
时间:2024-07-09 16:17:27编辑:奇事君

MR 是什么意思

MR,作为英文缩写和简写有多种含义,可表示MR = Match Record 赛会纪录,MR = memory read,存储器读出,另在移动通信领域还可表示测量报告,另有香港新晋乐MR,在hadoop中代表Map Reduce的简写。MR(混合现实),MR是Magic Leap最新的科技,它制造的虚拟景象可以进入现实的生活同时能够认识你。扩展资料:MR的其它意思意思分别是:1、MR指的是介导现实:介导现实由智能硬件之父多伦多大学教授SteveMann提出的介导现实,全称MediatedReality,简称MR。2、MR指的是边际收益:边际收益是指增加一单位产品的销售所增加的收益,即最后一单位产品的售出所取得的收益。它可以是正值或负值。边际收益是厂商分析中的重要概念。3、Mr.(mister)也是是表示男士的一个英文单词,用于男士的姓,姓名或职务之前,对于没有头衔的男人的称呼或与某种官职、头衔等连用的称呼。参考资料来源:百度百科-MR (英文缩写)百度百科-介导现实(MR)百度百科-边际收益


"白马王子"用英语是:Prince Charming例句:1. To begin with, he was Prince Charming. 首先,他是一个白马王子。 例句来自《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2. I'm still waiting for my Prince Charming!我还在等着我的白马王子呢!3.I had often been dreaming my ideal prince charming. 我经常梦想心中理想的白马王子。


Mr代表意思是先生。固定词组:Mr Medici 好先生。Mr Big 大先生 ; 大先生乐队 ; 大人物合唱团。Mr Cinema 老港正传 ; 老左正传。Mr Black 黑猫警长 ; 布莱克先生 ; 黑先生 ; 议员黑色。例句:"They do not like criticism from outside, " says Mr Rissi. 里斯先生说:“他们不喜欢来自外界的批评。”扩展资料:Mr相对的单词是Mrs。Mrs代表意思是太太;夫人(用于已婚妇女姓名前的尊称)。固定词组:Mrs coma 陈方昏迷。Mrs heart 夫人的心。Mrs Lancaster 兰开斯特夫人 ; 兰开斯特太太 ; 第十七章。例句:One day, Mrs King asked Lucy to go shopping for her. 一天, 金夫人要露西到商店去为她买东西。


