
时间:2024-07-18 22:16:19编辑:奇事君

最终幻想之圣童降临 里面最后出现的那个女的是什么人,就是被叫作“妈妈”的那个?

年龄:22岁 身高:163cm 血型:O型 J
生日:2月7日 出生地:雪原村 武器 :杖 配音:坂本 真绫(Maaya Sakamoto)
7代游戏的故事女主角之一,贫民街的卖花少女,星球上唯一仅存的古代种(赛特拉)。在7代游戏中很不幸被萨菲罗斯杀死。 IV

赛特拉,代代守护着星球并且可以与之交谈,受星球的引导,来到传说中的约束之地,从而获得无上的幸福。这是赛特拉人代代相传的传说,也是他们的宿命。只有她能揭开约束之地的神秘面纱,发动阻止陨石的究极白魔法“神圣”,特殊的身份使艾丽丝被卷入了无数的纷争和战斗。7代游戏中她的突然离去可以说是震撼性的,同时也造就了无数的“复活”谣言,艾丽丝的人气之高可见一斑。 [:`+

虽然身背沉重的宿命,身份特殊从小就被神罗四处追讨,但艾丽丝始终保持着活泼开朗的性格,对待感情问题要比蒂法积极主动得多,这与她文静的外表不太相符。 c

在电影版中可以看到,伙伴们为了纪念她每人都在手臂上系了一条粉红色缎带。她是克劳德的心结,同时她也是引导Cloud走出一次又一次的困惑的人。她是永恒的。 :

艾丽丝的名字拼写为Aerith(美版为Aeris),取自英文单词EARTH(大地)的谐音,暗示她守护星球的宿命。 Ie"

[create_time]2014-03-15 17:42:02[/create_time]2014-03-30 15:23:40[finished_time]1[reply_count]4[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]428[view_count]



[create_time]2023-06-28 19:54:08[/create_time]2023-07-13 19:54:08[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]深空游戏[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/7ac05459aa617502be5edd0077a0e373.png[avatar]百度认证:东莞市深空信息咨询官方账号[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]21[view_count]





萨菲罗斯:最强大的神罗一级战士,和杰尼西斯 安吉尔是好朋友,后来知道神罗战士们的秘密后,变得憎恨一切,三次被克劳德的打败,克劳德是他的分身(我不是很清楚)。


CC:核心危机 AC:圣童降临 我可以再多给你写一些塔斯克,克劳德的伙伴的。不过都是自己打的,累了。QQ:609812587

看到这么多引用材料的人,真可惜,估计你们到现在连最终幻想7有几部,Square Enix Co都还念不利索吧!


[create_time]2010-08-03 16:44:26[/create_time]2010-08-16 22:36:20[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]ASLXSQ[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.e7954a55.YjN0P4H4Kb0zwqaMLc12KA.jpg?time=3040&tieba_portrait_time=3040[avatar]TA获得超过133个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1623[view_count]


圣子降临属于最终幻想7补完计划(Compition of Final Fantasy VII),2005年的电影,直至现在其CG技术无法被超越。故事发生在最终幻想7核心危机之后7年,最终幻想7危机之前之后6年,最终幻想正传之后2年,通往微笑之路之后两年,最终幻想7地狱犬的挽歌之前1年。另外2009年还出了一部最终幻想7圣子降临完全版,片长从89min延长至126min,场面更加宏大,景物更加细腻,强烈推荐。

[create_time]2017-11-25 02:04:41[/create_time]2012-05-01 11:44:41[finished_time]2[reply_count]15[alue_good]Sephy111111[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.ef0ba6d4.NwvnZiSRRH-eOZ_nfysx5Q.jpg?time=3555&tieba_portrait_time=3555[avatar]TA获得超过1849个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5022[view_count]



 故事从97年《最终幻想Ⅶ》结局两年之后开始,当人们以为世界已经和平之时,所谓的“星痕症候群”的病却开始四处蔓延,世界再度面临危机。同时曾经为拯救世界而战的英雄克劳德却与世隔绝孤独的生活着……   剧情叙述主角们打倒萨菲罗斯(Sephiroth),拯救星球免于巨大陨石的侵袭后两年,神秘的怪病「星痕症候群」在各地陆续传出病例。而主角克劳德(Cloud)在与艾瑞丝(Aerith)死别后,便郁郁寡欢。某日突然出现了与萨菲罗斯有未知关联的以卡丹裘(kadaj)为首的神秘3人组“谜”,除了直接对克劳德造成威胁之外,还进行着一连串有关“再结合”复活萨菲罗斯(Sephiroth)秘密的计划,将已回归各自生活的主角群们,再次的卷入风波中……

