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时间:2024-07-13 22:04:40编辑:奇事君


A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration. The damper assembly also including a substantially rigid transition shim disposed between the spherical elastomer bearing member and the flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the substantially rigid transition shim is operable for coupling the spherical elastomer bearing member to the flat elastomer bearing member. The damper assembly further including a tension member attached to the substantially rigid transition shim, wherein the tension member is operable for precompressing the spherical elastomer bearing member and increasing the cocking stiffness of the damper assembly会不会有点难?
还找了一个:An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts.

The definition of an extreme sport is not exact — for example, although studies show that (road) cycling ranks as the sport with the highest rate of injury, it is not considered an extreme sport because it is not counter-cultural. The term's origin is also unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing companies to promote the X Games.

The origin of the divergence of the term "extreme sports" from "sports" may date to the 1950s in the appearance of a phrase usually, but wrongly, attributed to Ernest Hemingway[10]. The phrase is

"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games."
The implication of the phrase was that the word "sport" defined an activity in which one might be killed. The other activities being termed "games". The phrase may have been invented by either writer Barnaby Conrad or automotive author Ken Purdy.

In recent decades the term extreme sport was further promoted by X Games, a multi-sport event created and developed by ESPN. The first X Games (known as 1995 Extreme Games) were held in Newport, Providence, Mount Snow, and Vermont in the United States.

A history of the sports was published in 2004. Amped: How Big Air, Big Dollars and a New Generation Took Sports to the Extreme. The book provided an overview of the history, culture, and business of the sports and included interviews with athletes, company owners, and marketers.


[create_time]2017-12-15 09:48:57[/create_time]2013-01-29 15:06:03[finished_time]2[reply_count]29[alue_good]TVXQ6Candy[uname][avatar]TA获得超过6566个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]17259[view_count]


