[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]天府TV[uname]http://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/47dca2621a3a51d139ae68ecdeaf934c.jpeg[avatar]百度认证:天府TV官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]116[view_count]


规矩 .rule; custom; established practice、manners; rules; propriety1.He has always been a bit of a reprobate.他一向不很规矩2.We kind of have this rule of, ideally, we announce a game a year to a year and a half before the game comes out.我们一般有着这么一个规矩,在一款游戏完成前一年到一年半时我们会宣布它。3.The two customary candles were burning under their green shades in the Vicar's study, but he had not been sitting there.牧师的书房里照规矩点着两支蜡烛,罩着绿色的灯罩,但是牧师却不在书房里4.My heart swelled with love, and I laughed at my self. "Karen was right, " I said. "My rules were crazy. "我的心中充满了爱意。“卡伦说得对,”我自嘲道,“我的那些规矩真是太愚蠢了。”

[create_time]2023-02-07 18:14:56[/create_time]2023-02-17 12:23:40[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]在心撒动勇C[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.bb336afa.L6s3CP-JMp5_0qeFnm8CWw.jpg?time=8813&tieba_portrait_time=8813[avatar]超过37用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]我自向山去[intro]186[view_count]


歌手名:50 Cent 别名:50美分 生日:1976-07-06 出生地点:纽约皇后区 性别:男 如果说R&B讲究的是旋律,那么HIP-HOP侧重的便是“故事性”。谁的故事够狠,够真实,谁便可以成为说唱界的宠儿。 当今说唱界谁最红?论影响力,当然是每次出碟都要得罪一票人,拍了一部自传式电影又成立了自己唱片公司的痞子阿姆(Eminem),但论走红势头,恐怕他比不上同样来自街头的纯种流氓50Cent。2003年50Cent带着他的《要钱不要命》(GetRichOrDieTryin’)横空出世,碟中所诉说的底层黑人生活的残酷、艰难、恐惧及揪紧心头的压抑狠狠地抽了日益平庸的Hip-Hop界一个耳光,让所有听hip-Hop的或自以为正在玩hip-Hop的人知道了,什么才是真正的源于黑人的hip-Hop。 