跟游戏剧情也没多大关系 不同的是 没玩过游戏的话 电影里一个角色都不认识 既不能引起共鸣了 所以才觉得莫名其妙啊 尤其是扎克斯和爱丽丝出现的时候啊(勾起了玩家无数的回忆啊)

[create_time]2017-11-25 10:44:04[/create_time]2012-06-22 13:03:12[finished_time]4[reply_count]20[alue_good]麻烦灬得很[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.769d88ed.bWIaSrHNdeE3wYUhrPWpgA.jpg?time=3450&tieba_portrait_time=3450[avatar]TA获得超过288个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6047[view_count]


蒂珐·洛克哈特(ティファ ロックハート/Tifa Lockhart)
  年龄:22 血型:B 生日:5月3日
  2年前的陨石灾难过后,Tifa在Edge大街重建了她的酒吧Seaven Heaven,同时还照顾着Marlene等孤儿们。

[create_time]2013-07-12 15:00:50[/create_time]2013-07-25 20:01:11[finished_time]5[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]97[view_count]


Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
Directed by Tetsuya Nomura
Takeshi Nozue
Produced by Yoshinori Kitase
Shinji Hashimoto
Written by Kazushige Nojima
Starring Seiyu:
Takahiro Sakurai
Showtaro Morikubo
Maaya Sakamoto
Ayumi Ito
English voice actors:
Steve Burton
Steve Staley
Mena Suvari
Rachael Leigh Cook
George Newbern
Wally Wingert
Christy Carlson Romano
Music by Nobuo Uematsu
Cinematography Yasuharu Yoshizawa
Editing by Keiichi Kojima
Distributed by Square Enix
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (International)
Release date(s) September 14, 2005 (JP)
April 24, 2006 (UK)
April 25, 2006 (US)
May 3, 2006 (AUS)
Running time 100 min
Language Japanese (original release)
Budget Yen:
¥ 10,000,000,000,00
US$ 100,000,000,00
IMDb • Allmovie
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (ファイナルファンタジーVII アドベントチルドレン, Fainaru Fantajī Sebun Adobento Chirudoren?) is a 2005 CGI film directed by Tetsuya Nomura and Takeshi Nozue and produced by Yoshinori Kitase and Shinji Hashimoto. It was written by Kazushige Nojima and the music was composed by Nobuo Uematsu. Advent Children was the first announced title in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series.

The film is based on the highly successful 1997 console role-playing game Final Fantasy VII. It is set two years after the events of the game, and follows Cloud Strife as he unravels the cause of a mysterious plague called "Geostigma" that has beset the population.

Advent Children received mixed reviews from critics. It attained an approval rating of 40% on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, while the UMD release of the film got an 88% score at Metacritic. In 2005, the film received the "Maria Award" at the Festival Internacional de Cinema de Catalunya, and at the 2007 American Anime Awards it was awarded "best anime feature". As of 2006, the DVD and UMD releases of Advent Children have sold over 2.4 million copies worldwide.

Two years after the events of Final Fantasy VII, the survivors of Midgar have begun to build a new city, Edge, on the outskirts of the old metropolis. A strange disease known as "Geostigma" has arisen. After Cloud's showdown with Sephiroth, he has been living with Tifa in Edge. Marlene and an orphaned boy named Denzel have been entrusted to their care. After receiving a message from Tifa, Cloud is attacked by three men, Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo, who believe that he has hidden their "mother". The leader, Kadaj, ends the battle as he discovers that Cloud does not have their "mother". Cloud responds to a message from Tifa, who tells him that the Turks have a job for him. At the meeting place, Cloud discovers that Rufus Shinra is still alive. Rufus attempts to enlist Cloud's help to stop the trio, but fails. Kadaj arrives and demands that Rufus tell him where to find his "mother". It is revealed that his "mother" is Jenova's remains, and is somehow connected to the cause of the Geostigma. The trio are planning a new "reunion" that will culminate in an assault on the Planet.

