
时间:2024-07-10 01:05:35编辑:奇事君


eminem写给他女儿的一首歌叫《Mockingbird》,由埃米纳姆与易斯·莱斯托填词、谱曲,完整歌词如下:Yeah 耶 I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now 我知道,有些时候,事情并不像你所想 But hey what daddy always tell you 但是,嘿,爸爸怎么告诉你的 Straighten up little soldier 挺起身来,小战士 Stiffen up that upper lip 坚强些 What you crying about 你哭什么 You got me 真是被你打败了 Hailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dad 我知道你想妈妈,我知道当我离开的时候,你也想爸爸 Well I'm gone but I'm trying to give you the life that I never had 但是我在努力,让你过上我没有享受过的生活 I can see you're sad even when you smile even when you laugh 我看得出你很难过,即使在你微笑的时候,即使在你大笑的时候 I can see it in your eyes deep inside you want to cry 从你的眼睛里,我看得出,你的内心想哭 Cuz you're scared I ain't there 因为你感到害怕,可是我不是在这吗 Daddy's with you in your prayers 只要你希望,爸爸就和你在一起 No more crying wipe them tears 不要再哭了,擦掉眼泪 Daddy's here no more nightmares 爸爸在这里,不再有恶梦We gon' pull together through it we gon' do it我们一起渡过难关,我们可以的Laney uncles crazy aint heLaneys叔叔一定是疯了,是不是Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it 但是你要知道 他很爱你We're all we got in this world 我们都在成长 When it spins when it swirls 当世界旋转的时候,当它快速的旋转 When it whirls when it twirls 当它飞快的旋转,当它极速的旋转 Two little beautiful girls 两个漂亮的小女孩 Lookin' puzzled in a daze 眼花缭乱 I know it's confusing you 我知道这让你们迷惑不解 Daddy's always on the move mamma's always on the news 爸爸总是不在家,妈妈总在新闻上 I try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems 我努力地让你们远离这些,但是好像 The harder that I try to do that the more it backfires on me 我越努力这样做,越事与愿违 All the things growing up his daddy that he had to see 所有的事,我作为爸爸不得不去面对 Daddy don't want you to see but you see just as much as he did 我不想让你了解这些,但是你却知道得很多 We did not plan it to be this way your mother and me 你妈妈和我不是这样计划的 But things have gotten so bad between us 但有些事情使我们之间的感情恶化 I don't see us ever being together ever again 我们已经很久没有 Like we used to be when we was teenagers 像年轻的时候,经常在一起了 But then of course everything always happens for a reason 当然总是事出有因 I guess it was never meant to be 我从没想过会变成现在这样 But it's just something we have no control 有些事是我们不能控制的 over and that's what destiny is 也许这就是命运吧 But no more worries rest your head and go to sleep 但是不用担心,躺下睡觉吧 Maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream 也许某天我们醒来,发现这只是一个梦 Now hush little baby don't you cry 嘘,小宝贝,不要哭 Everything's gonna be alright 一切都会好起来 Stiffen that upperlip up little lady i told ya 我告诉过你,要坚强 Daddy's here to hold ya through the night 爸爸守护着你,度过这个夜晚 I know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why 我知道妈妈现在不在,我们不清楚原因 We feel how we feel inside 我们只有体会内心的感受 It may seem a little crazy pretty baby 这有点疯狂,但是,漂亮的小宝贝 But i promise momma's gon' be alright 我向你保证,妈妈一切安好 It's funny 呵呵,有趣 I remember back one year when daddy had no money 我记得一年前,爸爸没有钱 Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up 妈妈把圣诞礼物包起来 And stuck 'em under the tree and said some of 'em were from me 挂在树上,说一些是我送的 Cuz daddy couldn't buy 'em 因为爸爸买不起 I'll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night crying 我永远不会忘记那个圣诞夜晚,我坐着哭了一整夜 Cuz daddy felt like a bum see daddy had a job 因为爸爸觉得自己就像个乞丐。