江湖背景,街头混混 50Cent分原名柯蒂斯·杰克逊,1976年出生于纽约的皇后街区。和众多出生在贫民窟的黑人小孩一样,50Cent打从童年起便与抢劫、强奸、贩毒、卖淫这些词打交道。他与生父几未谋面,他的妈妈则以贩毒为生,在他8岁时被发现横尸街头,死因不详。从那时起,50Cent便交由他的祖父母养育,几年之后50Cent继承母业,瞒着他的祖父母在街头贩卖可卡因。高中时他第一次尝到了入狱的滋味——据说是为了不让他祖母发现他在贩毒,他把可卡因藏到他的运动鞋里,有一天他穿错了鞋子,结果被学校的探测器检查出来了。从那之后,他的地下贩毒活动转向公开,他直截了当地告诉他的祖母“我是个毒贩子”。 尽管50Cent的黑色收入一天可达5000美金,但他却对这种混沌的生活倍感压抑。这时他发现了一种逃避这种状态的方式——说唱。50Cent在一些街头聚会中小露才华并且小赚了一把。1997年,在儿子马奎斯诞生后,50Cent开始将说唱当成自己的事业,认真对待。 初生牛犊,不畏强权 50Cent分的第一个伯乐是Run-D.M.C的成员JamMasterJay。他给了50Cent一盘录满节奏的磁带,然后让50Cent跟着节奏说唱。50Cent的表现给Jay留下了深刻的印象,随后将他签到了自己的JMJ公司。“Jay教会我什么样的歌词将会大热;Jay教会我如何寻找创作灵感;Jay还教会了我怎样制作唱片。他正是那个将我引入正轨的人。”50Cent后来在一次采访中回忆道。 JamMasterJay一直是50Cent的良师益友,即使是后来由于发展不顺等原因,50Cent离开了JMJ,Jay也一直给予他建议及帮助。 随后在Trackmasters的介绍下,50Cent在1999年与实力雄厚的哥伦比亚唱片公司签约。被关在纽约的一个录音室里两周半后,50Cent交出了36首作品,其中包括被Blaze杂志认为是说唱经典的《一美元的力量》(PowerOfADollar)。在另一首歌《如何抢劫》(HowtoRob)中,50Cent拿同行中的大牌如Jay-Z,BigPun,StickyFingaz等开涮,在歌迷中引起了不小的反响。但同时,他也树立了一些敌人,例如随后跟他展开多轮舌战的JaRule。 大难不死,转战地下 如果50Cent从此就开始顺风顺水,很可能说唱界只是多了一个爱叫嚣的小明星。接下来的一系列事件,不仅使50Cent的黑色背景更显浓重,也为他的说唱之路增添了一份神奇色彩。 2000年5月,50Cent在他祖母家外面遭到枪击,9颗9毫米的子弹向着他呼啸而来,一颗穿透他的脸,一颗打在手上,其他7颗分别打在胳臂和腿上。幸运的是他大难不死,仅仅入院13天,但他用了将近5个月的时间在家做康复治疗。其中射向他的脸的那颗子弹揭掉了他的一层牙龈,并在他的两排牙齿中留下一个空洞,这使他的声音产生了略微的改变。 枪击事件后,50Cent变成了烫手山芋,哥伦比亚公司忙不迭地甩掉了这个麻烦人物,即将发行的《一美元的力量》也被打入了冰窟。 50Cent并没有因此一蹶不振。他与一帮好友组成了G-Unit,开始了地下乐团的生活。在新搭档ShaMoneyXL的帮助下,50Cent在2001年底发行了一张独立唱片《猜谁回来了》(GuessWho’sBack)。这张专辑中有的是翻唱说唱名曲(如RaphaelSaadiq的“BeHere”,Wu-TangClan的“Ya’llBeenWarned”),有些内容是嘲弄当时说唱明星(主要是JaRule),有几首是50Cent讲述自己被枪击的事情。这些东西迅速在纽约街头传播开来,Jay-Z甚至称赞道:“50Cent就是(HIP-HOP的)未来。”