Loz arrives at Aerith's church in an attempt to find Jenova's remains, and is confronted by Tifa. After battling Tifa, he receives instructions on his cell phone to capture Marlene. Kadaj and the gang begin collecting children infected with Geostigma, including Denzel and the uninfected Marlene, and take them to the Forgotten City. Cloud attempts to rescue them but fails and is rescued by Vincent Valentine, who reveals to Cloud what the trio is seeking and that it could result in the return of Sephiroth. Cloud agrees to return to Edge and face Kadaj in battle. In Edge, the trio call forth several monsters to attack the populace, including the summon "Bahamut SIN". While Cloud's companions deal with Bahamut SIN, Reno and Rude try to take care of Yazoo and Loz until Cloud arrives. Cloud and his friends are able to dispatch the monsters and Bahamut SIN.

In a nearby building, Rufus reveals to Kadaj that he has been in possession of Jenova's remains all along. He throws the box containing it from the edge of the building. Kadaj dives after the remains and recovers it, but Rufus shoots the box and damages it. Kadaj spots Cloud in pursuit of him, and is followed to the ruins of Midgar. They battle each other in Aerith's church. Kadaj destroys the flowerbed, which releases an outflow of Lifestream-infused water that cures Cloud's Geostigma. Kadaj flees to the ruins of Shinra Headquarters, where they continue their fight. He distracts Cloud with the box containing Jenova's remains, which he absorbs into his body and transforms into Sephiroth. He reveals that once those who die from the Geostigma return to the Lifestream, he will be able to control it and use the Planet as a vessel to travel space in search of a new planet for him to rule. Cloud defeats Sephiroth, who dissipates, leaving a weakened Kadaj at Cloud's mercy. Aerith begins to pour healing rain across Edge, curing the people of their Geostigma. She tells Kadaj to be at rest, who believes her voice to be that of his "mother", and he is taken by the Lifestream. Cloud is then shot by Yazoo in the back, who is also succumbing to the healing rain. He and Loz prepare one final blast at Cloud, resulting in a large explosion that disintegrates them and engulfs Cloud.

Afterward, Cloud appears surrounded by a white light, and Aerith and Zack are heard. Zack tells Cloud that his place is not with them yet, and sends him back. Cloud awakens in a pool of Lifestream-infused water in Aerith's church, surrounded by his friends and the citizens of Edge. After curing the Geostigma-infected children, he turns and sees Aerith crouching by some children. As she stands and walks to the doorway, she turns back to assure Cloud that she is all right, and steps into a white light with Zack.

Cloud Strife
A former mercenary, Cloud is now living with Tifa in Edge, working as a courier for the "Strife Delivery Service" that Tifa set up in her new bar. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai in the Japanese version and Steve Burton in the English version.
Tifa Lockhart
Tifa acts as Cloud's emotional support, urging him to come to terms with the unwarranted guilt he has placed on himself. She is also looking after Barret's daughter Marlene and the orphaned boy Denzel. She is voiced by Ayumi Ito in the Japanese version and Rachael Leigh Cook in the English version.
Aerith Gainsborough
Aerith makes brief appearances in Cloud's memories as his spiritual guide. She tries to make him get on with his life and explains that he was not the reason for her death. She is voiced by Maaya Sakamoto in the Japanese version and Mena Suvari in the English version.
Vincent Valentine
Vincent reveals several plot elements to Cloud, such as the cause of the Geostigma and Kadaj's intentions to bring back Sephiroth. He is voiced by Shōgo Suzuki in the Japanese version and Steven Blum in the English version.
Marlene Wallace
Unaffected by the Geostigma, Marlene cares for her friend Denzel, who has been infected by the disease. She is voiced by Miyū Tsuzurahara in the Japanese version and Grace Rolek in the English version.
Denzel is an orphaned boy living with Tifa, Cloud, and Marlene. Being infected by the Geostigma, he suffers tremendous pain. He is voiced by Kyōsuke Ikeda in the Japanese version and Benjamin Bryan in the English version.
After being resurrected by Kadaj, Sephiroth reveals that he has been using Geostigma in a plan to corrupt the Lifestream and grant him control of the entire planet. He is voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa in the Japanese version and George Newbern in the English version.
Rufus Shinra
Thought to be dead, Rufus returns with the intention of repairing the damage his company had caused to the world. He has been infected by the Geostigma disease and must be in a wheelchair. Rufus is also in possession of Jenova's remains. He is voiced by Tōru Ōkawa in the Japanese version and Wally Wingert in the English version.
Kadaj is the leader of the "Remnants of Sephiroth" trio, also consisting of Loz and Yazoo. He is the youngest of the three and also the most vengeful. His goal is to find Jenova, who he believes is his "Mother", and conquer the planet. He is voiced by Showtaro Morikubo in the Japanese version and Steve Staley in the English version.
The eldest of the three Remnants. He is a large, angry young man with short, cropped hair. However, he is very sensitive and cries when disappointed. He is voiced by Kenji Nomura in the Japanese version and Fred Tatasciore in the English version.
The "middle child" of the three Remnants. Yazoo is very passive and calm. He uses a gunblade when in combat. Tallest of the three with the longest hair. He is voiced by Yūji Kishi in the Japanese version and Dave Wittenberg in the English version.