A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for acmodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is operable for acmodating relative motion and vibration. The damper assembly also including a substantially rigid transition shim disposed beeen the spherical elastomer bearing member and the flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the substantially rigid transition shim is operable for coupling the spherical elastomer bearing member to the flat elastomer bearing member. The damper assembly further including a tension member attached to the substantially rigid transition shim, wherein the tension member is operable for prepressing the spherical elastomer bearing member and increasing the cocking stiffness of the damper assembly会不会有点难? 还找了一个:An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts. The definition of an extreme sport is not exact — for example, although studies show that (road) cycling ranks as the sport with the highest rate of injury, it is not considered an extreme sport because it is not counter-cultural. The term's origin is also unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing panies to promote the X Games. History The origin of the divergence of the term "extreme sports" from "sports" may date to the 1950s in the appearance of a phrase usually, but wrongly, attributed to Ernest Hemingway[10]. The phrase is "There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games." The implication of the phrase was that the word "sport" defined an activity in which one might be killed. The other activities being termed "games". The phrase may have been invented by either writer Barnaby Conrad or automotive author Ken Purdy. In recent decades the term extreme sport was further promoted by X Games, a multi-sport event created and developed by ESPN. The first X Games (known as 1995 Extreme Games) were held in Newport, Providence, Mount Snow, and Vermont in the United States. A history of the sports was published in 2004. Amped: How Big Air, Big Dollars and a New Generation Took Sports to the Extreme. The book provided an overview of the history, culture, and business of the sports and included interviews with athletes, pany owners, and marketers. 对不起啦,没有翻译 求一篇英语作文(写极限运动的) A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for acmodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is operable for acmodating relative motion and vibration. The damper assembly also including a substantially rigid transition shim disposed beeen the spherical elastomer bearing member and the flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the substantially rigid transition shim is operable for coupling the spherical elastomer bearing member to the flat elastomer bearing member. The damper assembly further including a tension member attached to the substantially rigid transition shim, wherein the tension member is operable for prepressing the spherical elastomer bearing member and increasing the cocking stiffness of the damper assembly会不会有点难?