[create_time]2014-08-30 08:45:06[/create_time]2014-08-29 16:28:24[finished_time]1[reply_count]6[alue_good]叶子eyGO35TI02[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.158acf6a.zrybLeU1cCoxep4BVjjPuw.jpg?time=3661&tieba_portrait_time=3661[avatar]TA获得超过109个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1825[view_count]



[create_time]2023-06-14 10:34:51[/create_time]2023-06-29 10:34:51[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]校易搜全知道[uname]https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/0e2442a7d933c895ca8a10e3c31373f0830200b5?x-bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_450%2Ch_600%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto[avatar]专注互联网信息分享。[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]17[view_count]


  个人档案   中文名:唐禹哲   英文名:Danson 唐禹哲
  Tang   星 座:处女座   生 肖:鼠   血 型:A型   身 高:181cm   体 重:60kg   家 人:妈妈、姐姐   宗 教:基督教   惯用手:左手   FANS名称:蜜糖   外号:唐小呆,欧巴,唐少爷,小淘气(辰亦儒起),欧尼,唐美人,唐妞,蛋挞,唐电眼,唐唐(郑元畅起),奇葩,唐先森,老唐,唐宝宝(后三个均为汪东城起) 帝皇侠,唐帝皇   口头禅:“对啊~”“可以呀~”“真的假的?”   三围尺寸:胸围 (34.5英寸) ;腰围 (30英寸;臀围 (36英寸)   语言能力:国语、英语、台语、日语(一点)、韩语(一点)   教育程度:东信国小,中正国中,基隆二信高中,亚东技术学院,私立醒吾技术学院   喜欢的类型:眼睛漂亮,很爱笑、笑起来很好看,活泼开朗,孝顺父母,和唐妈妈谈的来,有内涵   兴 趣:吃、冲浪、篮球、游泳、跳舞、搜集东西   专 长:吃、唱歌、跳舞、表演、篮球、游泳   最在乎的人:妈妈 姐姐 外甥女小麦芽 以及他的蜜糖们   角色个性:跟《终极一班》中的雷克斯很像,冷静思考型男生。   喜欢的食物:巧克力或一切有关的东西   讨厌的食物:青椒,月饼,牛肉,动物内脏,   喜欢的动物:小狗   讨厌的动物:蜘蛛、蛇、蟑螂   喜欢的颜色:黑、白、灰、金、银   最喜欢字母:D   喜欢的物品:一切有关D的东西    喜欢的品牌:BEAUTY BEAST,Garcon,Chrome Hearts   喜欢的音乐类型:R&B、Rock、Hip-Hop   喜欢的歌手:陶喆、黄立行、周杰伦、twins、王菲   喜欢的演员:刘德华、成龙、吴镇宇、陈奕迅、山缪杰克森、丹佐华盛顿、戴立忍、屈中恒、张柏芝   喜欢的外国歌手:Eminem、JaRule、Nelly、Justin、安室奈美惠,林肯公园,bigbang,Usher   喜欢自己的角色:最喜欢《终极一班》中自己饰演的雷克斯一角,认为与真实的自己有些相似。   座右铭:Be good all the time(一直都很好)   最新动态:拍摄新戏《幸福蒲公英》   恶魔or天使   唐禹哲非常爱美,和好 友大东有的一拼,随身带着镜子,他是一个很柔和的人,你去弄他的刘海或别的地方,他都不会动怒,但是具郑元畅爆料,一旦触及到他的家人,他就会马上站出来保护家人。他一旦恋爱就会疯狂投入,喜欢天天和女朋友黏在一起,是一个不能没有爱情的人。对女朋友占有欲强,容易吃醋。   