[create_time]2009-02-03 12:31:30[/create_time]2009-03-01 07:37:30[finished_time]3[reply_count]5[alue_good]vergilcyt[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.df83cd7f.bGQ94cxdwvFv2eTOuy3AKA.jpg?time=2947&tieba_portrait_time=2947[avatar]TA获得超过831个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1226[view_count]



[create_time]2012-01-31 13:28:39[/create_time]2013-02-24 10:38:45[finished_time]6[reply_count]0[alue_good]AYA酱的92M[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/public.1.ed4f0b2b.4_SoR9NiBpk3zh874sVZ2Q.jpg[avatar]知道合伙人游戏行家[slogan]现就读于中国民用航空飞行学院,飞行专业,南方航空飞行学员,家用游戏机爱好者。[intro]376[view_count]






由于扎克斯在FFVII CC最后的死,对于爱丽丝是一个打击,而克劳德和扎克斯很像,所以爱丽丝在克劳德身上看到了一些扎克斯的影子,对克劳德当然也有一点意思了,同时克劳德由于扎克斯的遗言,当然要照顾好爱丽丝咯,在保护的同时感觉到爱丽丝对自己的好感,但是不知道爱丽丝只是有一点把他当扎克斯的影子,所以也开始对爱丽丝有意思了。这样,两个人你误会我,我误会你,产生了暖昧的关系,直到爱丽丝的死后都没有搞清两者的关系,这个在FFVII AC里就可以看出的。

[create_time]2012-04-25 15:45:51[/create_time]2012-05-04 16:08:01[finished_time]3[reply_count]4[alue_good]ywjV5[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.ce315b6e.GBITBXLImZE9nU2-4-4Prg.jpg?time=3352&tieba_portrait_time=3352[avatar]TA获得超过1176个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]524[view_count]

在《最终幻想7 圣童降临》中 、 有一个神秘的女子在帮助克劳德 ,而且给了克劳德很大动力 。请问她是谁?