Snow-whiteⅠOnce there was a Queen. She was sitting at the window. There was snow outside in the garden--snow on the hill and in the lane, snow on the huts and on the trees: all things were white with snow.She had some cloth in her hand and a needle. The cloth in her hand was as white as the snow.The Queen was making a coat for a little child. She said, "I want my child to be white as this cloth, white as the snow. And I shall call her Snow-white."Some days after that the Queen had a child. The child was white as snow. The Queen called her Snow-white.But the Queen was very ill, and after some days she died. Snow-white lived, and was a very happy and beautiful child.One year after that, the King married another Queen. The new Queen was very beautiful; but she was not a good woman.A wizard had given this Queen a glass. The glass could speak. It was on the wall in the Queen's room.Every day the Queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was. As she looked in the glass, she asked:" Tell me, glass upon the wall,Who is most beautiful of all?"And the glass spoke and said:"The Queen is most beautiful of all."Years went by. Snow-white grew up and became a little girl. Every day the Queen looked in the glass and said,"Tell me, glass upon the wall,Who is most beautiful of all?"And every day the glass spoke and said,"The Queen is most beautiful of all."Years went by, and Snow-white grew up and became a woman. Every year she became more and more beautiful.Then one day, when Snow-white was a woman, the Queen looked in the glass and said,"Tell me, glass upon the wall,Who is most beautiful of all?"And the glass said,"Snow-white is most beautiful of all."When the Queen heard this, she was very angry. She said, "Snow-white is not more beautiful than I am. There is no one who is more beautiful than I am."Then the Queen sat on her bed and cried.After one hour the Queen went out of her room. She called one of the servants, and said, " Take Snow-white into the forest and kill her."The servant took Snow-white to the forest, but he did not kill her, because she was so beautiful and so good.The man took Snow-white into the forest, but he did not kill her. He said, "I shall not kill you; but do not go to the King's house, because the Queen is angry and she will see you.If the Queen sees you, she will make some other man kill you. Wait here in the forest; some friends will help you."Then he went away.Poor Snow-white sat at the foot of a tree and cried. Then she saw that night was coming. She said, " I will not cry. I will find some house where I can sleep tonight. I cannot wait here: the bears will eat me."She went far into the forest. Then she saw a little hut. She opened the door of the hut, and went in.ⅡIn the hut she saw seven little beds. There was a table and on the table there were seven little loaves and seven little glasses. She ate one of the loaves. Then she said, "I want some water to drink." So she drank some water out of one of the glasses.Then she fell asleep on one of the seven little beds.The hut was the home of seven Little Men.When it was night, the seven Little Men came to the hut. Each Little Man had a big beard, and a little blue coat. Each Little Man came into the hut, and took his little lamp. Then each Little Man sat down, and ate his little loaf, and drank his little glass of water.But one Little Man said,"Someone has eaten my little loaf."And another Little Man said,"Someone has drunk my little glass of water."Then the seven Little Men went to bed, but one Little Man said,"Someone is sleeping on my little bed."All the seven Little Men came to look at Snow-white as she slept on the Little Man's bed. They said,"She is very beautiful.""She is very beautiful.""She is very beautiful.""She is very beautiful.""She is very beautiful.""She is very beautiful.""She is very beautiful."Snow-white awoke, and saw the seven Little Men with their big beards standing near her bed. She was afraid .The Little Men said, "Do not be afraid. We are your friends. Tell us how you came here."Snow-white said, "I will tell you." Then she told them her story.They said, "Do not be afraid. Live here with us. But see that the door is shut when we are not in the house with you. Do not go out. If you go out, the bad Queen will find you. Then she will know that you are not dead, and will tell someone to kill you."So Snow-white lived in 'the hut with the seven Little Men.After some days Snow-white went into the garden. One of the Queen's servants was going through the forest, and he saw her. He went and told the Queen, "Snow-white is in a hut in the forest." The Queen was very angry when she heard that snow-white was not dead.The Queen took an apple. She made a hole in the red side of the apple, and put some powder into the hole. Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut. She called, "Is any one there?"Snow-white opened the door, and came out to her. The Queen said, "I have some pretty apples. Eat one of my pretty apples." Snow-white took the apple and said, "Is it good?" The Queen said, "See, I will eat this white side of the apple; you eat the red side. Then you will know that it is good."Snow-white ate the red side of the apple. When the powder was in her mouth she fell down dead.The Queen went back to her house. She went into her room. She looked into the glass and said,"Tell me, glass upon the wall,Who is most beautiful of all?"The glass said,"The Queen is most beautiful of all."Then the Queen knew that Snow-white was dead.The Little Men came back to the hut. When they saw that Snow-white was dead, the poor Little Men cried. Then they put Snow-white in a box made of glass. They took the glass box to a hill and put it there, and said, "Everyone who goes by will see how beautiful she was."Then each Little Man put one white flower on the box, and they went away.Just as they were going away, a Prince came by. He saw the glass box and said, "What is that?" Then he saw Snow-white in the box.He said, " She was very beautiful: but do not put her there. There is a hall in the garden of my father's house. It is all made of white stone. We will take the glass box and put it in the hall of beautiful white stone."The Little Men said, "Take her."Then the Prince told his servants to take up the box. They took up the box. Just then one of the servants fell down. The box fell, and Snow-white fell with the box. The bit of apple fell out of her mouth: she awoke, and sat up, and said, "Where am I?"The Prince said "You are with me. I never saw anyone as beautiful as you. Come with me and be my Queen."The Prince married Snow-white, and she became his Queen.A man went and told this to the bad Queen. When she heard it she was so angry that she fell down dead.Snow-white lived and was very happy ever after. And the Little Men came to see her every year.扩展资料:《白雪公主和七个小矮人》是一部1937年的美国迪斯尼动画电影,由大卫·汉德执导拍摄,爱德丽安娜·卡西洛蒂、露西儿·拉佛恩、哈利·史东克威尔等配音,影片于1937年12月21日在美国首播。该片改编自格林兄弟所写的德国童话故事《白雪公主》,讲述的是一位父母双亡、名为白雪的妙龄公主,为躲避继母邪恶皇后的迫害而逃到森林里,在动物们的帮助下,遇到七个小矮人的故事。参考资料:百度百科-白雪公主和七个小矮人