小时候就是小恶魔   唐禹哲小时候是个很皮的“小破孩儿”,很会欺负人,并且很会看大人的脸色,在大人前面是很乖很听话的小天使,在同辈人眼中是小恶魔的性格。小时候唐禹哲经常欺负姐姐,姐姐还手的话他就哭,然后妈妈就会冲过来打姐姐。姐姐上中专时需要住校,姐弟俩很久才能见面一次,结果两人从本来的互相“仇视”突然变得关系非常非常好。到现在,唐禹哲一提到姐姐就眉开眼笑,说姐姐像张柏芝,眉眼里漾着的全是骄傲。   长大了变“狗头”军师   因为长相出众,很多女生都喜欢唐禹哲,也因此唐禹哲被学长们视为眼中钉,每次入学的时候都会有很多人放话要修理他。但巧合的是,学校里的学生老大往往都是唐禹哲的最好的朋友,所以唐禹哲不但不会被欺负,还经常“除强扶弱”整那些喜欢欺负弱小同学的同学。 唐禹哲属于军师类,专门负责出主意,然后让朋友们来执行。有一次下了体育课,一个平时很威风的男生趴在桌子上睡觉,唐禹哲就让同学把臭袜子脱下来丢到那男生的脸旁边,男生闻到奇怪的味道后抓着袜子在脸上抹了一把,最后被臭味熏醒,结果当然是唐禹哲在一边大笑,被整的男生在一边气得干瞪眼。 唐禹哲曾在餐厅打工,很多男子为了看他一眼到餐厅去吃饭,有些大胆的人直接要他的电话,所以唐禹哲练就了一副“火眼金睛”可以直接的看出那些人是来干嘛的。这也成为唐禹哲能很好的诠释《恶作剧之吻》中欧阳干的原因。   早熟的小孩初恋在幼儿园   唐禹哲的初恋发生在幼儿园,那时候他一直喜欢一个白白的小女生,但是又不敢上去跟人家讲话,只好每天坐在娃娃车里看着人家上学放学,毕业那天他突然跟妈妈说喜欢那个女孩,妈妈就跑过去问可不可以一起拍照,然后那张照片就一直留在他的房间里。 中学时的某天,关系非常好的女性朋友带着她的姐妹去唐禹哲家玩,女生吃惊地指着那张照片问“你怎么会有我小时候的照片”。真是浪    漫又有缘!不过女生已经不再是印象里幼儿园时期的小女孩,所以两人并没有交往。
  2007年「2007 第三届 KKBOX 数位音乐风云榜 年度最佳新人」   2007年「香港新城电台 海外新人王」    2007年「香港新城电台 全国乐迷投选劲爆新人王」   2008年 MusicRadio 中国 TOP 排行榜最佳演绎新人奖   2008年 新城国语力颁奖礼 新城国语力歌曲 《分开以后》   2008年 新城国语力颁奖礼 新城国语力跃进歌手 唐禹哲在颁奖典礼上
  ?   2008年 新城全国乐迷投选劲爆突破表现大奖   2009年 劲歌王 台湾杰出青年男歌手   2009年 劲歌王 最具潜力新人奖   2009年 上海摩登颁奖礼 潮流先锋奖   2010年 劲歌王金曲金榜人气歌手   2010年 台湾杰出青年歌手奖   2010年 音乐飙榜《I'm back》金曲奖
  唐禹哲一些主要比较大的突破:   打破台湾唱片史上的纪录,成为第一个拥有欧洲粉丝后援会的台湾歌手。    D氏神话
  自06年出演的《终极一班》之后所参演的偶像剧全部是耳熟能详的。   台湾第一个也是唯一一个仅靠在出演的戏剧当中饰演配角而红的艺人。   首张专辑《爱我》销量突破百万张。   首支单曲《最爱还是你》为Pay easy购物网站主题曲,让网站流量创下百万浏览纪录。   沉潜17个月重新出发的《D1秒》推出10天预购销售成绩突破五千张   《D1秒》首发片一周就荣登唱片三冠王:除了五大唱片(五大金榜)、佳佳唱片(华语音乐销售排行榜)、光南唱片(KMCC哈烧流行音乐榜),三榜第一名之外,玫瑰大众(G-MUSIC排行榜)也勇夺第二名宝座。   自己首次发表的词曲创作、自行编曲《灰色河堤》中音榜港台榜冠军
  ◎ 八大电视台2005-偶像剧《火线任务》饰 唐云生   ◎ 八大电视台2005-偶像剧《爱恋狂潮》饰 林达正   ◎ 八大电视台2005-偶像剧《终极一班》饰 雷克斯&武尸(夺)   ◎ 八大电视台2006-偶像剧《花样少年少女》饰梁思南   ◎ 八大电视台2007-偶像剧《终极一家》饰 夏兰荇德·宇&鬼凤   ◎ 八大电视台2007-偶像剧《热情仲夏》饰 田光桢   ◎ 八大电视台2007-偶像剧《恶作剧之吻2》饰 欧阳干(干干)   ◎ 八大电视台2008-偶像剧《翻滚吧!蛋炒饭》饰冷冽   ◎ 中国内地2009-音乐偶像剧《我用音乐说爱你》饰 江明皓   ◎ 中国台湾2011-偶像剧《拜金女王》(客串)   ◎ 中国台湾2011-偶像剧《幸福蒲公英》 饰 宋力行