还找了一个:An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts.The definition of an extreme sport is not exact — for example, although studies show that (road) cycling ranks as the sport with the highest rate of injury, it is not considered an extreme sport because it is not counter-cultural. The term's origin is also unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing panies to promote the X Games.History The origin of the divergence of the term "extreme sports" from "sports" may date to the 1950s in the appearance of a phrase usually, but wrongly, attributed to Ernest Hemingway[10]. The phrase is"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games." The implication of the phrase was that the word "sport" defined an activity in which one might be killed. The other activities being termed "games". The phrase may have been invented by either writer Barnaby Conrad or automotive author Ken Purdy.In recent decades the term extreme sport was further promoted by X Games, a multi-sport event created and developed by ESPN. The first X Games (known as 1995 Extreme Games) were held in Newport, Providence, Mount Snow, and Vermont in the United States.A history of the sports was published in 2004. Amped: How Big Air, Big Dollars and a New Generation Took Sports to the Extreme. The book provided an overview of the history, culture, and business of the sports and included interviews with athletes, pany owners, and marketers.对不起啦,没有翻译 极限运动的英语文章(带翻译) An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts.The definition of an extreme sport is not exact — for example, although studies show that (road) cycling ranks as the sport with the highest rate of injury, it is not considered an extreme sport because it is not counter-cultural. The term's origin is also unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing panies to promote the X Games.History The origin of the divergence of the term "extreme sports" from "sports" may date to the 1950s in the appearance of a phrase usually, but wrongly, attributed to Ernest Hemingway[10]. The phrase is"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games." The implication of the phrase was that the word "sport" defined an activity in which one might be killed. The other activities being termed "games". The phrase may have been invented by either writer Barnaby Conrad or automotive author Ken Purdy.In recent decades the term extreme sport was further promoted by X Games, a multi-sport event created and developed by ESPN. The first X Games (known as 1995 Extreme Games) were held in Newport, Providence, Mount Snow, and Vermont in the United States.A history of the sports was published in 2004. Amped: How Big Air, Big Dollars and a New Generation Took Sports to the Extreme. The book provided an overview of the history, culture, and business of the sports and included interviews with athletes, pany owners, and marketers.