看,爸爸有工作 But his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom 但是这工作只够你和妈妈吃上饭 And at the time every house that we lived in 那时候,我们不断地换房子住 Either kept getting broke into and robbed 经常有人闯入抢劫 Or shot up on the block and your mom was saving money for you in a jar 或在街区开枪,妈妈把钱存在罐里 Tryna start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college 一个小猪的存钱罐,为了你将来上大学 Almost had a thousand dollars till someone broke in and stole it 差不多攒到1000美元的时候,一个家伙闯进家里把它偷走 And I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma's heart 我知道妈妈的心都快碎了 And it seemed like everything was just startin' to fall apart 仿佛一切都要完了 Mom and dad was arguin' a lot so momma moved back 爸爸和妈妈开始不断争吵,妈妈搬到 On the Chalmers in the flat one bedroom apartment 一张床的公寓里 And dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile on Novara 爸爸搬到离Novara 8英里远的地方 And that's when daddy went to California with his CD and met Dr.Dre 后来爸爸带着他的CD去了加州,碰到Dr.Dre And flew you and momma out to see me 我把你和妈妈接了过来,我们又见面了 But daddy had to work you and momma had to leave me 但是爸爸不得不去工作,你和妈妈不得不离开我 Then you started seeing daddy on the TV and momma didn't like it 不久你就会看到爸爸出现在电视上,可是妈妈不喜欢这样 And you and Laney were to young to understand it 你和Laney太小还无法理解 Papa was a rollin' stone, momma developed a habit 爸爸总是居无定所,妈妈染上了恶习 And it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it 一切发生得太快,我们无法把握 I'm just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand 很抱歉,不得不让你们作一次目击证人 Cuz all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud 因为我希望我做的一切,能成为你的骄傲Now I'm sittin in this empty house just reminiscing 现在我坐在空空的房子里,回忆往事Lookin' at your baby pictures it just trips me out 看着你们出生的照片,我又想起过去To see how much you both have grown 看,你们都长这么大了,现在你们是姐妹了it's almost like you're sisters now瞧你们多漂亮,爸爸还在这 Wow guess you pretty much are and daddy's still here 我也在对你说,爸爸还在这Laney I'm talkin' to you too daddy's still here 莱尼我说太爸爸还在这里你I like the sound of that yeah我喜欢这音乐It's got a ring to it don't it 铃声响了吧Shh momma's only gone for the moment 嘘,妈妈只是离开了一会儿 Now hush little baby don't you cry 嘘,小宝贝,不要哭Everything's gonna be alright 一切都会好起来Stiffen that upperlip up little lady i told ya 我告诉过你,要坚强Daddy's here to hold ya through the night 爸爸守护着你,度过这个夜晚 I know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why 我知道妈妈现在不在,我们不清楚原因 We feel how we feel inside 我们只有体会内心的感受 It may seem a little crazy pretty baby 这有点疯狂,但是,漂亮的小宝贝 But i promise momma's gon' be alright 我向你保证,妈妈一切安好 And if you ask me too 如果你有要求Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird爸爸给你买只知更鸟I'mma give you the world 我可以给你全世界I'mma buy a diamond ring for you我可以为你买钻戒 I'mma sing for you我可以为你歌唱 I'll do anything for you to see you smile我可以做任何事 只要看到你微笑 And if that mockingbird don't sing and that ring don't shine 如果那只知更鸟不再歌唱,戒指不再闪耀 I'mma break that birdies neck 我拧断鸟的脖子 I'd go back to the jewler who sold it to ya 我回到珠宝店让卖我珠宝的人 And make him eat every carat don't fuck with dad (haha) 吃下每一克拉钻石,不要怪爸爸啊(哈哈)扩展资料:《Mockingbird》在2005年8月14日,获得第7届青少年选择奖“音乐选择:R&B/嘻哈歌曲”奖项 。