[create_time]2011-07-13 19:57:44[/create_time]2011-07-13 20:08:23[finished_time]1[reply_count]2[alue_good]甜心墨尛柒[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.fffede43.KFEvw5917VOHTGwm04XljQ.jpg?time=3174&tieba_portrait_time=3174[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]597[view_count]

Where The Hood At 歌词

歌曲名:Where The Hood At歌手:Dmx专辑:Hey You! 米迦勒之舞电视原声带Where The Hood AtDmxWhere the hood where the hood where the hood atHave that nigga in the cut where the wood atOh them niggaz actin up?!Where the wolves atYou better BUST THAT if you gon pull thatWhere the hood where the hood where the hood atHave that nigga in the cut where the wood atOh them niggaz actin up?!Where the wolves atYou better BUST THAT if you gon pull thatMan cats don't know what it's gonna beFuckin with a nigga like me D-to-the-M-to-the-XLast I heard y'all niggaz was havin sex with the SAME sexI show no love to homo thugsEmpty out reloaded and throw more slugsHow you gonna explain fuckin a manEven if we squashed the beef I ain't touchin ya handI don't buck with chumps for those to been to jailThat's the cat with the Kool-Aid on his lips and pumpsI don't fuck with niggaz that think they broadsOnly know how to be ONE WAY that's the dogI know how to get down know how to BITEBark very little but I know HOW TO FIGHTI know how to chase a cat up in the treeMan I give y'all niggaz the b'iness for fuching wit me is you crazyWhere the hood where the hood where the hood atHave that nigga in the cut where the wood atOh them niggaz actin up?!Where the wolves atYou better BUST THAT if you gon pull thatWhere the hood where the hood where the hood atHave that nigga in the cut where the wood atOh them niggaz actin up?!Where the wolves atYou better BUST THAT if you gon pull thatOnce a song I come though guns is drawnBLAM BLAM lungs are gone sons will mournFrom dusk till dawn nighttime belongs to the dogOn the street passed midnight look for 'em in the morgueDon't play with these cats cuzI ain't got nothin to say to these catsFor the mothers that really do love em please pray for these catsCuz I know niggaz is hardheaded but I ain't got the patienceDon't want me havin no patience turn into more patienceMore trips to ICU cuz I see youTryna get away with shit a real nigga wouldn't doWhere my dogs at(RIGHT HERE) See them niggaz(RIGHT WHERE?!?)GET EM BOY! (RIGHT THERE) That's how we do... (AIIGHT THEN)This is for my dogs this is for my dogsYO WHERE WE AT BABY?!(CREEPIN THROUGH THE FOG)From then till now don't ask me howKnow that we gon roll like them niggaz and hit every block on the jobWhere the hood where the hood where the hood atHave that nigga in the cut where the wood atOh them niggaz actin up?!Where the wolves atYou better BUST THAT if you gon pull thatWhere the hood where the hood where the hood atHave that nigga in the cut where the wood atOh them niggaz actin up?!Where the wolves atYou better BUST THAT if you gon pull thathttp://music.baidu.com/song/7328542

[create_time]2016-12-01 21:31:42[/create_time]2013-08-22 12:06:05[finished_time]1[reply_count]6[alue_good]枚明洁4G[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.e665e430.DG6dwHg56Hi70htv2N8rMA.jpg?time=3574&tieba_portrait_time=3574[avatar]超过81用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3663[view_count]