对不起啦,没有翻译 为什么人们喜欢极限运动 英语作文 Parkour is a sport activity with the purpose of moving from one place to another as efficiently and quickly as possible,using only the physical skills of the human body.It is used to overe obstacles,which can be any obstacle in the environment on fences and stone,to pillars,walls and bars and can be practiced both in urban areas and rural areas.Founded by David Belle in France,parkour focuses on efficient movements to develop the training of the body and mind,to be prepared to overe obstacles in an emergency. 英语作文: 关于极限运动的 80词带翻译 着急,谢谢!! An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts.The definition of an extreme sport is not exact — for example, although studies show that (road) cycling ranks as the sport with the highest rate of injury, it is not considered an extreme sport because it is not counter-cultural. The term's origin is also unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing panies to promote the X Games文章简单,自己看看就行了 有没有关于极限运动的英语范文,跪求 像一片蔚蓝的天空,天空中飘着一朵朵洁白无暇的白云,其中,有一个大而醒目的白云,上面写着“勇敢”二个字,这不禁让我想起了那一次勇敢的尝试。 每当人们论及极限运动时,我总会跃跃欲试。 可是,当我一站到运动器材前,却又退缩了。 但,这一次,我真正挑战了自己的极限,心理的极限。 那是12岁的一天吧,我和朋友来到了满陇桂雨少儿游乐园游玩。 旋转升降伞,蝴蝶机,水上滚滚……琳琅满目的娱乐器材使我目不暇接。 我盘算着该玩什么好呢?突然,听见一阵阵潮水般的尖叫声。 好奇心驱使我前去查看。 走近,原来是海盗船!这个游戏,在很早以前就想试试了,可是一直不敢坐上去。 我试探朋友:“你敢不敢上去啊?”原以为朋友会哆哆嗦嗦不敢上去,没想到朋友大手一挥:“当然啦,走走,我们上去玩!”看着朋友自信的样子,我的胆量不禁有增加了几分。 朋友拽着我,走上台阶。 巨大的海盗船上,如潮水般地,涌出成群结队的人,我随眼一瞥,竟发现了一个六七岁的小男孩!这是,我有些愤怒了——为什么连比我小的孩子都敢玩,我却不敢呢?我毅然爬上海盗船,尽管两腿不停颤抖。 一阵尖锐的 *** 。 我闭上眼睛。 海盗船慢慢启动,越荡越高,越荡越远。 天空中的风不停加剧:微风,小风,大风!我心跳加快。 猛然睁开眼睛,却发现自己的脸已经垂直地面了。 不禁一阵恐慌,又紧紧闭上眼睛。 缓缓一会儿,我感觉船荡得慢些了,便大胆地睁开眼睛。 刚睁开眼睛,就发现,一切原来是那么的美好!碧空如洗,绿草如茵,清澈见底的湖水,倒映着游客的身影。 突然发现,海盗船下已经站了很多人了。 不知道是因为凑热闹呢,还是想等下一班游戏呢?一个小女孩稚嫩的脸蛋上,写满了无限的敬佩之情,我骄傲的心情不禁油然而生。 朋友在我旁边大声问道:“哎,你在发什么呆啊?”我回过神来,讪讪笑着,回答:“没什么,只是觉得这游戏太爽了。 ”朋友也笑笑,说:“当然啦,我挑的游戏,怎么会不好玩呢?”我也跟着笑笑,随即享受起这温柔的轻风。 很快,5分钟过去了。 我带着丝丝缕缕不舍的心情,一步三回头地走下了海盗船。 玩遍整个游乐场,心里却依然惦记着海盗船。 末了,忍不住心痒痒,又去坐了一次海盗船。 这次换我拽着朋友了,我扯着她的衣袖跑上海盗船,迫不及待地想要再尝尝这美妙的滋味,以及清风徐来的快乐感受。 记忆的长卷徐徐展开,长卷里记载着无数的尝试。 这一次勇敢的尝试,也是记忆长卷里的一颗璀璨的明珠。 透明闪亮的明珠里,倒映着我的勇敢。 海盗船,你就是我勇敢的象征!我怎能够在人生的道路上,将你忘记呢? 轮滑的乐趣 作文 嫁给轮滑男孩的15个理由!!! 1 事业心 - 他可以为自己的爱好付出一切精力。 将来,他也一定会有自己热爱的事业。 而且,男人 - 最性感的时刻之一,就是他专心致志做事的时候。 所以,找一个机会在他全神贯注66 - 的时候,从侧面好好观察他,你就会发现我说的话没错。 -2 不服输 - 俗话说,文无第一,武无第二。 轮滑本是一项体育运动,每一个滑手都有过从滑行到oille - 经历,而且这个过程中的第一阶段---摔倒,是一个相当漫长的时间段。 如果没有不服输的 - 精神,早就放弃了。 所以,想要在玩轮滑的男性里找一个容易服输的人很难。 人生也如此, - 还是找个有骨气的男人比较好。 -3 绅士风度 - 就算被人嘲笑到心里全是眼泪,摔了一跤后还是要说正常,大不了再来过。 出人头地, - 十年不晚。 久而久之,摔都会养成记乐不记疼、谦虚谨慎的良好性格。 这同样也是好老 - 公的必备条件之一。 -4 耐心 - 一个滑手,不一定每个动作都会一直成功,但他们会在失落的时候,全力寻找每一个可 - 以成功,这个时候就需要耐心。 耐心的去调整心态,耐心的去琢磨,然后再让轮滑鞋屈服 - 在你脚下。 在你们的生活中,同样也会有不顺心的时候,所以选个有耐心的老公吧,然 - 后两个人,永远以风平浪静的心态,去面对共同的人生。 -5 抗击打能力 - 每一个滑手一定都尝到过被地面结结实实贴在身体的感觉,而且不只是一次。 那么,当 - 他面对的不是冷冰冰的地面,而是充满爱意的鞋子的时候,他同样也不会逃避,而是 - 甘心情愿去选择做一个满脸笑容、老老实实的沙包。 -6 细心 - 做为滑手,基本功之一就是在作动作的不成功时候找个安全的地方倒下,日复一日,年 - 复一年,他的观察力、反应力绝对和福尔摩斯不相上下。 同样和你在一起的时候,他不 - 会忽略掉你的各种感受,包括你的一颦一笑,一举一动。 你疲劳时,他会帮助你;你高 - 兴时,他会和你一起享受快乐;你苦闷时,他会安慰你。 呜呼,有老公如此,夫复何求 - ! -7 反应敏捷 - 又是一项滑手的基本功,选择适当的动作倒地来保护。 选择终身伴侣,不一定非得要李 - 连杰,成龙般的身手,但机灵点儿,总不会错吧。 -8 极限运动达人 - 从选择鞋子、轮、轴承、,可以对金属和塑料做如此多的设置。 随随便便找一个滑手, - 他可以和你就鞋子的材料聊上三天三夜。 