2006年2月7日,该首歌获得第48届格莱美奖”最佳说唱表演“奖项的提名。《Mockingbird》没有浮夸的配器以及电子合成,只是十分简单的钢琴伴奏和鼓点节奏。埃米纳姆的声音一次又一次地轻轻敲击着耳膜,但却像是往听者的心脏中伸出了一只手,将听者的心揉得生疼。听埃米纳姆诉说着自己曾经在圣诞节因为买不起礼物而深深自责乃至整夜流泪。听他诉说着由于工作的原因,自己只能看着女儿和侄女的照片想象着她们的样子和声音,实在是令人无法不为之动容。参考资料:mockingbird 百度百科


Hailie是他的亲生女儿Laney是他的侄女 已被收养Whitney是Hailie同母异父的妹妹女儿Hailie、侄女Alaina 和另一个女孩Whitney都叫他爸爸,“这三个女孩都叫我爸爸,”他写道,“她们一样爱我,我也对她们一样爱护。因为我取得了成功,我可以给他们提供我曾经没有过上的生活,这就是这一切的意义所在。”Eminem's ChildrenHailie Jade Scott (Mathers) is the daughter of Eminem and his wife Kimberly Ann Scott. She was born on December 25, 1995. The songs "Mockingbird" on Eminem's album Encore, "Hailie's Song" on The Eminem Show, and Eminem's 2005 single "When I'm Gone" are dedicated to her. Hailie joins her father in the hook for "My Dad's Gone Crazy." She also features prominently in a number of his other songs, most notably in Just The Two Of Us on The Slim Shady EP, later renamed '97 Bonnie & Clyde on The Slim Shady LP, which is a fictional account of Eminem, accompanied by Hailie, dumping the dead body of his wife into a lake, while he talks lovingly to his daughter in baby-talk. Alaina Mathers is Eminem's eleven-year-old adopted daughter, and the biological daughter of his wife's twin sister. Eminem has custody of his niece and is raising her as Hailie's sister. She is also referenced in the song "Mockingbird" on Encore, as "Laney".Nathan Mathers is Eminem's younger half-brother by 14 years, and is in his legal custody.Eminem is also determined to get custody of Whitney, Kim's child by another man, in order to become the girl's father. Eminem is quoted as saying about Whitney: "I'm in love with that girl, man. She's so sweet and funny." He plans to change Whitney's last name to Mathers.




1、Hailie's song 是Eminem写给他的女儿Hailie的一首歌。Hailie‘s song 在赢得Hailie的抚养权后,Em写的一首歌,起先未收入专辑,只是录了demo给一个女性友人听,结果她听完感动得哭了,于是收入the eminem show。歌词中写道:“有时候觉得世界就快毁灭,可是她回到了我身边。”Hailie确实是Em最爱最珍视的。2、《When I'm Gone》作为当时埃米纳姆的“告别曲”,无疑是他所有歌曲里面十分感性的一首,无论副歌还是主歌都流露出令人悲伤的情感。歌词:You lied to me dad, and now you make mummy sad。你对我说谎了爸爸,你现在让妈妈伤心了。3、《Mockingbird》歌曲创作于2004年,埃米纳姆在同年的5月至6月在美国加利福利亚州完成录制。这是一首写给埃米纳姆女儿海莉的歌曲。2002年,埃米纳姆与妻子金离婚,埃米纳姆认为他没能给海莉带来幸福的生活,于是写了这首歌曲来向海莉道歉,并在歌中向海莉解释了单亲家庭生活为何不美满。4、《Like toy Soldiers》是一首歌,由Eminem演唱,收录于《Like Toy Soldiers》。歌词:I heard him say Hailie’s name on a song and I just lost it。我听到他在一首歌中念道Hailie(EMINEM的女儿)的名字我简直抓狂了。5、My dad‘s gone crazy(英文专辑原名称是girls) 这是一首很有趣的歌,因为Em录歌时hailie总来捣乱,所以Em干脆让女儿参与的录制,这首歌的语言很俏皮可爱像是说给孩子听的,旋律很欢快,副歌部分由hailie亲自献唱。


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