唐禹哲(Danson Tang),1984年9月2日出生于台湾省基隆市,中国台湾流行乐男歌手、影视演员、节目主持人。2003年,唐禹哲签约八大电视台,并于次年出演个人首部电视剧《撞球小子》。2007年7月9日,唐禹哲签约艾回唱片并于同年8月17日推出首张音乐专辑《爱我》,而他也凭借该专辑获得了第三届KKBOX数位音乐风云榜年度最佳新人。2009年,唐禹哲发行个人第二张音乐专辑《D新引力》,并在“2009摩登上海精彩在沃年度大赏”中获得潮流先锋奖。2010年,出演个人首部电影《铠甲勇士之帝皇侠》。2011年,唐禹哲发行三张个人专辑《开往明天的旅行》,凭借同名单曲获得第八届劲歌王金曲金榜台湾杰出青年歌手奖。2013年,出演爱情剧《还来得及再爱你》。2017年主演青春励志校园剧《我们的少年时代》。2018年,网剧《仅剩一口的青春》开播,唐禹哲深情演绎那年青春我们正好。扩展资料:唐禹哲认爱“小周慧敏” 6月18日,据台媒报道,唐禹哲活动上面承认了与苏小轩的恋情,称两人在朋友婚礼上相识,大夸女方是一个乐观的人。对于会不会闪婚的问题表示不一定,对他来说现在就是…很冲动,开心就好。当被问及两人会不会有代沟时,唐禹哲表示,“我也是年轻人啊,年龄、话题这些不是太大问题。”至于外传苏小轩曾和汪东城交往一事,唐禹哲说,“莫名其妙的事情,我这两位朋友是超级不熟,更不要说交往,对女生不好。”参考资料来源:百度百科-唐禹哲参考资料来源:凤凰网-唐禹哲认爱“小周慧敏” 自曝不排除会闪婚

[create_time]2020-06-18 21:20:21[/create_time]2020-07-03 20:50:01[finished_time]3[reply_count]143[alue_good]暴走爱教育[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/15d4d798fbd59fdf1a0fe938ba9b1146.jpeg[avatar]暴走团队带你畅游教育的海洋[slogan]暴走团队带你畅游教育的海洋[intro]3590[view_count]


A面 低调 “我喜欢低调的过生活,不擅长表达心中的感受,但我最想说的话是:谢谢你们爱我。” 曾经的“小呆”内向不自信 如果好多人一起上节目,禹哲总会不自觉往后退,站到别人身后至少五公分处,只要有人说话,他就一定不会开口。遇到别人说话他不太了解,或者他想要思考一下,他会有一个习惯动作,用牙齿去咬下嘴唇,有这样小动作的人通常内心比较羞涩。拍照的时候,他爱抿着嘴唇温柔的微笑,眼神要多安静有多安静。粉丝们亲切地唤他“小呆”。 他从不否认自己是个内向的人。14岁那年,父亲忽然离世,早于家庭变故的禹哲一度很自闭。曾经有一段时间独自呆在家里过着孤单,独立的生活,那是他最不开心的一段时间,“当时我遇到什么开心或不快的事都不会讲出来,只管放在心里,就像将自己封闭起来。从那时开始,我不太懂得与人说话,事事只放在心里闷着。” 他也是不太自信的孩子,从小就被姐姐嘲笑长得很丑,还好这种“阴影”在进入娱乐圈之后渐渐消失了。禹哲向来不是主动争取的人,进入演艺圈,靠的是他的运气和资质。当时的禹哲在一家日本料理店打工,被前任经纪人看中,便说服他进入演艺圈,无意中开始了备受瞩目的人生。这件事情像是命中注定一样,彻底颠覆了他的生活轨迹。不喜欢在人面前说话,低调内向的他,却开始了闪光灯下的演戏唱歌生涯。 如今的明星 依然爱低调 第一次上舞台,他硬生生被“丢”在了十几万人前面,硬着头皮适应娱乐圈中的一切新事物。禹哲曾经笑着说拍摄第一部电视剧时曾被导演嫌笨,以至于遭到耳光待遇。刚开始时,他对拍戏有点抗拒,更希望在音乐方面发展,“但公司极力跟我说先积累影迷之后再发专辑效果更好。”几个角色演下来,他慢慢爱上了拍戏,爱上了在剧中体验不同的人生。如今,终于得以完成当初的心愿,出了两张专辑,且都大卖。 出道多年,慢慢适应了这个圈子。可禹哲依然喜欢低调的过生活,他总会忙碌工作时见缝插针地听音乐,一到假期就整天整天宅在家中看