再说,以后的世界,都少不了 - 极限运动,找一个不懂这两样东西的老公,就连出门也会被人笑话的。 而且,你们未来 - 的宝宝还没生下来就多了一个老师。 小平同志都说过,轮滑要从娃娃抓起,这方面你是 - 不用再担心了。 -9 心理承受力 - 不一定什么时候就会有大地接吻。 每个滑手都养成了连滚带爬而不惊,轮滑鞋绊脚而不 - 惧的大无畏精神。 人生总要经历坎坷和波折。 一个遇事就变得颓废沮丧的人,你会选择 - 他做你的终身伴侣吗? -10 有计划性 - 到什么时候该干什么,是滑手应该烂熟于心的事。 每时每刻他都在心里默默的做着想事 的计划,形成了做事缜密的性格后,他同样会把你们的生活安排的井井有条,后天是你的 - 生日,应该开个party;大后天该去买大米,顺便把酱油买回来。 嗯,就是这样。 -11。 感情专一 - 一个滑手的执卓是别的运动人无法能比的,从第一天穿上轮滑鞋开始,就忠心不二的跟 - 着滑手的足迹,从不变心,试问哪个MM会不在乎这个?? -12。 识得大体 - 作为一名滑手,当然懂得什么时候在什么地方该做些什么。 看到一排台阶,总得掂量是 - 直接跳下去还是*边的护扶滑下去,障碍和栏杆固然也是。 如此,玩轮滑的男人自然就 - 是一个事事会以大局为重,时时运筹大盘之人,又如何不能掌握MM芳心?? -13。 坚持不懈 - 每一位滑手都有苦练动作的经历吧?从这头到那头,从那头又到这头, - 如此这般,不厌其烦。 诸如此例,真是数不胜数啊!而之所以能做到这样的坚持不懈, - 皆系由心中的一个信念支撑,而跳跃成功后的喜悦更是无法言表的。 练其他动作也如此 - 。 所以说:没有GF的哥们儿们,还怕啥啊??拿出我们练习的精神来!! -14。 出门在外 - 没刷过街的人可能就不会有这样的体验。 在刷街的环境中,不学会记道是不行的。 无论 - 走过什么地方遇到什么障碍,心中没数是不行的:在哪儿有几个坑没跳过,有几台阶没 - 上过,有几个护拦没滑过,有多少个站点有交通****等等,真不是一般没有经过训练的 - 人能做到的。 有了这些本领,出门在外的即使人生地不熟也不会心慌和害怕,心里面总 - 是有谱,有这样的男人在旁边,就会有足够的安全感,MM还不会死心塌地的跟着你?? - -15。 时间观念 - 所有的滑手的时间观念都是绝对要强的,长久以往,有了这样经 - 历的男人,事事走在别人前头,时时想着打提前量.- 孙悟空参加奥运会话说,唐僧师徒四人西天取完经后,各自回到了各自的住处,其他人都隐居了,唯独这个“多动症”患者孙悟空闲不住,只在水帘洞里呆了半个月,就又出来闲逛了。 (孙悟空就是闲不住的人,性格特点抓的非常好。 )说来也巧,他来到了北京,正好赶上第29届奥运会召开。 他溜达着来到“鸟巢”,看里面挺热闹,就打听那是在干什么,又问什么是奥运会,才知道这是人间最盛大的体育比赛。 他一听可来劲了,心想:我五百年前就是出自神州大地,一定要参加比赛,为中国队争光。 (悟空也有报国之志。 )孙悟空来到报名处一口气报名参加了三项比赛。 他先参加了110米跨栏比赛,他听说刘翔是上届冠军,心想这次一定要超过刘翔,刷新人间最高记录。 比赛开始了,悟空拼命地跑着,可是发现自己不用筋斗云根本跑不快。 他想:“何不把筋斗云藏在地下呢?”于是,他唤出筋斗云藏在地下,装着一幅奔跑的样子,只用了1秒钟就达到终点,他扭过头时,所有的运动员还没缓过神来呢。 (不愧是齐天大圣啊,速度就是快。 )可惜他好多次是从栏下钻过去的,被裁判判做严重犯规,成绩无效。 接下来,孙悟空又参加了跳水比赛。 他以为跳水就像跳崖一样,谁知还要有一些花样动作。 幸好他曾经在东海跟着老龙王练习过“极限运动”,这点动作对他来说是“小菜”!孙悟空选了最高的跳台和最难的动作,仅用五秒就把这个动作做了两遍,入水时没有一丝水花。 “奇迹呀!”评委禁不住扔掉笔大声地为叫喊着,“中国人太伟大了!“(裁判的评价超过所有人的掌声。 )悟空顿时神采飞扬,信心百倍。 他觉得一枚金牌有点少,一个筋斗云又来到了篮球赛场。 世界各国强队正在进行着激烈的比赛,中国队大比分领先。 孙悟空跃跃欲试替补上场,观众们为之一振,大声地为他加油助威。 可惜孙悟空不知道比赛规则,拿到球后只知道抱球到处跑,还撞倒了好多运动员,裁判给了两次警告,可他仍然我行我素。 队长姚明感觉孙悟空没有一点儿团队精神,无奈之下只好把他换下来。 这时,悟空犯了猴急,硬是要跟姚明拼命,幸亏大家及时制止,才防止了这场“暴力事件”的发生。 (天不怕地不怕的毛病又犯了,幸亏还顾及一点儿队友的面子。 )这次运动会,悟空虽然拿到了一块金牌,可篮球赛场上的事情让他高兴不起来,只好遗憾地返回花果山。 追问还有吗?追答在我年少的时候,每一次收看电视卡通片时,都传来一阵耳熟能详的歌声:“哆啦A梦,哆啦A梦,快乐度过每一天……”,我想必大家已经猜出来了,这首歌就是哆啦A梦主角的动画片主题曲,每当听到那悠扬的旋律,总让人为之兴奋、激动。 这个为人熟悉,外形有趣的哆啦A梦很久以前已经来到中国,风靡万千小朋友,就连我也十分喜欢它呢!这个哆啦A梦是一个21世纪的最新产品,他虽然是一只机器猫,但是他却很怕老鼠,和人类有共同的特征:有着一双像芝麻绿豆般大小的眼睛,一张大大的嘴巴,一双胖胖、软绵绵的小手,手掌九像一个圆球,头简直就像一只“铜烧饼”那样大。 因此,他特别喜欢爱吃铜烧饼,常常因为一只“铜烧饼”和他的主人及好朋友——野比大雄闹矛盾。 可是,他却有一只万能口袋有很多法宝:那“随意门”、那能隐身的“隐身衣”,那能超越未来的“时空隧道”……还有对自己有害的法宝:比如说自己打自己的“拳还击”,有一打开就下雨的“神奇雨伞”……总之,一句话,他的法宝让人如数家珍,六天六夜也说不完! 哆啦A梦性格直爽,善解人意,乐于助人。 自己的朋友——大雄被福安欺负时,哆啦A梦伸出援助之手,拿出法宝,来帮助大雄。 当大雄被技安嘲笑时,哆啦A梦也用法宝帮助大雄。 当还用法宝一起外出历险,那一幕幕惊险的画面,有趣的表情,制作了一本本有惊险有趣的漫画。 哆啦A梦可爱性格开朗,而且他的故事,也十分有趣。 因为哆啦A梦的优点实在太多了,我仍然喜欢哆啦A梦呢!我喜欢的卡通人物有很多,比如说善良的机器猫、聪明的一休、可爱的加非猫……其中我最喜欢的卡通人物是喜羊羊。 它长着两只弯弯的犄角,脸和四肢都是肉色的,其他地方都长着白色的绒毛,脖子上系着一个铃当,穿者一双蓝色的鞋子,显得十分可爱!他想问题的时候,会把左手比成八字放在下巴低下,右手的食指在太阳穴周围转呀转,还要蹲个侧马步。 想出办法后就高兴的左跳跳、右跳跳。 聪明极了!有一次,羊村村长慢羊羊给全村最笨的懒羊羊配了一副拳击手套。 阴险的灰太郎知道了,就用食物诱惑懒羊羊,懒羊羊刚脱下手套就把懒羊羊抓走了。 大家都焦急的想起了对策。 只见喜羊羊摆出招牌动作,一会儿就想出了一个好主意。 他在灰太郎回家的路上放了一台钉杠锤机器。 不一会儿,灰太郎来了。 路过机器时,机器说话了:“灰太郎,只要你钉杠锤赢了我,我就送你一瓶可以让任何东西变大的。 转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 求一篇英语作文(写极限运动的)