Snow is a young and beautiful little princess has a royal descent, is a pure princess, but unfortunately, her beauty queen had been viciously jealous; she fled the evil queen, in the forest and the Seven Dwarfs as a friend . 白雪是一个年轻美丽的小公主,有着皇室血统,是一个纯正的公主,但是很不幸,她的美貌遭到恶毒王后的嫉妒;她逃离了恶魔王后,在森林里和七个小矮人成为朋友。Snow dream to be true love, she and her prince charming love at first sight! Finally, she got Prince Charming's love, break the Queen to Snow White's poison apple curse.白雪梦想着得到真爱,她和白马王子一见钟情!最后,她得到白马王子的爱情,破解了皇后给白雪公主的毒苹果诅咒。 扩展资料:人物原型经过17年的考证和讨论,德国西南部小镇洛尔的童话学者自信地表示,白雪公主来自他们的家乡。一时之间,洛尔成为全球白雪公主迷关注的焦点,远自日本甚至哈萨克斯坦的电视台均来采访。洛尔童话协会主席巴特尔斯表示,白雪公主名叫玛丽亚·冯·埃特尔,是于1729年6月15日在洛尔出生的贵族。七名小矮人来自西部比伯的矿场,由于矿洞窄小,只能容得下身材矮小的矿工。他们为免被落石所伤,通常会戴着色彩鲜艳的头巾。而毒苹果则是涂上了当地盛产的一种植物提炼出来的毒素。参考资料来源:百度百科——白雪公主


1、两者代表的两种人一般生活环境,家庭背景都是不一样的。白马王子是指有权或钱堆出来的贵族化浪漫环境和气氛,如花园、泳池、烛光美餐、贵重礼品、豪华游轮、异国风光等等。最后,还要有胯下的那匹“白马”(在现代,要对等成法拉利、劳斯莱斯 ,或至少是奔驰、宝马),它不是老杂毛马,更非小黑叫驴,一定是珍稀的良种,甚可价值百万千万,这些当然也是权或财堆出来的。黑马王子是指家庭条件一般,但是潜心努力、不畏强手而一举成名的后起之秀。2、黑马王子和白马王子的角色形象不同。白马王子是出现西方童话故事里的一种人物。通常这位王子出现并解救落难少女,最为典型的就是把她从邪恶的魔法中释放出来。在很多传统民间故事里的英雄人物都会被赋予白马王子的特性,这其中有《白雪公主》、《睡美人》和《灰姑娘》。黑马原是指在赛马场上本来不被看好的马匹,却能在比赛中让绝大多数跌破眼镜,成为出乎意料的获胜者,而在比喻大人的时候就有啦黑马王子一说。3、白马王子往往代表的是爱情故事而黑马王子代表一张成名的成功者。白马王子一般都很英俊并且十分浪漫,但是并没有被深入刻画。在多数的情况下,他们被视为赐给女主角的奖励,而并非作为角色存在。在现今,白马王子可用于指代少女或年轻的女人在梦想中遇到的英俊、富有、有能力的男士。这位男士对她一见钟情,立下决心,非她不娶;为她赴汤蹈火,克服无数的困难,终于争取到她的芳心。一八三一年,是英国首相本杰明 迪斯勒利,出版了一本名叫《年轻的公爵》的小说。书中描叙了一匹黑马,原被认为夺魁的可能性极小,谁知在比赛中它竟一举获胜。从而“黑马”一词问世。


白马王子翻译为Prince Charming,这里的charming是形容词,意思是"迷人的,有魅力的"..不知道黑马王子指什么样的王子,如果是指比较冷酷的王子,那么照同样的翻译方法就是:
Prince Cool
Prince Evillooking
Prince Black
Prince who has a black horse.

上一篇:ms project