最初的一等兵,也就是Shinra’s 1st,有三个人。





Cloud,最后一个说他,他跟Zacks是好朋友,关系就像Angeal和Zacks一样,Zacks是2nd的时候,Cloud是3rd,Zacks当了1st,Cloud还是3rd,但是Zacks总是很关心Cloud这个极其内向的小孩儿一样的人,每次执行任务出发前都跟他说,加油啊!Cloud也只有跟Zacks一起的时候,会笑那么一点。后来他被神罗公司用类似对待Angeal的方式对待,并泡在了魔晃炉里面,希望提高他的能力,但是他没能提高能力,而是直到Zacks把他就出来都还处在昏迷状态(他也真是够弱的),就这样儿,他见证了Zacks的死,或者从某种角度来说,Zacks是他连累死的,以Zacks的实力,回到Midgar找到Aeris,带着她到世界的别的地方去躲藏不是不可以,但是他偏偏就选择要死在那片小山坡上。Cloud之后在执行任务的过程中,第一次偶遇Aeris,在上层Midgar,Aeris在已经混乱的大街上卖着她在下层贫民窟教堂里种的花,1gil一个,哈哈,我肯定是要买的啊,选项是买一枝,买十枝和不买,我选了10枝,可惜不能再继续买,那次对话也就结束。第二次遇到就是和Zacks那次有着戏剧性的相似之处,Cloud在替雪崩组织(后会提到)执行引爆魔晃炉的任务时,意外从上层掉落,仍然是掉到了下层5番区Aeris种花的教堂里面,Aeris用叫醒Zacks的方式叫醒了Cloud(想什么呢,可不是吻醒的啊,就是“moxi moxi,moximoxi”,中文就是“喂,喂,喂,喂”,日本人打电话第一句都说“moxi moxi”,就好像我们说“喂”一样),故事就这样展开了,但是,就像刚才说的,Sephiroth是跟Jenova的完美结合体,所以他有制造幻象的能力,他用这个能力,让Cloud的记忆浑浊,分不清自己是Cloud还是Zacks,他总是自称神罗1st,其实他从来都没有当过1st,他只是受Sephiroth的魔法干扰后,把自己当成了Zacks,有时候他甚至会被操控,替Sephiroth办事,在遗忘之都,他差点用破坏剑去杀Aeris,当然,虽然他没有下手,但是却在同时,他目睹了从天而降的Sephiroth将他的正宗刀,插进了Aeris的背部,Aeris就这样死了,Cloud的软弱,是毋庸置疑的,他亲眼目睹了两位自己在意的人从自己身边里去,并且都是为了保护自己而死,所以,Cloud从Aeris死后,他在一方面,也就是表面上,变得坚毅起来,因为Aeris的里去让他开始醒悟了,振作了,他开始主动的找Sephiroth解决一切恩怨,并且在收到魔法干扰的时候,主动地抗拒,并最终在Tifa的帮助下,完全的召回了自我,并接受了自己软弱的这个事实,但是仍然不放弃找到Sephiroth,并拯救正要被Sephiroth毁掉的地球。他找到了Sephiroth,并用超究武神霸斩把小萨切死,为Aeris报了仇,之后在天堂的Aeris召唤了Holy魔法,与地球的生命射线相呼应,阻止了Sephiroth试图从远方召唤的陨星降落在地球,世界也就和平了。但是,实际上,在另一方面,在Cloud的内心,他开始更加孤独了,开始更加的封闭,他不愿意再让朋友们冒险,所以总是坚持自己行动,好在他的朋友的,雪崩组织的人,个个都很坚强,一直陪伴他到最后。而他的性格在原来内向的基础上,变得更加孤僻这点,在圣子降临这部电影里体现的很明显,当面临着Sephiroth再次复活的威胁时,他总是想让别人都退出,自己去解决,因为他不想看到别人再有危险,Aeris也在电影里小批评了他一下,哈哈,他也无条件的接受了,在Aeris面前,他真是一点儿脾气也没有啊,跟别人都是爱答不理,Aeris一出现,直接表情松掉,哈哈哈。其实最后,Aeris用盛大福音还是治愈之风,把所有星痕症的人都治好了,然后背身离开那段,Cloud看着她的背影,笑的挺不自然的,不明白他为什么会微笑,他那么快就接受了,因为他,Aeris死掉的这个现实吗?我觉得以他的性格,怎么能笑呢?但是其实我很高兴,Aeris并不孤独,Zacks就站在他旁边,哈哈,Cloud你不就觉得难受吗?????没能保护好自己的女朋友,然后现在好了,Aeris和Zacks在天堂又在一起了,你就不会觉得难受?开个玩笑。。不要当真。。




1.final fantasy vii crisis core(play station portable*psp) ­

2.final fantasy vii before crisis(mobile phone) ­

3.final fantasy vii (play station I*ps I) ­

4.final fantasy vii advent children(digital vedio disc*dvd/universal media disc*umd/blue-ray disc*bd) ­

5.final fantasy vii dirge of cerberus(play station II*ps II) ­

6.final fantasy vii dirge of cerberuse-lost episode(mobile phone)


[create_time]2011-08-27 18:02:28[/create_time]2011-09-12 15:30:56[finished_time]8[reply_count]0[alue_good]7jenova[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.ca8ca66b.yE5QpiTqXeuS-k_LBfiXfw.jpg?time=3201&tieba_portrait_time=3201[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]759[view_count]