[create_time]2022-11-15 01:02:07[/create_time]2022-11-24 11:18:26[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]慧圆教育[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4092个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]113[view_count]


Growing pains

When you finally learned to hide, you discover, perhaps the and giggle time called childhood; when you finally got used to struggle, you know, the original price growth so hesitate metamorphosis; when you finally "wish" grown adult, you suddenly, the phrase " don't want to grow up. " only belong to grow up, our the true saying. Number of a circle ring, the pace of growth can't slow down, my heart goodbye sunny summer, stumbled in the muddy during the rainy season, so, be concerned about, there is also the worry, growing pains to know how much?
Growing pains, is a will never own plug in knickerbockers, pleated skirt. Looking at his fierce long body, but you cannot stop, have watched helplessly as the most lovely clothes become permanent memory, and those for grown up your clothes, can't back seam in a big red bow. Because according to the person's words, you are grown up, is no longer a head with eight small plait doll. When you find yourself yearn day and night, the growth is so cruel.


[create_time]2012-08-07 11:44:45[/create_time]2012-08-22 09:21:10[finished_time]4[reply_count]9[alue_good]留下一片林322[uname][avatar]TA获得超过178万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1188[view_count]


Boys and girls,We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can rid of them correctly and wisely.First, some of us are upset about their body styles and looks.It’s unnecessary and it’s not important at all.We needn’t care about it.It’s one’s inner beauty that mattes.Second, we sometimes seem to be misunderstood by our teachers, patents and classmates.Facing this, we can find a proper time to have a heart-to-heart talk with them, trying to remove the misunderstanding.Some of us have fewer friends.I think being open-minded and friendly will do you good.Third, we may fall behind others, which makes us feel stressed.Actually we can encourage ourselves to work efficiently, full of determination.Last, some of us don’t have much pocket money, so they feel unhappy.Isn’t it strange? So long as we have some, that’s enough.And we can learn to save money!That’s all.Thank you.

[create_time]2014-10-07 20:18:21[/create_time]2014-10-22 20:16:30[finished_time]2[reply_count]2[alue_good]百度网友e8f9d4a[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]82[view_count]

求英语作文my opinion on learning english

What a student should do on the road to learn English?In my opinion,interest is important.As we all known,interest is the best teacher.Therefore,firstly,we should inspire students’ interest in English.For instance,we can play games with them in English,sing English songs,and watch English movies (especially English cartoons,such as Tom and Jerry) to name just the same.To sum up we should establish an English learning environment for our students.Secondly,encourage them to use English after class.As the saying goes” Practices make perfect.” So,as a student,he or she should speak as much as possible.Thirdly,it is obvious that a language poses of four important aspects,speaking,writing,listening,reading,and there is no exception to English.Even if we are at the beginning of studying English,we should bine these four things together.As the old Chinese saying” A good beginning is half done.” Students should form a good habit of learning English,custom makes all things easy.Fourthly,determination and concentration.We should make a decision before we do any things; it is something like make a goal.The following is to pay attention to your goal.A man can not spin and reel at the same time.As we were young,we all learned the story about a cat how to learn fishing,so we should know that it is bad for our learning to do any distracted things.Last but not least,persistence (the most important thing).According to my own experience,persistence and diligence bring luck.Persistence is a powerful strength for human beings.Everyone is looking for the easiest way to success,however,what I want to say is that no pay,no gains,and if you want to succeed,then the persistence is the easiest way to it.Constant dripping wears away a stone.

[create_time]2022-10-11 09:52:55[/create_time]2022-10-25 02:58:46[finished_time]2[reply_count]1[alue_good]达人方舟教育[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4216个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]461[view_count]

英语作文my opinion on learning english

actually i don.t know what the eaxt time when i start learning english, cos nobody wants to stand the boring staff,maybe it.s form high school.i simply think that english is more than a tool, it is just like the bridge, to get people togher, to exchange our ideas, that is the most exciting part for studying, for the communication, no matter what color you are ,what personality you are,what gander you are, through the very staff, you could understand others easiler, and the world could become smaller and collor because of , i have learnt that how to study it, that is to learn how to use it ,speak,writing, listening ,of couse ,for your good, sometimes you should remember some vulume words and how what;s going on with the grammar,anyway ,all by your efforts.

[create_time]2014-01-21 21:03:46[/create_time]2014-01-21 21:49:25[finished_time]3[reply_count]1[alue_good]miegougou[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2364[view_count]


  金斯顿大学(Kingston University)建于1899年,是英国一所知名的大学。金斯顿大学一向与工业界和其他专业团体保持密切联系,学校的课程也更符合雇主的要求。因此,去金斯顿大学留学,相对比较好就业。金斯顿大学有统一为国际生提供的本科生奖学金和研究生奖学金,也有各个学院专门提供的学院奖学金。另外还有校友奖学金、家庭奖学金等。具体情况请看下面的介绍。   Faculty scholarships   some faculty and course-specific scholarships and bursaries are available:   Kingston Business School bursaries (postgraduate only)   Kingston Law School bursaries (postgraduate only)   Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (postgraduate only)   Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing (taught MSc courses only)   These awards are offered directly by the relevant faculty, so applications are made through them.    金斯顿大学学院奖学金   金斯顿大学某些学院和课程也提供奖学金。具体有如下:   金斯顿商学院奖学金(只针对研究生)、金斯顿法学院奖学金(只针对研究生)、艺术与社会科学学院奖学金(只针对研究生)、科学工程与计算机学院奖学金(只针对理科硕士课程)。   Kingston Business School Scholarships    金斯顿商学院奖学金   MBA Scholarships (£5000)   A MBA scholarship is available to students applying for the MBA programme starting in September 2017.   This scholarship is for £5000. To apply, please complete the application form, and submit it [email protected]    (1)工商管理硕士奖学金 (5000英镑)   工商管理硕士奖学金有一个名额,颁发给申请2017年9月工商管理硕士课程的学生。   该奖学金金额为5000英镑。申请该奖学金,要完成申请表,并将申请表提交到指定邮箱(详见英文)。   Dean's Real Estate Management Scholarship (£4000)   A Real Estate Management Dean’s postgraduate scholarship is available to students applying for a Real Estate Management postgraduate programme starting in September 2017.   This scholarship is for £4000 and will be awarded on merit, to include both academic achievements and non-academic achievements such as internships, contributions to the community, sporting and work-related achievements.   To apply, please complete the application form, and submit it [email protected]   The deadline to apply is 30 June 2017.    (2)院长房地产管理奖学金 (4000英镑)   院长房地产奖学金有一个名额,颁发给申请2017年9月房地产管理研究生课程的学生。   该奖学金金额为4000英镑,颁发的依据是学生品质,包括学术成就和非学术成就。非学术成就有实习、社区贡献、体育成绩和工作相关成绩。   申请院长房地产管理奖学金,请完成申请表,并将申请表发送到指定邮箱(详见英文)。   Kingston Business School Dean's Scholarship   A Kingston Business School postgraduate scholarship is available to students applying for Business School postgraduate programme starting in September 2017.   This scholarship is for £4000 and will be awarded on merit, to include both academic achievements and non-academic achievements such as internships, contributions to the community, sporting and work-related achievements.   To apply, please complete the application form, and submit it [email protected]   Scholarships are awarded in two rounds, depending on when scholarship applications are received.   The first round deadline to apply is 30 April 2017 and the second round deadline to apply is 30 June 2017.    (3)金斯顿商学院院长奖学金   金斯顿商学院院长奖学金有一个名额,颁发给申请2017年9月商学院研究生课程的学生。   该奖学金金额为4000英镑,颁发的依据是学生品质,包括学术成就和非学术成就。非学术成就有实习、社区贡献、体育成绩和工作相关成绩。   申请金斯顿商学院院长奖学金,请完成申请表,并将申请表发送到指定邮箱(详见英文)。   该奖学金分两轮发放,发放时间取决于收到奖学金申请的时间。   第一轮申请的截止日期为2017年4月30日,第二轮申请的截止日期为2017年6月30日。   Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing Distinction Scholarship   The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing is offering a 35% reduction of tuition fees which will be awarded to home/EU students or international who meet the following criteria:   have been awarded a first-class honours degree from a university in the UK (excluding overseas campuses) after January 2015; and   have enrolled full time on a Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing MSc or MA course in September 2017 or January 2018.    科学、工程与计算机学院优秀奖学金   科学、工程与计算机学院目前提供35%的学费减免奖学金,英国学生、欧盟成员国学生和国际生都可以申请,前提是符合以下标准:   (1)已经在2015年1月之后获得英国大学授予的一级荣誉学位,并且   (2)已经注册科学、工程与计算机学院2017年9月或2018年1月课程(理科硕士课程和文科硕士课程均可)。   Alumni bursaries    校友奖学金   You are an alumnus if you have previously been a student at Kingston University. A 10% bursary is available to all international alumni who:   have completed a bachelors or masters degree course at Kingston University;   are categorised as 'overseas' for tuition fee purposes; and   register for another full-time degree course within 10 years of completion of the first award.   International alumni who register on masters degrees will receive a 10% tuition fee bursary.   International alumni who register on PhD degrees will receive a 10% tuition fee bursary for every year of the PhD course up to three years (subject to satisfactory progress).   The alumni bursary is not available to alumni who have applied to Kingston University using an educational representative/agent.   How to apply   Please note: you do not need to complete a separate application form.   Once you've applied for your course, we will check your eligibility for the discount. If you are eligible, the discount will be applied to your course fees invoice, or if you're paying in instalments, you will receive the 10% deduction on your last instalment.   If you have already applied for an eligible course starting during, or after September 2016, you will receive the discount if you have provided details of your previous Kingston University qualification. If you have not provided details of your previous Kingston University qualification in the application process you will be able to obtain the discount by providing evidence of eligibility prior to enrolment or during the enrolment process.   如果你先前在金斯顿大学学习过,你就是金斯顿大学校友。金斯顿大学校友奖学金相当于10%学费,颁发给满足以下条件的国际校友:   (1)已经完成金斯顿大学学士学位课程或硕士学位课程学习;   (2)出于学费目的,被认定为“海外”生;   (3)在完成先前学位学习的十年内,注册另一门全日制学位课程。   注册硕士学位的国际校友将可以获得10%的学费奖学金。   注册博士学位的国际校友在博士学习的每个学年,将获得10%的学费奖学金。奖学金期限不超过三年,具体期限取决于学业进展的满意度。   校友奖学金不提供给已经通过教育代理人申请金斯顿大学的校友。    申请办法   请注意:不需要完成单独的申请表。   一旦你申请课程,金斯顿大学会核对你的打折资格。如果符合资格,打折将适用于你的课程费,或者,如果是分期支付学费,你将可以在最后一期享受10%的减免。   如果你已经申请了符合奖学金要求的课程,并且开课时间为2016年9月前后,你可以享受打折,前提是你已经提供先前在金斯顿大学获得资格证书。如果在申请过程中,你没有提供资格先前在金斯顿大学获得的资格证书,你可以在注册之前或注册期间提供资格证明,获得打折。   Family bursary    家庭奖学金   You can apply for a bursary if you have a family connection with Kingston University (family means children, siblings or spouse) and are categorised as 'overseas' for tuition fee purposes):   Siblings - brothers or sisters who register full-time at the University for a degree course are entitled to a bursary of 10% of each year's tuition fee. Siblings are entitled to receive the bursary whether they are studying at the same time or different times.   This bursary will be automatic on evidence of:   the brother or sister relationship; and   of each brother or sister being registered on a full-time degree course.   Children of alumni - children whose parents completed a degree course at the University and who register full-time at the University for a degree course are entitled to a bursary of 10% of each year's tuition fee. This bursary will be automatic on evidence of one parent being a Kingston alumnus.   Spouse - husbands or wives who register full-time at the University for degree courses are both entitled to a bursary of 10% of each year's tuition fees if they are studying at the same time. The spouse of an alumnus is also entitled to receive the bursary.   How to apply   We encourage all eligible international students to apply for an international loyalty bursary:   Application forms for all bursaries will be available from the Kingston University student intranet, My Kingston, after registration. You will be able to access My Kingston once you have enrolled at the University.   The bursary will be awarded once a bursary application form has been completed and satisfactory evidence provided.   You should complete and return your application form to the International Office together with the evidence requested as follows:   marriage and/or birth certificate, translated into English (for the family bursary).   如果你有家人在金斯顿大学学习,比如孩子、兄弟姐妹或配偶,并且出于费用目的,被归类于“海外”生,你可以申请家庭奖学金。   (1)兄弟姐妹——注册金斯顿大学全日制学位课程的兄弟姐妹每年可以享受10%的学费打折奖学金。无论是同时学习或是在不同时候学习,都可以获得家庭奖学金。家庭奖学金将根据以下条件自动发放:兄弟或姐妹关系;注册全日制学位课程。   (2)孩子——如果你的父母已经完成金斯顿大学学位课程学习,并且你注册的是金斯顿大学的全日制学位课程,那么你每年可以获得10%的学费打折奖学金。这项奖学金将根据父(母)是金斯顿大学校友,自动发放。   (3)配偶——丈夫或妻子如果同时在金斯顿大学注册并学习全日制学位课程,每年可以享受10%的学费打折奖学金。校友的配偶也可以获得奖学金。    如何申请?   金斯顿大学鼓励所有符合资格的国际生申请国际忠诚奖学金:   (1)学生在注册之后,可以通过学校内联网 My Kingston,获取所有奖学金的申请表。一旦注册金斯顿大学之后,你就可以进入 My Kingston。   (2)在完成奖学金申请表并提供令人满意的证据之后,将给予发放奖学金。   (3)需要将申请表填写完整,并连同以下文件一起,将申请表返还给国际办公室:婚姻证明或出生证明及翻译件。   Study Abroad, Summer School and exchange student bursary    海外学习生、夏季学校生和交换生奖学金   Former Study Abroad, international Summer School and international exchange students are entitled to a bursary of 10% reduction off the overseas tuition fee for each year of study if you:   return to the University to follow a full-time degree course; and   are categorised as 'overseas' for tuition fee purposes.   Please note that preparation courses, such as pre-sessional English courses, do not qualify you for a bursary (if you have taken a preparation course you cannot use this to claim the bursary).   How to apply   We encourage all eligible international students to apply for an international loyalty bursary:   Application forms for all bursaries will be available from the Kingston University student intranet, My Kingst

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